Jargon Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Dec 15, 2022

Jargon Reading Answers contains a write up that explains about the importance and use of Jargon by everyone and its underestimation. Jargon Reading Answers comprises 13 different types of questions. Candidates in this IELTS Section will be shown various question types with clear instructions. Jargon Reading Answers comprises three types of questions: Matching heading, sentence completion, and Choose the correct option. For Matching heading in IELTS Reading passage, candidates need to thoroughly go through each passage. For sentence completion, candidates need to skim the passage for keywords and understand the concept. To choose the correct option, candidates must read the IELTS Reading passage and understand the statement provided. To gain proficiency, candidates can practice from IELTS reading practice test

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Jargon Reading Answers

  1. Jargon is a loaded word. One dictionary defines it, neatly and neutrally, as ‘the technical vocabulary or idiom of a special activity or group’, but this sense is almost completely overshadowed by another: ‘obscure and often pretentious language marked by a roundabout way of expression and use of long words’. For most people, it is this second sense which is at the front of their minds when they think about jargon. Jargon is said to be a bad use of language, something to be avoided at all costs. No one ever describes it in positive terms (‘that was a delightful piece of rousing jargon’). Nor does one usually admit to using it oneself; the myth is that jargon is something only other people employed.
  2. The reality, however, is that everyone uses jargon. It is an essential part of the network of occupations and pursuits that make up society. All jobs present an element of jargon, which workers learn as they develop their expertise. All hobbies require mastery of a jargon. Each society grouping has its jargon. The phenomenon turns out to be universal – and valuable. It is the jargon element which, in a job, can promote economy and precision of expression and thus help make life easier for the worker. It is also the chief linguistic element that shows professional awareness (‘know-how’) and social togetherness (‘shop-talk’).
  3. When we have learned to command it, jargon is something we readily take pleasure in, whether the subject area is motorcycles, knitting, cricket, baseball or computers. It can add pace, variety and humour to speech – as when, with an important event approaching, we might slip into NASA-speak, and talk about the countdown, all systems go, and lift-off. We enjoy the mutual showing-off which stems from a fluent use of terminology, and we enjoy the in-jokes which shared linguistic experience permits. Moreover, we are jealous of this knowledge. We are quick to demean anyone who tries to be part of our group without being prepared to take on its jargon.
  4. If Jargon is so essential a part of our lives, why then has it had such a bad press? The most important reason stems from the way jargon can exclude as well as include. We may not be too concerned if we find ourselves faced with an impenetrable wall of jargon when the subject matter has little-perceived relevance to our everyday lives, as in the case of hydrology say, or linguistics. But when the subject matter is one where we feel implicated and think we have a right to know, and the speaker uses words which make it hard for us to understand, then we start to complain, and if we suspect that the obfuscation is deliberate policy, we unreservedly condemn, labelling it gobbledegook and calling down public derision upon it.
  5. No area is exempt, but the fields of advertising, politics and defence have been especially criticized in recent years by the various campaigns for Plain English. In these domains, the extent to which people are prepared to use jargon to hide realities is a ready source of amusement, disbelief and horror. A lie is a lie, which can be only temporarily hidden by calling it an ‘inoperative statement’ or ‘an instance of plausible deniability’. Nor can a nuclear plant explosion be suppressed for long behind such phrases as ‘energetic disassembly’, ‘abnormal evolution’ or, ‘plant transient’.
  6. While condemning unnecessary or obscuring jargon in others, we should not forget to look out for it in ourselves. It is so easy to ‘slip into’ jargon, without realising that our own listeners/readers do not understand. It is also temptingly easy to slip some jargon into our expression, to ensure that others do not understand. And it is just as easy to begin using jargon which we ourselves do not understand. The motivation to do such apparently perverse things is not difficult to grasp. People like to be ‘in’, to be part of an intellectual or technical elite; and the use of jargon, whether understood or not, is a badge of membership. Jargon, also, can provide a lazy way into a group or an easy way of hiding uncertainties and inadequacies: when terminology slips plausibly from the tongue, it is not essential for the brain to keep up. Indeed some people have developed this skill to professional levels. And certainly, faced with a telling or awkward question, and the need to say something acceptable in public, slipping into jargon becomes a simple way out, and can soon become a bad habit.

Section 2

Solution with Explanation
Questions 1-6:
Reading Passage has six paragraphs, A – F. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number i – ix in boxes 1 – 6 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

  1. The benefits of simple language
  2. A necessary tool
  3. A lasting way of concealing disasters
  4. The worst offenders
  5. A deceptively attractive option
  6. Differing interpretations
  7. Publicizing new words
  8. Feeling shut out
  9. Playing with words
  1. Paragraph A

Answer: vi
Supporting Statement: Jargon is a loaded word. One dictionary defines it, neatly and neutrally, as ‘the technical vocabulary or idiom of a special activity or group’, but this sense is almost completely overshadowed by another: ‘obscure and often pretentious language marked by a roundabout way of expression and use of long words.’ For most people, it is this second sense which is at the front of their minds when they think about jargon.
Keywords: Jargon, obscure, second sense.
Keyword location: Paragraph A
Explanation: We can deduce from paragraph A that different people interpret jargon in various ways. Thus, vi is the answer.

  1. Paragraph B

Answer: ii
Supporting Statement: in reality, everyone uses the word, Jargon. It is an essential part of the network of occupations and pursuits that make up society. All jobs present an element of jargon, which workers learn as they develop their expertise. All hobbies require mastery of jargon. Each society grouping has its jargon. The phenomenon turns out to be universal – and valuable. It is the jargon element which, in a job, can promote economy and precision of expression, and thus help make life easier for the workers. It is also the chief linguistic element that shows professional awareness (‘know-how’) and social togetherness (‘shop-talk’).
Keywords: occupations, jobs, hobbies, professional awareness, social togetherness.
Keyword location: Paragraph B
Explanation: These lines serve as an example of how pervasive Jargon usage is given how essential it is to the network. The entire text contains jargon. An element is a tool in this context. Therefore, A necessary tool is the suitable header for this paragraph. The answer is therefore A.

  1. Paragraph C

Answer: ix
Supporting Statement: When we have learned to command it, jargon is something we readily take pleasure in, whether the subject area is motorcycles, knitting, cricket, baseball, or computers. It can add pace, variety, and humor to speech – as when, with an important event approaching, we might slip into NASA-speak, and talk about the countdown, all systems go, and lift-off.
Keywords: motorcycles, knitting, cricket, baseball, NASA.
Keyword location: Paragraph C
Explanation: The usage of jargon in these sentences demonstrates how it may be done to enjoy any topic, regardless of the subject. As a result, regardless of topic, paragraph C serves as an illustration of word play. Therefore, ix is the right response.

  1. Paragraph D

Answer: viii
Supporting Statement: If jargon is so essential a part of our lives, why then has it had such bad press? The most important reason stems from the way jargon can be excluded as well as included. We may not be too concerned if we find ourselves faced with an impenetrable wall of jargon when the subject matter has little perceived relevance to our everyday lives, as in the case of hydrology, say, or linguistics.
Keywords: impenetrable wall, hydrology, linguistics.
Keyword location: Paragraph D
Explanation: These sentences suggest that Jargon has a bad reputation and that we shouldn't be too alarmed if we encounter a wall of it when the subject is unrelated. But when the subject is one in which we feel involved, we think we have a right to know. But it gets difficult to understand. We undergo a closing on the inside. As a result, the appropriate heading for Paragraph D is viii.

  1. Paragraph E

Answer: iv
Supporting Statement: no area is exempt, but the fields of advertising, politics, and defense have been especially criticized in recent years by the various campaigns for Plain English. In these domains, the extent to which people are prepared to use jargon to hide realities is a ready source of amusement, disbelief, and horror. A lie is a lie, which can be only temporarily hidden by calling it an ‘inoperative statement’ or ‘an instance of plausible deniability.’ Nor can a nuclear plant explosion be suppressed for long behind such phrases as ‘energetic disassembly’, ‘abnormal evolution’, or ‘plant transient’.
Keywords: plain english, amusement, disbelief, horror, plausible deniability.
Keyword location: Paragraph E
Explanation:  It's obvious that the author only employs the most offensive vocabulary. Therefore, the answer is iv.

  1. Paragraph F

Answer: v
Supporting Statement: While condemning unnecessary or obscuring jargon in others, we should not forget to look out for it in ourselves. It is so easy to ‘slip into’ jargon, without realizing that our own listeners/readers do not understand. It is also temptingly easy to slip some jargon into our expression, to ensure that others do not understand. And it is just as easy to begin using jargon that we ourselves do not understand. The motivation to do such apparently perverse things is not difficult to grasp.
Keywords: slip into Jargon, motivation, grasp.
Keyword location: Paragraph F
Explanation:  Conclusions stating While employing jargon and the requirement to speak well in public both get easier. They might soon have a negative effect. As a result, the author thinks it's a seductively alluring option. Therefore, the appropriate heading for the paragraph is v.

Questions 7-12:
Complete the summary using the list of words A-L below. Write the correct letter A- L in boxes 7 – 12 on your answer sheet.

The Up Side of Jargon

Jargon plays a useful part in many aspects of life including leisure. For example, when people take up pastimes they need to develop a good 7……………………………of the relevant jargon. During the discussion of these or other areas of interest, the conversation can become more exciting and an element of 8……………………….can be introduced by the use of shared jargon. Jargon is particularly helpful in the workplace. It leads to more 9……………………….in the way colleagues communicate during work hours. Taking part in 10……………………….during moments of relaxation can also help them to bond better. It is interesting that members of a group, whether social or professional, often demonstrate a certain 11……………………….. towards the particular linguistic characteristics of their subject area and tend to regard new people who do not wish to learn the jargon with 12…………………..

Question 7:

Answer: F
Supporting Statement: when we have learned to command it, jargon is something we readily take pleasure in, whether the subject area is motorcycles, knitting, cricket, baseball, or computers. These lines indicate that when we’ve learned to command it, Jargon is something that we readily consider to take pleasure in, irrespective of the subject.
Keywords: motorcycles, knitting, cricket, baseball.
Keyword location: Paragraph C
Explanation:It follows that jargon has numerous applications in life, including leisure. For instance, learning vocabulary is important when starting a new pastime. F. The right action is to issue a command.

Question 8:

Answer: L
Supporting Statement: Jargon plays a vital role in different aspects of life including leisure, where It can add pace, variety, and humor to speech – as when, with an important event approaching, we might slip into NASA-speak, and talk about the countdown, all systems go, and lift-off.
Keywords: Jargon, NASA, Leisure.
Keyword location: Paragraph C, line 2
Explanation: These words imply that the talk can become more fascinating by utilizing popular language. And when addressing these or other interesting subjects, add a comic aspect. L. Humor is the answer, so.

Question 9:

Answer: D
Supporting Statement: It is the jargon element which, in a job, can promote economy and precision of expression, and thus help make life easier for the worker.
Keywords: job, economy, worker, precision of expression.
Keyword location: Paragraph B
Explanation:  These terms imply that since jargon promotes economy and exact discourse, it is particularly helpful in the job. enhancing the effectiveness of interactions among coworkers throughout working hours, as well as further simplifying life for the employees. Therefore, D. Efficiency is the right answer.

Question 10:

Answer: C
Supporting Statement: Jargon is also the chief linguistic element that shows professional awareness (‘know-how’) and social togetherness (‘shop-talk’).
Keywords: chief linguistic element, know-how, shop-talk.
Keyword location: Paragraph B, last line
Explanation: These lines suggest that the primary language element displaying professional awareness and social cohesion is jargon (shop-talk). In order to improve their relationship, talk business with them whenever you can. Shop talk is the answer, which is C.

Question 11:

Answer: I
Supporting Statement: enjoys the mutual showing-off which stems from a fluent use of terminology, and enjoys the in-jokes which shared linguistic experience permits. Moreover, they’re jealous of this knowledge. They’re quick to demean anyone who tries to be part of their group without being prepared to take on its jargon.
Keywords: mutual showing off, linguistic experience, knowledge.
Keyword location: Paragraph C
Explanation: It's obvious from these sentences that the writer's collective is envious of one another and disparages anyone who aspires to join them. It is clear that they have a certain amount of concentration on the unique linguistic characteristics of their subject. The solution is possessiveness, which is I.

Question 12:

Answer: G
Supporting Statement: enjoy the mutual showing-off which stems from a fluent use of terminology, and enjoy the in-jokes which shared linguistic experience permits. Moreover, they’re jealous of this knowledge. They’re quick to demean anyone who tries to be part of their group without being prepared to take on its jargon.
Keywords: mutual showing off, linguistic experience, knowledge.
Keyword location: Paragraph C, last line
Explanation:These statements imply that the author's organization discredits anyone who aspires to join them but is unable to pick up their lingo. It is therefore clear that the writing community tends to dislike newcomers who don't wish to learn Jargon. G is the solution to this, thus.

Questions 13:

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write the correct letter in box 13 on your answer sheet.

  1. Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?
  1. Jargon thoroughly deserves the bad reputation it has gained.
  2. Jargon should not be encouraged except in the workplace.
  3. Jargon should not be used if the intention is to exclude others.
  4. Everyday life would be very much better without jargon.

Answer: C
Supporting Statement: If jargon is so essential a part of our lives, why then has it had such bad press? The most important reason stems from the way jargon can be excluded as well as included.
Keywords: Jargon, excluded, bad press.
Keyword location: Paragraph D
Explanation: These phrases hint that the critical element has to do with whether or not jargon is used. Because of this, the author agrees that jargon shouldn't be used while trying to exclude other people. Therefore, the answer is C

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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