IELTS Word Obtainable

The IELTS word of the day articles are important as it will help candidates to score well in the IELTS writing section. For a good IELTS writing, speaking score candidates must have a good vocabulary, along with a knowledge of the popular idioms and phrases to enhance their writing skills. This IELTS Word Obtainable contains meaning, sentences, and exercises to help candidates learn such words.

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IELTS Word Obtainable

Meaning: something that can be obtained.
available, in season, attainable, achievable, ready, acquirable, gettable, at one’s disposal, on the market, on offer, accessible, securable

Sentence 1: Information on the subject is easily obtainable on the web.
Sentence 2
The goods became obtainable, but not purchasable, because of the lack of purchasing power among the masses.
Sentence 3
Making a decent living in today's world is only obtainable with a bachelor’s degree and hard work.
Sentence 4
Cult Fitness Center assured obtainable results for every client simply by being consistent to a daily 45-minute exercise routine
Sentence 5
Her only obtainable goal was to get straight A’s since she was too clumsy for cheerleading or any other sports.

IELTS Speaking
Try to use the word “” in your speaking

Topic: Describe something kind that someone did for you.

Sample Answer:

It was about a year ago when a childhood friend of mine was kind enough to get me the first copy of a book. As I am bibliophile, I love reading books. They sway me away in a whole different world.As I love reading the classics, I had been quacking to my friend about the first copy of Little Women. It was somewhat difficult to acquire it as it was not easily available. The first copy of Little women was first published in 1868, thus, you can imagine my struggle to attain its first copy.

It was my birthday and my friend gave me a book. When I unwrapped the gift paper inside was the first copy of Little women. I was appalled and almost in tears I hugged my friend tightly. I couldn’t find the word to thank her. I later asked her how she managed to get it. She told me she was afraid of libraries to get the first copy. It was a difficult task but she somehow managed to get it. It was the most kind deed that anyone had ever done for me.

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IELTS Writing
Try to use the word “” in your writing

Topic: Write about a time when you needed to use imagination

Sample Answer:

Being a creative writer and a painter, I have had many occasions to use my imagination. Being creative is a difficult task as they are not easily gettable. Every writer experiences a writer’s block sometime or the other. About six months ago, my editor asked me to write a creative piece of writing for the blog. I had run out of ideas and could’t figure anything worthwhile to write.

I had several resources at my disposal like the internet, newspapers, novels etc, but nothing was panning out. My imagination had failed big time and could’t get past my writer’s block. I thus, looked at all my previous work, and used all these writing pieces to create something new. I had written a couple of articles, ghost stories, short stories and even scripts. Thus, I went through all my work again and came up with a new short story.

There are many fairy tales available out there. From the little mermaid to snow white these are easily accessible on the internet or via the print media. But I came up with a fairytale story with some major tweaks. People believe fairy tales to be colorful and happy but this one was different. The princess in my fairytale lived in a supposedly haunted house, which is a storyline that might seem odd at first, but had a happy ending. I successfully completed my story and sent it to the editor. It was this time when I had to think about something out of the ordinary, and being in a writer’s block it was initially difficult.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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