Is The Use Of Animals In Scientific Research Acceptable IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jan 12, 2023

Is The Use Of Animals In Scientific Research Acceptable Ielts Writing Task 2 is an agree-disagree essay and consists of three sample answers. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The IELTS sample answers - Is The Use Of Animals In Scientific Research Acceptable Ielts Writing Task 2 comprises two parts. The Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. Is The Use Of Animals In Scientific Research Acceptable Ielts Writing Task 2 is measured by the areas like grammar, content, and structure. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic : To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

Animals are being used in scientific research on an increasing basis today. Some people think that these experiments are unnecessary and unacceptable because animals are also exquisite creations of God. Meanwhile others believe that they are necessary to improve the comfort and ease of human life.

Some people believe that using animals in scientific research is completely ineffective and irrelevant. They contend that there is a significant distinction between the anatomy of humans and that of animals. Because of this, animal experiments are rarely successful. Additionally, they think that we do not have the authority to treat animals however we please because they too have the right to live freely and naturally on the earth.

On the contrary side, the majority of people believe that these animal experiments are required to improve the quality and nourishment of human life. Scientific studies have demonstrated that some animals share our body structure with us. Therefore, it is wise and practical to conduct experiments on animals first, followed by some preliminary analysis, before moving on to human subjects. This strategy will cost the research less money and cause less harm. The earlier NASA space programmes are one of the best examples of this. After a few failed attempts, they decided to send a human-carrying space rocket after sending dogs on their first few missions. In addition, it is very difficult to locate human bodies for scientific research. This is because there are so few people in the world who are willing to volunteer for these experiments, making scientists with no other choice.

In conclusion, it can be said that using animals in scientific research is only acceptable if there are no other viable options. Additionally, the government should put in place rules and regulations to protect the identities of all animals used in such studies.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

It is impossible to imagine a high-tech laboratory in this age of research and development without carrying out various significant animal studies. It is also needed for the benefit of humans and to gratify their eagerness to learn. Animal experimentation has always been strongly opposed by many animal lovers, which sparked the debate over whether or not it is acceptable to use animals in labs.

This essay is in favor of scientists using animals. The fact that using animals in research is very cost-effective is one of the strongest arguments in supporting that. Knowledge-seeking researchers can protect themselves from costly legal fees that they might incur if research on a human body is done incorrectly. For instance, the family manager of the deceased person would file numerous lawsuits against the scientist if the deceased person died during improper research conduct. This is because that deceased human would have many sentimental and social values to his or her family. Therefore, using animals as test subjects is a wise decision. The majority of the test animals also live shorter lives than people do. They typically pass away sooner due to their short lifespans. And so it can be said that it would be a better use of that time if it is used to create a number of medicines that can save our lives. For instance, if a rat's natural demise helped scientists discover a treatment for a fatal human disease, the rat's death would never be considered pointless. Even though their lifespan is brief, if it is used wisely for a better cause and the welfare of people, it could be extremely beneficial to us.

In conclusion, testing research samples on living organisms is crucial. With this, it can be firmly believed that using animals for experiments in significant research is a very smart idea. This can be asserted because of their short lifespan and low cost associated with doing so.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

It is debatable whether or not to use animals in scientific research. On the one hand, proponents of animal rights contend that using defenseless animals in drug and cosmetic testing is cruel and inhumane. On the other hand, scientists point out that the only way to determine whether a drug or cosmetic is safe for humans is through animal testing. This essay can determine to what extent it is acceptable to use animals in research.

No one should be able to restrict an animal's right to live in freedom. Numerous people fight daily to end animal testing. They contend that animals are mistreated, forced to eat, denied food and water, or hurt in a variety of ways. Nearly 820000 animals underwent painful testing procedures without receiving anesthesia, according to a study published in 2016. This study was carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture. Primates, canines, cats, pigs, rabbits, and hamsters were among them. In Vitro testing, which involves analyzing cells using glass-enclosed apparatus, could be used as an alternative to using animals in testing. Since you could examine human cells directly, it might even be more efficient than using animals in testing. Furthermore, in vitro tests would be less expensive. The same chemical may cause different reactions in humans and animals. 94% of drugs that were successful in animal testing failed in human clinical trials, according to Understanding Animal Research, a non-profit group in the UK. There was particular data from the study that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) in 2013. It is that 150 human tests for medications that were intended to reduce inflammation all ended in failure despite their success in animal studies.

On the contrary, new treatments for serious illnesses like tuberculosis, polio, malaria, and smallpox have been created thanks to animal testing. Additionally, the use of animals in research on breast cancer and brain injuries made significant progress. There are laws in place to protect animals. Since 1966, the United States has regulated animal research under the Animal Welfare Act. They arrange for veterinarians to conduct one-time and ongoing inspections of research laboratories. One of the rare ways to determine whether a drug is safe or not is through animal research. Animals and humans share a genetic structure that is very similar. And finally, testing occasionally has advantages for animals. Millions of animals would have perished from distemper, tetanus, anthrax, and other terrible viruses if vaccines hadn't been tested on animals.

In conclusion, animal testing should only be employed if all other options have been exhausted. Animals are not goods; they are living things.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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