It's Your Choice! or Is It Really? Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Mar 13, 2024

It's Your Choice! or Is It Really? Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. It's Your Choice! or Is It Really? Reading Answers have a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. This topic has the first 5 questions in which we have to answer TRUE or FALSE. The next 4 questions are fill in the blanks. The last 5 questions are fill in the blanks. The next two questions are needing two options from the given choices. 

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers, which feature topics such as It's Your Choice! or Is It Really? Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Text Below and Answer Questions

It's Your Choice! or Is It Really?

  1. As we displace from the industrial era to the digital age, public demands on our intellect are no less taxing…
  2. We always need to process a broad range of details to make decisions. Sometimes these decisions are insignificant, such as what gelatin to buy. At other times, interests are higher, such as deciding which manifestation to report to the doctor. But, the reality that we are customary to refining huge amounts of information does not mean that we are better at it (Chabris & Simons, 2009). Our sensorial and cerebral systems have organized ways to fault of which we are frequently, maybe rapturously, ignorant.
  3. Assume that you are taking a walk in your local city park when a traveler proceeds towards you asking for directions. During the talk, two men taking a door pass between the two of you. If the person asking for directions had swapped places with one of the people taking the door, would you eyed? Analysts advised that you might not. Harvard psychologists Simons and Levi(1998) conducted a field work using this exact set-up and pioneer that the swap in identity went unseen by 7(46.6%) of the 15 participants. This occurrence has been called as ‘changed blindness’ and refers to the trouble that spectator have in noticing switch to visual scenes (e.g. the person swap), when the swap are go with some other visual disturbance(e.g. The passing of the door)
  4. Over the past 10 years, the swap blindness occurrence has been copied many times. Mainly noteworthy is a test by Davies and Hine (2007) who deliberate if swap blindness affects bystander identification. In Particular, participants were presented with a video of a housebreaking. In the video, a man entered a house, walking via the various rooms and putting precious things into a rucksack. But, the identity of the robber swapped after the first half of the record while the beginning robber was out of sight. Out of the 80 participants, 49(61%) did not eye the swap of the robber’s identity, advising that swap blindness may be serious suggestions from criminal proceedings.
  5. To most of us, it looks strange that people could miss such clear swaps while they are paying full attention. But, to catch those swaps, attention must be decided on the swapping characteristics. In the study narrated above, participants were likely not to have anticipated the swap to occur, and so their attention may have been concentrated on the valuables the robber was thefting, rather than the robber.
  6. Drawing from swap blindness analysis, researchers have come to the end that we discern the world with much less information than formerly thought (Johansson, Hall, & Sikstrom, 2008). Rather than observe all of the visual information that encircle us, we look to focus our attention only on those characteristics that are now meaningful or major, ignoring those that are immaterial to our current requirements and goals. Thus at any given time, our portrayal of the world that encircles us is primitive and incomplete, making it possible for changes or trickeries to go unknown(Chabris & Simons, 2010).
  7. Given the struggles people have in eyed swaps to visual stimuli, one may awe what would occur if these swaps anxious the decisions people make. To inspect option blindness, Hall and colleagues (2010) invited supermarket consumers to sample two various kinds of jams and teas. After participants had tasted or smelled both samples, they designated which one they picked. One half of the trails, but these were samples of the non-chosen jam or tea. As await, only about one-third of the participants perceive this trickery. Based on these findings, Hall and colleagues suggest that choice blindness is an occurrence that happens not only for choices involving visual material, but also for choices involving audiovisual and aromatic details.
  8. Latterly, the occurrence has also been copied for option entail audible stimuli (Sauerland, Sagana, & Otgaar, 2012). In Particular, participants had to hear three pairs of vocals and decide for each pair which vocal they found more commiserating or more criminal. The vocal was then presented again: but, the result was operated for the second vocal pair and participants were presented with the neglected vocal. Copying the findings by Hall and colleagues, only 29% of the participants find out this swap.
  9. Merckelbach, Jelicic, and Pieters (2011) look into choice blindness for strength rating of one’s own psychological manifestation. Their participants had to rate the regularity with which they skilled 90 common manifestations (e.g. anxiety, lack of concentration, stress, headaches etc.) on a 5-point scale. Prior to a check out interview the analysts blew up ratings for two manifestations by two points. For illustrate , when participants had rated their ardor of shyness, as 2 (i.e. occasionally), it was swapped to 4(i.e. All the time). This time, more than half (57%) of the 28 participants were blind to the manifestation rating rapid increase and accepted it as their own manifestation strength rating; blindness is not limited to recent liking selections, but can also happen for strength and repetition.
  10. Jointly, this reveals that these studies advise that option blindness can happen in a broad variety of circumstances and can have serious suggestion for medical and legal outcomes. Future inquiry is required to control how, in those circumstances, option blindness can be avoided.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation 

Question 1 - 5

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?

In following statements below, choose

YES if the statement agrees with the information
NO if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

  1. Doctors make decisions according to the symptoms that a patient describes.

Explanation: There is no instance in the passage that mentions that doctors make decisions according to symptoms described by a patient. 

  1. Our ability to deal with a lot of input material has improved over time.

Answer: NO
Supporting statement: “.......huge amounts of information does not mean that we are better at it (Chabris & Simons, 2009). Our sensorial and cerebral systems have organized ways to fault for which we are frequently, maybe rapturously,
Keywords: sensorial, fault
Keyword Location: para B, line 4-5
Explanation: But, the reality that we are standard to refining tremendous sums of data does not mean that we are way better at it . The given answer is found within the 4-5 lines of section B 

  1. We tend to know when we have made an error of judgment.

Answer: NO
Supporting statement: “.......refining huge amounts of information does not mean that we are better at it (Chabris & Simons, 2009). Our sensorial and cerebral systems have organized ways to fault for which we are frequently, maybe rapturously,
Keywords: cerebral, fault
Keyword Location: para B, line 4
Explanation: Our sensorial and cerebral frameworks have organized ways to blame of which we are as often as possible, possibly cheerfully, insensible. The given answer is found within the final 3 lines of section B. 

  1. A legal trial could be significantly affected by change blindness.

Answer: YES
Supporting statement: “......But, the identity of the robber swapped after the first half of the record while the beginning robber was out of sight. Out of the 80 participants, 49(61%) did not eye the swap of the robber’s identity, advising that swap blindness may be serious suggestions from criminal proceedings.........” 
Keywords: identitty, criminal
Keyword Location: para D, line 4
Explanation: Out of the 80 members, 49(61%) did not eye the swap of the robber's personality, exhorting that swap visual deficiency may be genuine recommendations from criminal procedures. The given answer is found within the final 3 lines of section D. 

  1. Scientists have concluded that we try to take in as much detail as possible from our surroundings.

Answer: NO
Supporting statement: “.......major, ignoring those that are immaterial to our current requirements and goals. Thus at any given time, our portrayal of the world that encircles us is primitive and incomplete, making it possible for changes or trickeries to go unknown(Chabris & Simons, 2010)........” 
Keywords: immaterial, trickeries
Keyword Location: para F, line 7
Explanation: Analysts have come to the conclusion that we perceive the world with much less data than once thought (Johansson, Corridor, & Sikstrom, 2008). Instead of watching all of the visual data. The given answer is found within the to begin with 3 lines of passage F. 

Question 6 - 10

Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.


Purpose of experiment

Situation for participants

Focus of participants attention

participants attention Percentage unaware of identity

`Simons & Levi 1998

To illustrate change blindness caused by a 6_____ such as an object.

Giving 7____ to a stranger

The movement of 8________


Davies & Hine, 2007

To assess the impact of change blindness on 9 _______ by eyewitnesses

Watching a burglary 

The collection of 10 _______


Ques 6:

Answer: Visual disturbance
Explanation: The answer is given in line 2 of para C. 

Ques 7:

Answer: (some) directions
Explanation: The given answer can be found in the 2nd line of paragraph C. 

Ques 8:

Answer: the door
Explanation: The given answer can be found in the 4th line of paragraph C.

Ques 9:

Answer: Identification
Explanation: The given answer can be found in the 3rd line of paragraph D.

Ques 10:

Answer: (the/some) valuables(precious)
Explanation: The given answer can be found in the 5th of paragraph D.

Question 11 - 12

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO statements are true for both the supermarket and voice experiments?

  1. The researchers focused on non-visual material.
  2. The participants were asked to explain their preferences.
  3. Some of the choices made by participants were altered.
  4. The participants were influenced by each other’s choices.
  5. Percentage results were surprisingly low

Ques 11:

Answer: A
Supporting statement: “....... Hall and colleagues (2010) invited supermarket consumers to sample two various kinds of jams and teas. After participants had tasted or smelled both samples, they designated which one they picked. One half of the trails, but these were samples of the non-chosen jam or tea.......” 
Keywords: smelled, trails
Keyword Location: para 2, line 5
Explanation: To examine alternative visual impairment, Lobby and colleagues (2010) welcomed general store buyers to test two different sorts of jams and teas. After members had tasted or noticed both tests, they assigned which one they picked. The given answer is found within the 2-5 lines of section G. 

Ques 12:

Answer: C
Supporting statement: “......his time, more than half (57%) of the 28 participants were blind to the manifestation rating rapid increase and accepted it as their own manifestation strength rating; blindness is not limited to recent liking selections........” 
Keywords: manifestation, strength
Keyword Location: para I, line 7
Explanation: when members had evaluated their ardor of bashfulness, as 2 (i.e. sometimes), it was swapped to 4(i.e. All the time). This time, more than half (57%) of the 28 members were dazzled by the sign rating quick increment and acknowledged it as their possess sign quality rating. The given answer is found within the 6-9 lines of passage I. 

Question 13 - 14

Choose TWO letters, A-E

Which TWO statements are true for the psychology experiment conducted by Merckelbach, Jelicic, and Pieters?

  1. The participants had to select their two most common symptoms.
  2. The participants gave each symptom a 1-5 rating.
  3. Shyness proves to be the most highly rated symptom.
  4. The participants changed their minds about some of their ratings.
  5. The researchers focused on the strength and regularity of symptoms.

Ques 13:

Answer: B
Supporting statement: “.......Their participants had to rate the regularity with which they skilled 90 common manifestations (e.g. anxiety, lack of concentration, stress, headaches etc.) on a 5-point scale. Prior to a check out interview the analysts
blew up ratings for two manifestations by two points........” 
Keywords: manifestations, analyst
Keyword Location: para 2, line 4
Explanation: Their members had to rate the normality with which they gave 90 common appearances (e.g. uneasiness, need of concentration, stretch, migraines etc.) on a 5-point scale. The given reply is found within the 2-4 lines of passage I. 

Ques 14:

Answer: E
Supporting statement: “....... Jointly, this reveals that these studies advise that option blindness can happen in a broad variety of circumstances and can have serious suggestion for medical and legal outcomes........” 
Keywords: blindness, medical
Keyword Location: para J, line 3
Explanation: These think about exhortation that choice visual deficiency can happen in a wide assortment of circumstances and can have genuine proposals for therapeutic and legitimate results. The given answer is found within the to begin with 3 lines of passage J. 

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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