In Schools and Universities Girls Tend to Choose Arts While Boys Like Science IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Jul 29, 2022

In Schools and Universities Girls Tend to Choose Arts While Boys Like Science IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: In some schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts subjects (e.g. literature), and boys tend to choose science subjects (e.g. physics). Why do you think this is so? Should this tendency be changed?

Model Answer 1:

Men, according to conventional thought, are the breadwinners, while women are the caretakers and are in charge of the household. Many parents urge their sons to study science while their daughters study art-related topics because of this idea, as well as certain old-fashioned views such as boys are strong at maths while females are not. This is a tendency that I strongly believe should be stopped.

To begin with, it is commonly assumed that guys excel in science courses. This viewpoint is so deeply ingrained in our culture that many women have already accepted it. This is increasingly common in developing countries, where parents expect their boys to acquire a profession and their daughters to get a good education before marrying and starting a family.

Surprisingly, science majors cost more money in most nations, which is why parents naturally encourage their sons to pursue science degrees. Females, on the other hand, must shoulder many family duties even during their time as a student and select disciplines that do not demand extensive study.

Both men and women have similar capabilities and untapped potential. Many women would thrive in science-related courses if given the chance. Women scientists such as Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, and Emilie du Chatelet have demonstrated that they are just as capable as males in science. Even in the education sector, the abhorrent trend of gender discrimination must come to an end. The good news is that women are already occupying 50% of the seats in many prominent universities in engineering and technology areas. As a result, the day is not far off when parents will realise that their daughters are just as talented as their sons in any field, including science, regardless of societal customs or emotional reluctance.

To summarise, women's empowerment is a critical aspect in a country's overall growth, which is why girls should be given an equal opportunity to engage in all disciplines, including science majors, in schools and universities. This trend would have a more positive impact than limiting their educational and employment options.

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Model Answer 2:

There are still numerous regions in the world where male students dominate scientific classes in schools. There are numerous elements that contribute to this problem, and it must be addressed so that the student's choice of study is solely based on real interest.

Boys are generally more competitive, therefore they choose more tough and physically demanding courses like science and engineering, whereas girls choose less competitive disciplines like literature and history. Furthermore, having a science degree opens up more work prospects, therefore boys who are viewed as future breadwinners choose to study these subjects. The majority of girls in poor nations are still expected to stay at home and care for their families, and the concept of them pursuing a profession as a medical doctor or scientist is frowned upon. As a result of peer pressure and social factors, many female students opt for less rigorous arts courses in order to obtain a degree, despite their desire to pursue science.

In my opinion, a person's decision to pursue art or science should be based on their personal interests and inclinations rather than social pressure. I once met a medical student who wanted to study Philosophy but was forced to enrol in medical school by his parents, and he eventually dropped out due to poor academic performance. Students will only succeed in their chosen fields if they select them willingly. Women should also be empowered to build more confidence in male-dominated fields such as engineering or information technology. We have seen many female Nobel Prize winners in science, proving that women can be as good as men in science.

Finally, gender stereotypes continue to influence student and job choices, and I believe this trend should be reversed. Every student, regardless of gender, should choose a subject that they enjoy so that there will be more enthusiastic professionals in both art and science.

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Model Answer 3:

When it comes to picking a degree of study, it is clear that there exist gender preferences. The fundamental reason for this is biology, yet this does not preclude persons of different genders from pursuing whatever subjects they are interested in.

The biological difference between boys and girls is the ultimate explanation for variances in academic preferences. There are differences in the likes and dislikes of each gender in every culture. Boys are more aggressive than girls, and as a result, they seek out physical activities as a way to relieve their aggressiveness. Similarly, boys appear to be more interested in areas that demand problem-solving and analytical thinking, such as those in science. Countries that demand gender equality in subjects are a good example of this. Norway, for example, has a policy of attracting equal numbers of men and women to fields like engineering, but the effects are evident. Women opt to study traditionally "female" disciplines even when they are assured places in these courses and have their tuition paid for by the government.

However, just because there are evident gender disparities does not mean that girls should not be able to pursue science careers or that boys should be prevented from pursuing art-related careers. Many young women aspire to pursue careers in science or engineering, and they should be offered the same opportunities as boys.

The fact that men and women are not identical is a clear reason for the disparity in subject choices between the genders. Nonetheless, everyone should be treated equally and given the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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