In the IELTS exam, English language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Knowledge of vocabulary is essentially important for speaking and writing sections. About 25% of the score will be dependent on how well a candidate makes use of the vocabulary without repeatedly using the same word. In this article IELTS Word of the Day- Cumulative contains meaning, antonyms, synonyms and sentences to enrich the understanding of the word. .
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IELTS Word of the Day Cumulative
Meaning: increasing over time due to addition of something
Synonyms: growing, increasing, accumulative
Antonyms: decreasing, diminishing, declining
Sentence: As he met an accident and couldn’t walk, simple pleasures like listening to music and playing games had a cumulative effect on his mind.
Match the word below to complete these sentences.
damnable, curative, cheekbone, indigestible, cumulative, indifferent
Answer: curative
Explanation: Curative refers to the healing abilities. There are so many things that have healing properties or the ability to cure like herbs which can be called curative. In the question, it is given that for years, wine merchants lobbied regulators without success for permission to advertise therapeutic or healing effects of wine. Hence “curative” is the correct answer for the above answer.
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Answer: cumulative
Explanation: Cumulative refers to something that is growing over time. In the question, it is given that the purpose of that chapter is to demonstrate the power of that additional section as a fundamentally non-random process. Hence “cumulative” is the correct answer for the above answer.
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Answer: damnable
Explanation: The word damnable refers to an unpleasant or objectionable thing. Here Wilberforce saw the issue and understood that evolutionism was objectionable as it suggested moral and cultural relativity. Hence “damnable” is the correct answer for the above answer.
Answer: cheekbone
Explanation: the word cheekbone is used for the bone that is situated below the eye and is also known as jugal bone. In the question, it is given that a muscle near the woman’s right jugal bone moved at irregular intervals. Hence “cheekbone” is the correct answer for the above answer.
Answer: indifferent
Explanation: The word indifferent refers to detached or uncaring. Here, the word is used to suggest the behaviour of the mother. While the father was friendly, the mother seemed uncaring or detached. Hence “indifferent” is the correct answer for the above answer.
Answer: indigestible
Explanation: The word indigestible refers to something that cannot be digested by the body. In the question, it is given that many birds of prey vomit little pieces that contain the undigested remains of their prey which includes bones. Their body is unable to digest it and hence it is regurgitated. Hence “regurgitate” is the correct answer for the above answer.