IELTS Word Inchoate

Bhaskar Das

Mar 5, 2022

In order to get a good score in the IELTS exam, you must have good knowledge of using words, vocabulary, and different phrases in the sentences. IELTS word of the day will help students enhance their writing and reading skills for the IELTS exam. This article IELTS Word of the Day- Inchoate contains meaning and sentences along with exercise.

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IELTS Word Inchoate

Meaning: Something which has just begun, not fully formed or developed
Synonyms: Rudimentary, Preliminary, not fully formed
Sentence 1: Her disease was inchoate and hence, the doctors could save her.
Sentence 2: John is an inchoate programmer but has taken the company by storm due to his talents.
Sentence 3: The police are searching for evidence of the inchoant murder case.
Sentence 4: The robbers were caught at the inchoate state of the plan
Sentence 5: The party was established 2 months ago. It is still in its inchoate state..


Try to use this word “Inchoate” and its synonyms to your writing
IELTS Speaking
Topic: Describe your daily routine after getting up at morning
Model Answer:

I am usually a late waker or a night owl. I have had this habit of waking up late since the inchoate days of my college. As I was studying at an evening college, I used to sleep late. During the preliminary days of my college, it was difficult. However, I got used to it slowly. So after I wake up around 10 A.M, I usually go for my breakfast. After breakfast, I attend my MBA classes. I have just started my MBA and it is still at the rudimentary stage. At the break, I finish my lunch. The class restarts at 3 P.M and goes on till 5 P.M. After 5 P.M, I usually meet my friends and we spend some quality time together. After that, I return home and spend some time with my family. After that, I sit for my studies and finish the tasks provided in the MBA class. I study for a few hours after having dinner at 11:30 P.M. Then it's time for some social media or watching movies. I watch movies till 3 A.M at night and then go to sleep. This is my daily routine.

Read More IELTS Word of the Day Articles


Try to use this word “Inchoate” and its synonyms to your writing
IELTS Writing
Topic: Noise pollution is affecting the environment. Discuss your thoughts and how to reduce the problem.
Model Answer:

Air pollution is one of the most serious problems of the current time. It is no longer in its inchoate state. Large cities are facing this issue because of the huge level of industrialization. The release of air pollutants such as smog, harmful gasses, solid materials, etc are getting settled over the city. This has been causing health hazards to people of the country. The effect on people is still preliminary but we might notice a huge change in this soon. The release of pollutants from fuel of motor vehicles, industrial exhaust, smoke from burning of garbage, etc contribute to the air pollution. Some natural pollutants like pollen, dust, soil particles, natural gasses, etc are also the source of air pollution. Air pollution is continuously damaging the whole ecosystem. It has been affecting the lives of plants and animals though not fully. Air pollution is reaching a critical stage from its inchoate state. Iis high time we try to control the pollution. To reduce the level of air pollution, we should bring changes to our habits on a daily basis. Trees should not be cut, private transportation should be avoided to reduce the number of vehicles. Taking these small steps towards the growth can help reduce air pollution.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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