IELTS Vocabulary for Speaking and Writing

Collegedunia Team

Feb 18, 2022

The speaking test is the toughest section of the IELTS exam. This article throws light on the word vocabulary used in the IELTS speaking section. There are a variety of words and phrases that you should start using in daily life to practice effectively for the IELTS speaking test.

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Change each noun or verb below into its adjectival form.

  1. Rigor

Answer: Rigorous
He was subjected to a rigorous examination.

  1. Rancor

Answer: Rancorous
The deal ended after a series of rancorous disputes.

  1. Tremor

Answer: Tremerous
By the tremor in her voice, she maintained distance from people.

  1. Vigilance

Answer: Vigilant
He was only going to be vigilant.

  1. Vanity

Answer: Vain
He tried in vain to bring his temper under control

  1. Gluttony

Answer: gluttonous
The men ate slowly, keeping in mind the results of their gluttonous engorgement on blackberries that morning.

  1. Hypocrisy

Answer: hypocritical
Of course I was wrong; it would be hypocritical to pretend otherwise.

  1. Philanthropy

Answer: philanthropic
There is no need for our philanthropic societies to tell all their plans.

  1. Diligence

Answer: Diligent
Diligent students occasionally fail this subject.

  1. Aroma

Answer: aromatic
He poured some aromatic spirits of ammonia into a glass of water and she drank it indifferently.

  1. Deference

Answer: deferential
The busy staff were attentive, talkative and to be honest, a bit embarrassingly deferential at times.

  1. Comprehension

Answer: comprehensive
This option gives you comprehensive coverage.

  1. Meddle

Answer: meddlesome
He was, besides, a meddlesome, inquisitive man, who poked his nose into everything.

  1. efface (self)

Answer: self-effacing.
I was in awe of his talent, yet he was so down-to-earth and self-effacing.

  1. Office

Answer: officious/official
The official report of this last mentions him favorably./ The problems are that it easily becomes a weapon in the hands of the officious, ignorant and punitive supervisor.

  1. Indulge

Answer: indulgent
His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted.

  1. Revere

Answer: reverential
He removed the covering with reverential hands.

  1. Vindicate

Answer: vindictive
She returns kindness for kindness, but are vindictive enemies to those who attempt to harm them.

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Now, complete the sentences below using the adjectival forms in your answers to 1-18 above. Do not use any word more than once.

  1. He is one of the most ___________ people I have ever come to know; if you cross him, he will make you live to regret it at some point, whether it takes him a year or ten – and that’s another thing; he has a very long memory indeed when it comes to his grudges.

Answer: Vindictive
As vindictive means revengeful and the sentence above states that he is one of the most revengeful people I have ever come across he will make you regret at some point and has a long memory when it comes to his grudges. Thus, the word vindictive correctly matches with the sentence above.

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  1. The___________ opening of the new parliament is scheduled for the 30th May, just before parliament breaks up for the summer.

Answer: Official
As official means formal or proper and the sentence above states that the formal opening of the new parliament is scheduled for the 30th May, just before parliament breaks up for the summer, thus, the word official correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He examined the delicate artifact with___________ care. I doubt he could have been any more careful were he holding his own child in his arms.

Answer: Reverential
As reverential means dutiful or respectful and the above statement states that he examined the delicate artifact with utiful care and I doubt he could have been any more careful as he were holding his own child in his arms. Thus the word reverential correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. Max is___________ in the extreme, and can’t help but try to become involved in the affairs of those around him. What he doesn’t realize, however, is that his involvement is seldom if ever helpful and usually makes things worse.

Answer: Meddlesome
As meddlesome means interfering or intrusive and the sentence above states that Max is intrusive in the extreme and cant help but try to become involved in the affairs of those around him, thus, the word meddlesome correctly matches with the sentence above. Hence it is the correct answer.

  1. I like to garnish the plate with some___________ herbs as I find it improves the mood of diners no end and adds to the dining experience. Perhaps that is part of the secret behind the excellent reviews my humble eatery has been receiving of late.

Answer: Aromatic
As aromatic means fragrant or scented and the above statement states that I like to garnish the plate with some scented herbs as I find it improves the mood of diners no end and adds to the dining experience, thus, the word aromatic correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. Sometimes, in her efforts to please those higher up in the company than her, I think she goes a tad too far and is much too ___________ . I think her bosses would respect her more if she spoke up as and when she felt mistakes were being made rather than just passively looking on out of some sense of misguided respect.

Answer: Deferential
As deferential means respectful or considerate and the above statement states that sometimes in her efforts to please those higher up in the company than her, I think she goes a tad too far and is much too respectful. Thus, the word deferential correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He is truly the most___________ man I have ever had the displeasure of knowing; he pays such careful attention to his looks that it is bordering on pathetic.

Answer: Vain
As vain means conceited or self-loving and the sentence above states that he is truly the most self-loving man I have ever met, he pay such careful attention to his looks that it is bordering on pathetic.

  1. Ordering a second portion of that delicious chicken pie would be a tad___________ I suppose, wouldn’t it? Still, though, I’m tempted!

Answer: Gluttonous
As gluttonous means greedy or voracious and the sentence above states that ordering a second portion of that delicious chicken pie would be a tad greedy I suppose, thus, the word gluttonous correctly matches with the sentence above.

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  1. The product has undergone___________ testing so we are quietly confident of its durability and functionality.

Answer: Rigorous
As rigorous means careful or meticulous and the sentence above states that the product has undergone careful testing so we are quietly confident of its durability and functionality thus the word rigorous correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. She is not a very charismatic manager and hardly ‘inspires’ her staff, but she is exceptionally___________ and I like to think that in having such a good work ethic she leads by example.

Answer: Diligent
As diligent means particular or meticulous and the sentence above states that she is not a very charismatic manager and hardly inspires her staff but she is exceptionally particular and I like to think that in having such a good work ethic she leads by example thus the word diligent correctly matches with the sentence above. Hence it is the correct answer.

  1. He is a very___________ and humble man and always credits his team when they get a good result. Yet we all know that much of the credit for their improved performances this year is down to his excellence as a man-manager.

Answer: Self-Effacing
As self-effacing means modest or shy and the sentence nove states that he is a very modest and humble man and always credits his teams when they get a good result, thus the word self-effacing correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. She is too___________ towards her grandchildren and frankly spoils them. That makes life very difficult indeed for their parents.

Answer: Indulgent
As indulgent emans easy-going or broad-minded and the sentence above states that she is too easy-going towards her grandchildren and frankly spoils them thus, the word indulgent correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. Their victory in the fourth round was as___________ as it gets; 4-0 and they dominated possession from the off.

Answer: Comprehensive
As comprehensive means broad or diverse and the sentence above states that their victory in the fourth round was as comprehensive as it gets thus, the word comprehensive correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He is known not just as a fine businessman, but also for his ___________ activities; I have heard that he gives as much as 50% of his net earnings to good causes each year.

Answer: Philanthropic
As philanthropic means charitable or benevolent and the sentence above states that he is known not just as a fine businessman but also for his charitable activities as I have heard that he gives as much as 50% of his net earnings to good causes each year, thus, the word correct philanthropic correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. You need to be extremely___________ in a neighborhood like this when bringing up young children; this is not a safe place for them really.

Answer: Vigilant
As vigilant means observant or watchful and the sentence above states that you need to be extremely watchful in a neighborhood like this when bringing up young children as this is not a safe place for them really, thus, the word vigilant correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. So violently___________ was it during the quake that all the plates on my kitchen shelving unit cracked.

Answer: Tremerous
As tremorous refers to tremors and the sentence above states that quake had violent tremors that all the plates on my kitchen shelving cracked thus the word tremerous correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. The___________ nature of his feelings towards me took me by surprise; I had no ill feeling for him at all and couldn’t understand it. The past is the past and I very much hope he can move on – this hatred he has must be eating him up inside.

Answer: Rancorous
As rancorous means bitter or resentful and the sentence above states that the bitter nature of his feeling surprises me as he couldn’t move on from the hatred, thus, the word rancorous correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. It was___________ of you to demand that I stop smoking, George. Unless you can kick the habit yourself, don’t go telling other people what they should do.

Answer: Hypocritical
As hypocritical means self-righteous or pious and the sentence above states that it was self-righteous of you to stop me from smoking , unless you kick the habit yourself, thus the word hypocritical correctly matches with the sentence above.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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