It Is Best To Accept A Bad Situation IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Nov 23, 2023

It Is Best To Accept A Bad Situation IELTS Writing Task 2 is an essay topic which has 3 sample answers. The topic of the IELTS Writing Task 2 discusses that people believe that it is good to accept a bad situation. The candidate has to talk about both views. So, to support the point, proper sentence structure, a grammatically correct approach and reasonable explanations are necessary. IELTS Writing Task 2 includes an introduction, body, & conclusion to assist applicants in achieving a good score in the writing section.

IELTS Writing Task 2 allows applicants to demonstrate knowledge & opinions on the topic. The IELTS writing score is calculated using band scores. The band scores vary from 0 to 9. Candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a wide range of themes because the topics are broad.

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Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

"When an unsatisfying situation arises, some people advocate for: tackling the issue head-on; exploring potential solutions; reevaluating current strategies – all in an effort to transform challenges into opportunities."

While some accept it, others find the pursuit of improvement preferable: accepting a state is not static--it should always be in flux; always evolving. I concur with the latter perspective: a 'bad situation' does indeed imply an absence of risk. A person can only achieve happiness when they improve the situation. One can argue, on the one hand, that enduring an unpleasant situation enables individuals to; however--this perspective warrants careful examination: it presupposes a certain level of tolerance for discomfort and overlooks potential opportunities for growth and improvement. To circumvent risks: one must acknowledge that a change initiated by an individual--despite meticulous planning and execution--might not yield the desired outcome. They may lose even what they had, as a consequence of not unfolding their plans in the way they initially thought.

If individuals choose to resign from their unfulfilling corporate positions without securing an alternative job they find satisfying, they might indeed face a more challenging situation. Their old job: the provider of their income – is lost; however, I contend against this perspective. If– Should an individual persist in a detrimental situation excessively, the likelihood of developing mental health issues increases.

Conversely, those who endeavor to ameliorate their unsatisfactory situations often discover: opportunities-- previously obscured by stagnation and discontent.

People strive for ultimate happiness by actively pursuing the transformation of their current state; working diligently to alter the status quo not only provides a goal, but also fosters a sense of achievement. Since humans are inherently goal-driven creatures, pursuing and achieving life's objectives significantly enhances their happiness. Therefore, take on these challenges: they are crucial for fulfillment in life.

From destitution to proprietorship: a transformation exemplified by the Chinese entrepreneur, Alex Wong; he overcame financial adversity and now holds ownership in - what precisely? In an interview, he revealed his participation in a multimillion-dollar business and expressed how the entire journey had impacted him.

Experiencing profound fulfillment: I firmly advocate this approach over an unhappy existence; indeed, an unsatisfying life is not--in my perspective--worth living. Living is worth it; the pursuit of life bears immense value--a sentiment often overlooked in times of adversity. Ultimately, those who opt for a risk-averse approach may not encounter any imminent dangers; nonetheless, I maintain that individuals at large--despite taking precautions--are inevitably exposed to potential threats: in life we cannot entirely escape the specter of risk. One should exert effort towards ameliorating the adverse circumstances they find themselves in; such action fosters: personal growth, resilience--and an overall improved quality of life. To experience a life brimming with happiness: this is their pursuit.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

Two competing schools of thought exist in the contemporary world; they propose different approaches to addressing adverse situations - these may range from an unsatisfying job, financial hardship, or adversity.

Certain individuals advocate accepting the current situation and maximizing its potential; however, others contend that pursuing action for improvement is a superior approach. In my view: while acceptance may offer advantages in specific scenarios, striving for improvement to garner superior outcomes is a more favorable approach. Acceptance proponents argue: on one hand, they assert that acceptance--a state of recognizing and embracing reality without resistance–-can significantly mitigate stress levels; furthermore, it can alleviate anxiety. Individuals, by accepting unalterable circumstances, can focus on what they have control over and live in the present moment. As an illustration: a person engaged in an occupation yielding low wages might opt to embrace their circumstances; simultaneously, they could concentrate--with unwavering determination--on augmenting their skillset and knowledge base for potential career prospects.

People's acceptance of a detrimental situation often results in their overlooking potential improvements and goal achievements. For instance, an individual experiencing a financial deficit might opt for the acquisition of supplementary employment or actively pursue financial aid: these are potential strategies to augment their economic circumstances. In my perspective, taking proactive measures to enhance a situation often proves more beneficial than relying solely on acceptance; indeed--in numerous instances--it is imperative that we strive for improvement rather than passively acquiesce. Should the individual choose to take no action, they risk resigning themselves to a mediocre life - thereby potentially foregoing numerous opportunities for both personal and professional growth.

Moreover, individuals who take action develop resilience and cultivate problem-solving skills; these abilities prove beneficial across various life domains. In summary: some posit the best course of action as acceptance of a favorable situation; others assert it is superior to endeavor towards its improvement. In some situations, acceptance may prove beneficial; however, we frequently discern that active pursuit and improvement remain optimal courses of action. Individuals, in this manner, can attain superior outcomes; concurrently--they cultivate skills of value applicable across various life domains.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

The intense debate over whether we should invest significant effort into altering our problem and enhancing our condition, or passively accepting undesirable circumstances garners a multitude of supporters and critics for both perspectives. This essay endeavors to dissect these contrasting viewpoints; however, it firmly asserts that striving to surmount an unfavorable situation with unrelenting determination is non-negotiable.

Proponents of embracing adversity posit: mastering the art of contentment with our current circumstances would vastly simplify life. They maintain--with merit, it could be argued--that not every facet of existence lies within our control; should we persist in striving to rectify each inferior aspect, we risk becoming so consumed by this process that enjoyment becomes elusive. Consider for example the pursuit towards career apex and its accompanying financial gains—a lofty aspiration indeed—in today's cutthroat job market; such ambition necessitates rigorous effort over extended periods—leaving scant personal time for life's pleasures throughout its duration. Similarly, we cannot amend certain situations—such as birth defects. Attempting their correction would yield only misery: happiness remains elusive in this pursuit.

Contrarily, fervent advocates of amelioration assert that life represents an unceasing contest: a race where only those who dedicate themselves and work diligently emerge victorious. Their contention persists—those who endeavor to rectify unfavorable circumstances ultimately conquer the adversities inherent in existence, simultaneously acquiring enlightenment along the journey. This relentless battle—and subsequent refinement—is what engenders happiness. They argue that life constitutes a perpetual journey, suggesting we must strive rigorously to establish our goals; failure to do so will engender misery. When examining the lives of exemplary scientists, artists and successful entrepreneurs — one common trait emerges with clarity: their unwavering commitment towards achieving excellence.

Conclusively, our unyielding efforts to improve in life engender authentic motivation; thus, we must persist without capitulation and vigorously strive to transfigure unfavorable circumstances into advantageous ones. In this manner--by not giving in but instead endeavoring for change--we cultivate a more meaningful and enjoyable existence.

Check – IELTS Writing Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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