In Search of the Holy Grail Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Jan 3, 2023

In search of the Holy Grail Reading Answers is a topic of the IELTS Reading section. This has been taken from the book: Reading for IELTS with Answer Key: 6.0-7.5 - Volume 6. The IELTS reading section helps candidates increase their reading skills with the help of passages. Candidates need to read the passage and then answer the questions. There are 13 questions in this topic: In search of the Holy Grail Reading Answers. The IELTS reading questions are divided into two sections: Write the appropriate letter and no more than three words or numbers. There are more topics like In search of the Holy Grail Reading Answers available online. Candidates can practice from IELTS Reading practice papers to help them excel in the IELTS exam.

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Section 1

Read the passage to answer the following questions

In search of the Holy Grail Reading Answers

It has been called the Holy Grail of modern biology. Costing more than £2 billion, it is the most ambitious scientific project since the Apollo programme that landed a man on the moon. And it will take longer to accomplish than the lunar missions, for it will not be complete until early next century. Even before it is finished, according to those involved, this project should open up a new understanding of, and new treatments for, many of the ailments that afflict humanity. As a result of the Human Genome Project, there will be new hope of liberation from the shadows of cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and some psychiatric illnesses.

The objective of the Human Genome Project is simple to state but audacious in scope: to map and analyse every single gene within the double helix of humanity's DNA1. The project will reveal a new human anatomy - not the bones, muscles and sinews, but the complete genetic blueprint for a human being. Those working on the Human Genome Project claim that the new genetic anatomy will transform: medicine and reduce human suffering in the twenty-first century. But others see the future through a darker glass and fear that the project may open the door to a World peopled by Frankenstein's monsters and disfigured by a new eugenics2.

The genetic inheritance a baby receives from its parents at the moment of conception fixes much of its later development, determining characteristics as varied as to whether it will have blue eyes or suffer from a life-threatening illness such as cystic fibrosis. The human genome is the compendium of all these inherited genetic instructions. Written out along the double helix of DNA are the chemical letters of the genetic text. It is an extremely long text, for the human genome contains more than 3 billion letters. On the printed page it would fill about 7,000 volumes. Yet, within little more than a decade, the position of every letter and its relation to its neighbours will have been. tracked down, analysed and recorded.

Considering how many letters there are in the human genome, nature is an excellent proof-reader. But sometimes there are mistakes. An error in a single 'word' — a gene - can give rise to the crippling condition of cystic fibrosis, the commonest genetic disorder among Caucasians, Errors in the genetic recipe for haemoglobin, the protein that gives blood its characteristic? The red colour and which carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, give rise to the most common single-gene disorder in the world: thalassaemia. More than 4,000 such single-gene defects are known to afflict humanity. The majority of them are fatal; the majority of the victims are children.

None of the single-gene disorders is a disease in the conventional sense, for which it would be possible to administer a curative drug: the defect is pre-programmed into every cell of the sufferer's body. But there is hope of progress. In 1986, American researchers identified the genetic defect underlying one type of muscular dystrophy. In 1989, a team of American and Canadian biologists announced that they had found the site of the gene which, when defective, gives rise to cystic fibrosis. Indeed, not only had they located the gene, they had analysed the sequence of letters within it and had identified the mistake' responsible for the condition. At the least, these scientific advances may offer a way of screening parents who might be at risk of transmitting a single-gene defect to any children that they conceive. Foetuses can be tested while in the womb, and if found free of the genetic defect, the parents will be relieved of worry and stress, knowing that they will be delivered of a baby free from the disorder.

In the mid-1980s, the idea gained currency within the scientific world that the techniques which were successfully deciphering disorder-related genes could be applied to a larger project: if science can learn the genetic spelling of cystic fibrosis, why not attempt to find out how to spell 'human'? Momentum quickly built up behind the Human Genome Project and its objective of 'sequencing' the entire genome — writing out all the letters in their correct order.

But the consequences of the Human Genome Project go far beyond a narrow focus on disease. Some of its supporters have made claims of great extravagance - that the Project will bring us to understand, at the most fundamental level, what it is to be human. Yet many - people are concerned that such an emphasis on humanity's genetic constitution may distort our ' sense of values, and lead us to forget that human life is more than just the expression of a genetic program written in the chemistry of DNA.

If properly applied, the new knowledge generated by the Human Genome Project may free humanity from the terrible scourge of diverse diseases. But if the new knowledge is not used wisely, it also holds the threat of creating new forms of discrimination and new methods of oppression. Many characteristics, such as height and intelligence, result not from the action of genes alone, but from subtle interactions between genes and the environment. What would be the implications if humanity were to understand, with precision, the genetic constitution which, given the same environment, will predispose one person towards a higher intelligence than another individual whose genes were differently shuffled?

Once before in this -century, the relentless -curiosity of scientific researchers brought to light forces of nature in the power of the atom, the mastery of which has shaped the destiny of nations and overshadowed all our lives. The Human Genome Project holds the promise that, ultimately, we may be able to alter our genetic inheritance if we so choose. But there is the central moral problem: how can we ensure that when we choose, we choose correctly? That such a potential a promise and not a threat We need only look at the past to understand the danger.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Questions 27-32:
Complete the sentences below (Questions 27-32) with words taken from Reading Passage 136.
Write your answers in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.

Example: The passage compares the genetic instructions in DNA to .................... Answer: chemical letters.

  1. The passage compares the Project in scale to the ..................................

Answer: Apollo (space) programme
Supporting Sentence: Costing more than £2 billion, it is the most ambitious scientific project since the Apollo programme that landed a man on the moon.
Keyword: Apollo, billion
Keyword Location: 1st Paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The author states that the Apollo program cost more than £2 billion. It is also the most ambitious project that the science world has yet seen. This means that the Apollo space program is the epitome and the passage compares the projects in scale of the Apollo programme.

  1. The possible completion date of the Project is ..................................

Answer: (early) next century
Supporting Sentence: And it will take longer to accomplish than the lunar missions, for it will not be complete until early next century
Keyword: century, complete, accomplish
Keyword Location: 1st paragraph, 3rd sentence
Explanation: The author in the 3rd sentence says that it will take a longer time than the lunar mission to complete. The passage also mentions that it will not be completed until next century.

  1. To write out the human genome on paper would require .................................. books.

Answer: 7,000
Supporting Sentence: On the printed page it would fill about 7,000 volumes.
Keyword: printed page, 7,000
Keyword Location: 3rd paragraph, 5th sentence
Explanation: The author explains the human genome and how lengthy it is. The author also compares and states an example. He says that to write the human genome on a printed page will take about 7000 volumes or books. Hence, 7000 is the correct answer.

  1. A genetic problem cannot be treated with drugs because strictly speaking it is not a ..................................

Answer: diseases
Supporting Sentence: None of the single-gene disorders is a disease in the conventional sense, for which it would be possible to administer a curative drug: the defect is pre-programmed into every cell of the sufferer's body.
Keyword: single-gene, curative drug
Keyword Location: 5th paragraph, 1st sentence
Explanation: The passage directly says that single-gene disorders is a disease in conventional sense. This is the reason it cannot be cured by using a drug. It is a defect in the sufferer’s body. Hence, disease is the correct answer.

  1. Research into genetic defects had its first success in the discovery of the cause of one-form of ..................................

Answer: muscular dystrophy
Supporting Sentence: In 1986, American researchers identified the genetic defect underlying one type of muscular dystrophy.
Keyword: identified, muscular dystrophy
Keyword Location: 5th paragraph, 3rd sentence
Explanation: The passage tells us that in 1986, researchers identified the defect underlying a type of muscular dystrophy. This means it was not identified before 1986. So the cause of one form of muscular dystrophy is the first success in research of genetics.

  1. The second success of research into genetic defects was to find the cause of ..................................

Answer: cystic fibrosis
Supporting Sentence: In 1989, a team of American and Canadian biologists announced that they had found the site of the gene which, when defective, gives rise to cystic fibrosis.
Keyword: cystic fibrosis, 1989
Keyword Location: 5th paragraph, 4th sentence
Explanation: After the first discovery in 1986, the second one was made in 1989. The team of researchers announced that they found a gene which, if defective , gives rise to cystic fibrosis. Hence, cystic fibrosis is the correct answer.

Questions 33-40:

Classify the following statements as representing

  1. the writer's fears about the Human Genome Project
  2. other people's fears about the Project reported by the writer
  3. the writer's reporting of facts about the Project
  4. the writer's reporting of the long-term hopes for the Project

Write the appropriate letters A-D in boxes 33-40 on your answer sheet.

  1. The Project will provide a new understanding of major diseases.

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: Even before it is finished, according to those involved, this project should open up a new understanding of, and new treatments for, many of the ailments that afflict humanity.
Keyword: new understanding, new treatments
Keyword Location: 1st paragraph, 4th sentence
Explanation: The author states that this project will open up new ways. He sees this as a long term hope for the project. Hence, D is the correct answer.

  1. All the components which make up DNA are to be recorded and studied.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence: The objective of the Human Genome Project is simple to state but audacious in scope: to map and analyse every single gene within the double helix of humanity's DNA1
Keyword: map and analyse, double helix, DNA
Keyword Location: 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence
Explanation: The author mentions that the human genome project is to study all the components that make up DNA. It is not about studying muscles and bones but the DNA and its facts. Hence, C is the correct answer.

  1. Genetic monsters may be created.

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence: But others see the future through a darker glass and fear that the project may open the door to a World peopled by Frankenstein's monsters and disfigured by a new eugenics2.
Keyword: monster
Keyword Location: 2nd paragraph, last sentence
Explanation: In the 2nd paragraph, the author states that some people see the project through darker glass. They fear that the DNA study project may open doors for monsters like the one that Frankenstein created. This makes B the correct answer.

  1. The correct order and inter-relation of all genetic data in all DNA will be mapped.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence: Momentum quickly built up behind the Human Genome Project and its objective of 'sequencing' the entire genome — writing out all the letters in their correct order.
Keyword: Genome project, correct order
Keyword Location: 6th paragraph, last sentence
Explanation: The writer says that the objective is writing out letters and data in correct order. This means stating the facts about DNA. Hence, C is the correct answer.

  1. Parents will no longer worry about giving birth to defective offspring.

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: Foetuses can be tested while in the womb, and if found free of the genetic defect, the parents will be relieved of worry and stress, knowing that they will be delivered of a baby free from the disorder
Keyword: Foetuses, worry, stress, free, disorder
Keyword Location: 5th paragraph, last sentence
Explanation: The author directly states that fetuses can be tested in the womb. This will relieve the stress of the parents. Hence, D is the correct answer.

  1. Being 'human' may be defined solely in terms of describable physical data.

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence: Some of its supporters have made claims of great extravagance - that the Project will bring us to understand, at the most fundamental level, what it is to be human
Keyword: fundamental level, human
Keyword Location: 7th paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The passage states that the project will let us know what it is like to be a human. It will describe the most fundamental levels of humans. Hence, the fear is justified at what will be found.

  1. People may be discriminated against in new ways.

Answer: A
Supporting Sentence: But if the new knowledge is not used wisely, it also holds the threat of creating new forms of discrimination and new methods of oppression.
Keyword: discrimination, opression
Keyword Location: 8th paragraph, 2nd sentence
Explanation: Here, new methods hold a threat of relieving something that will create discrimination and oppression. The writer fears this, making A the correct answer.

  1. From past experience-humans may not use this new knowledge wisely.

Answer: A
Supporting Sentence: Once before in this -century, the relentless -curiosity of scientific researchers brought to light forces of nature in the power of the atom, the mastery of which has shaped the destiny of nations and overshadowed all our lives.
Keyword: before, century
Keyword Location: Last paragraph, 1st sentence
Explanation: The author states that we humans did not take the discovery or the knowledge very wiseley in the previous century. The author fears that it might negatively impact our minds. Hence, A is the correct answer.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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