IELTS Word of the Day helps candidates to ace the IELTS exam. When it comes to the IELTS Speaking and Writing sections, words, phrases, idioms, and vocabulary are definitely one of the required aptitudes. These words and vocabulary contribute up to 25% to your total IELTS score. It also plays an important role in the IELTS Listening, and Reading sections. In this article IELTS Word of the Day- Consensus contains meaning, sentences to help you learn such words.
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IELTS Word of the Day Fatality
Meaning: a certain death in an accident or any violent attack
Synonyms: Accident, Casualty, Disaster
Sentence: But there were no fatalities cases in the hospital since last week.
Choose the following words to fill in the blank: varies, context, authority, labour, export, requires, income, significant, fatalities, distribute.
Answer: authority
Explanation: The word “authority” refers to someone with power or jurisdiction. Here in the question, he is well-known in his field to ommunicate the location of food.
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Answer: varies
Explanation: The word “varies” refers to differs. Here in the question, the amount of rain we receive differs from year to year.
Answer: requires
Explanation: The word “requires” refers to wants vital. Here in the question, this airline seat-sale is vital.
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Answer: fatalities
Explanation: The word “fatalities” refers to accidents. Here in the question, six months on, few of the fish have grown and accidents have begun to occur.
Answer: income
Explanation: The word “income” refers to the remuneration earned in terms of work that one has done. Here in the question, it is generally quite difficult to raise a family on a single earns in Canada today, so very often both parents work full-time.
Answer: labour
Explanation: The word “labour” refers to work or employment. Here in the question, management is meeting with works to begin discussions.
Answer: distribute
Explanation: The word “distribute” refers to dispense or give out. Here in the question, someone is asking to give out the answer sheet while he/she gives the test.
Answer: context
Explanation: The word “context” refers to conditions or circumstances. Here in the question, Vocabulary is generally easier to understand if you look at it in conditions.
Answer: significant
Explanation: The word “significant” refers to something important. Here in the question, we have noticed an important improvement in Teddy’s attitude.
Answer: export
Explanation: The word “export” refers to selling something overseas. Here in the question, Canada will be under great pressure to export freshwater to the US.