The words and vocabulary contribute up to 25% to your total IELTS score. It also plays an important role in the IELTS Listening, and Reading sections. When it comes to the IELTS Speaking and Writing sections, words, phrases, idioms, and vocabulary are definitely one of the required aptitudes. In this article IELTS Word of the Day- Distribute contains meaning, sentences to help you learn such words.
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IELTS Word of the Day Distribute
Meaning: To share things among a group of people, especially, in a planned way
Synonyms: Give out, Hand out, Share
Sentence: The Government distributed clothes and blankets among the flood reliefs.
Choose the following words to fill in the blank: varies, context, authority, labour, export, requires, income, significant, percentage, distribute.
Answer: authority
Explanation: Here the word authority refers to someone responsible for. In the question, it states that he is someone famous and resposible for the languages which are used by the bees.
Answer: varies
Explanation: The word varies refers to the variation or different aspects of something. Here in the question, the amount of rainfall every year comes in variation as it is not the same all the time.
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Answer: requires
Explanation: The word requires refers to the need for something. Here in the question, the airline’s seat-sales want the people to book their seats a month prior to the flight date.
Answer: percentage
Explanation: The word percentage refers to a certain amount out of 100. Here in the question, the certain number of students that have to repeat the program is less than 25%.
Answer: income
Explanation: Income refers to the total amount of money one earns in a month or a year. The question here states that in Canada both the parents work to raise their children or family.
Answer: labour
Explanation: Labour refers to people that are engaged in a certain work. The question states that a management meeting with a group of people responsible for that work will be held.
Answer: distribute
Explanation: The word distribute refers to dividing something among people. The question states that (a teacher) asks his students to divide the answer sheets.
Answer: context
Explanation: The word context refers to the circumstances or conditions surrounding a situation. The question speaks about the vocabulary that would be easy to remember if one understands the circumstances.
Answer: significant
Explanation: Significant refers to something important. The question states that there is an improvement in Teddys’s attitude which is something important.
Answer: export
Explanation: Export refers to sending goods to foreign countries. In the question, Canada would have to send foreign goods like freshwater to the US.