Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers

Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers is a topic of brief discussion about the hybrid solar lightning mechanism. The given IELTS topic has originated from the book named “The Complete Guide to IELTS with DVD-ROM and Intensive Revision Guide Access Code”. The topic named Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers comes with 13 sets of questions. There are three different kinds of questions, such as, complete the summary, complete the diagram, and answer in no more than two words. The candidates should thoroughly read the IELTS reading passage to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and answer the questions below. Similar kinds of topics like Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers are included in the IELTS reading practice papers, which the candidates can take into their consideration for performing a good score in this section.

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Section 1

Read the passage to answer the following questions

Hybrid Solar Lighting Reading Answers

Hybrid solar lighting is a system that captures sunlight on a rooftop and uses optical fibers to channel it directly into a building. The only power needed to operate it is a 9-volt battery and the energy cost reduction, worker productivity and health benefits are immense. It was originally developed by the US Department of Energy at its Oak Ridge National Laboratory and licensed to a company called Sunlight Direct. It has already been installed in a large number and a wide range of buildings in the USA including higher education institutions, museums, department stores and other specialty stores. Initial reports declare that retail sales increase by as much as 40% when the switch is made from fluorescent lighting to hybrid solar. Furthermore, there is a major improvement in the attention spans and academic attainment of undergraduates in classrooms or lecture theaters lit by hybrid solar. It is to be hoped that the technology can soon be made financially feasible for households as well as commercial buildings. It has been suggested that 30% of the electricity used in the USA is just for lighting and, for retailers, the estimate increases to 45%. Obviously, that figure could decrease significantly if sunlight could be brought inside. Hybrid solar lighting is predicted not only to save millions of dollars in energy costs but it is attractive for its quality which is almost identical to daylight.

A solar collector consisting of a 1.2 meter parabolic primary mirror concentrates the light toward a secondary mirror which has a special multi-layer coating that reflects only the visible wavelengths which effectively strips off the ultra-violet and infra-red wavelengths from the reflected light. This is important to reduce heat in the fiber optics which would otherwise melt. The visible light is focused from the secondary mirror towards a receiver module where it is homogenized to guarantee uniformity before it enters the fiber optic bundle which then passes into the building interior for lighting. The fibers are easily installed and replaced and unlike fluorescent lights that require energy, the hybrid solar system only needs one 9-volt battery to power the solar tracking system for a week.

The solar tracker mechanism consists of two motors that are controlled by a GPS (global positioning system) micro processor situated beneath it. This computes the exact position of the sun (based on the latitude, longitude, date and time) to within point one degree. The light collected shines brightly. Just two of these fibers emit enough light to be equivalent to a 60 Watt light bulb and there are 127 fibers in one bundle. What if it is cloudy or rainy outside.

That's where the hybrid comes in. The lighting fixtures combine the sunlight with the artificial light from fluorescent or Incandescent lamps to create a hybrid luminaire. A photo sensor in the room monitors the Intensity and automatic adjustments are made in order to keep a constant level of illumination.

A room lit entirely by fluorescence has an orange glow which is not very natural. If the lighting is changed to 80% solar and 20% fluorescent, it is far more aesthetically appealing. It is estimated that hybrid solar lighting could reduce the energy bill of most retailers by 60%; and retail stores have been some of the first adopters of the new technology because of the health benefits gained from natural lighting. Studies have shown that 20% of workers under artificial light suffer symptoms of depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In addition, retail stores with natural lighting sold 40% more merchandise than stores with artificial light. Research has shown that biological rhythms and circadian rhythms are the secret to having successful and productive employees. Bringing in the natural light helps regulate these biological processes.

The technology has made such an impression that other scientists are looking at alternative applications: utilizing the UV light energy for hot water heating, for example. There is one limitation to the technology, however: although the plastic optical fibers are very low cost, they also have very low transmittance and extend for only around 15 meters from the solar collector. This is why currently solar hybrid lighting is primarily focused on the top and main floors of a building.

Overall, the potential electricity savings and carbon dioxide reductions are enormous. The units are designed to last twenty years and, as volumes of sales increase, the price should come down considerably. it may be while before individual households can enjoy hybrid solar lighting but, in the meantime, there Is substantial benefit in that it is making many work and study spaces as natural and comfortable for humans as possible.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 1-3

Complete the summary below with words taken from Reading Passage 1. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

A hybrid solar lighting system has been developed that uses 1__________ to illuminate buildings. Numerous advantages have been described, such as a boost in 2 _____________and increased 3____________ and educational achievement amongst students.

Question 1:

Answer: sunlight
Supporting sentence: Hybrid solar lighting is a system that captures sunlight on a rooftop and uses optical fibers to channel it directly into a building.
KeywordHybrid solar lighting, captures, sunlight
Keyword location: paragraph 1, line 1
Explanation: Paragraph 1 explains about a feature of hybrid solar lightning system. The hybrid solar lighting is a kind of mechanism by which sunlight on a rooftop is captured. It also channel route the sunlight into a building via the usage of optical fibers. The 9- voltage battery along with energy cost reduction is the power required for its functionality. The savings in energy costs, increased worker productivity, and improved health are all substantial given

Question 2:

Answer: retail sales
Supporting sentence: Initial reports declare that retail sales increase by as much as 40% when the switch is made from fluorescent lighting to hybrid solar.
Keyword: Initial reports, retail sales, 40%
Keyword location: paragraph 2, line 3
Explanation: The third line of paragraph 2 portrays that the lab and distributed to a company named Sunlight Direct. In the USA, it has already been implemented in a significant number. Also variety of facilities, including colleges and universities, museums, department stores, and other specialty shops. Initial findings claim that switching from fluorescent lighting to hybrid solar can enhance retail sales by up to 40%.

Question 3:

Answer: attention spans
Supporting sentence: Furthermore, there is a major improvement in the attention spans and academic attainment of undergraduates in classrooms or lecture theaters lit by hybrid solar.
Keyword: improvement, attention spans, academic attainment of undergraduates
Keyword location: paragraph 2, line 4
Explanation: The fourth line of paragraph 2 clarifies that when switching from fluorescent lighting to hybrid solar, initial findings claim that retail sales can rise. It can upswing by as much as 40%. Additionally, students' academic performance and attention spans significantly increase in lecture halls or classrooms that are lit by hybrid solar.

Questions 4-8

Complete the diagram below.

Choose NO MORE THAN MO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 4-8 on your answer sheet.
Complete the notes below.


Question 4:

Answer: Primary mirror
Supporting sentence: A solar collector consisting of a 1.2 meter parabolic primary mirror concentrates the light toward a secondary mirror which has a special multi-layer coating that reflects only the visible wavelengths
which effectively strips off the ultra-violet and infra-red wavelengths from the reflected light.
Keyword: primary mirror, concentrates, secondary mirror
Keyword location: paragraph 4, line 1
Explanation: The first line of paragraph 4 points out that the light is focused onto a secondary mirror. It is happened with a unique multi-layer coating by a solar collector made of a 1.2 metre parabolic primary mirror. So, primary mirror will be the correct answer as followed by the diagram.

Question 5:

Answer: secondary mirror
Supporting sentence: A solar collector consisting of a 1.2 meter parabolic primary mirror concentrates the light toward a secondary mirror which has a special multi-layer coating that reflects only the visible wavelengths
Keyword: secondary mirror, multi-layer coating, wavelengths
Keyword location: paragraph 4, line 2
Explanation: Line 2 of paragraph 4 says that the solar collector with a 1.2-meter parabolic primary mirror concentrates the light toward a secondary mirror. This phenomenon is possible with a specific multi-layer coating that reflects only the visible wavelengths. Then further it removes the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths from the reflected light.

Question 6:

Answer: receiver module
Supporting sentence: The visible light is focused from the secondary mirror towards a receiver module where it is homogenized to guarantee uniformity before it enters the fiber optic bundle which then passes into the building interior for lighting.
Keyword: receiver module, homogenized, fiber optic
Keyword location: pargraph 4, line 3
Explanation: The third line of paragraph 4 states that in order to prevent the fibre optics from melting from heat, the solar connector is crucial. The secondary mirror directs the visible light into a receiver module. It is the place where it is homogenised to ensure homogeneity before entering the fibre optic bundle. Furthermore, it then emits the light into the interior of the structure.

Question 7:

Answer: tracker / tracking mechanism / solar tracker
Supporting sentence: The solar tracker mechanism consists of two motors that are controlled by a GPS (global positioning system) micro processor situated beneath it.
Keyword: solar tracker mechanism, controlled, GPS (global positioning system)
Keyword location: paragraph 5, line 1
Explanation: Paragraph 5 states that a GPS (global positioning system) microprocessor is located beneath the solar tracker mechanism. It is generally a microprocessor, which comprises of two motors. Based on the latitude, longitude, date, and time, this calculates the sun's precise position to within one degree.

Question 8:

Answer: exact position
Supporting sentence: This computes the exact position of the sun (based on the latitude, longitude, date and time) to within point one degree.
Keyword: exact position, sun, degree
Keyword location: paragraph 5, line 2
Explanation: The second line of paragraph 5 says that the motors make up the solar tracker mechanism, which is managed by a GPS (global positioning system) microprocessor. It is located beneath it. Based on the latitude, longitude, date, and time, this calculates the sun's precise position to within one degree. Bright light emanates from the collection. There are 127 of these fibres in one bundle, and only two of them may provide as much light as a 60 Watt light bulb.

Questions 9-13

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.

127 fibres = 1 bundle
2 fibres = 60 Watt bulb
A 9______________measures amount of light & a 10________—-mixes light from different sources to keep levels constant
Higher % of natural light, more attractive and biologically advantageous—fluorescence contributes to feelings of 11___________whereas natural or hybrid light gives rise to more productivity (& the sale of more 12___________ in shops) because it helps workers (& shoppers) feel good and maintain biological rhythms.
Plastic fibres are cheap but length from the 13______________ is a limiting factor.

Question 9:

Answer: photo sensor
Supporting sentence: A photo sensor in the room monitors the Intensity and automatic adjustments are made in order to keep a constant level of illumination.
Keyword: photo sensor, monitors, illumination
Keyword location: paragraph 6, line 3
Explanation: The third line of paragraph 6 depicts that automatic changes are made to maintain a constant level of illumination. On the other hand, a photo sensor in the space monitors the intensity of the light speed.

Question 10:

Answer: hybrid luminaire
Supporting sentence: The lighting fixtures combine the sunlight with the artificial
light from fluorescent or Incandescent lamps to create a hybrid luminaire
Keyword: lighting, fluorescent, hybrid luminaire
Keyword location: paragraph 6, line 2
Explanation: Line 2 of paragraph 6 says that the hybrid luminaire is produced by the lighting fixtures by fusing natural light from the sun. It is produced along with artificial light from incandescent or fluorescent lamps. Intensity is monitored by a photo sensor in the space, and automatic adjustments are made to maintain a consistent level of illumination.

Question 11:

Answer: depression
Supporting sentence: Studies have shown that 20% of workers under artificial light suffer symptoms of depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Keyword: 20%, depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Keyword location: paragraph 7, line 4
Explanation: The fourth line of paragraph 7 states that the retail establishments have been among the early adopters of the new technology. It is because of the health advantages of natural lighting. It is anticipated that hybrid solar lighting could cut the energy bill of most shops by 60%. According to studies, 20% of those who work under artificial lighting experience depression due to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Question 12:

Answer: merchandise
Supporting sentence: In addition, retail stores with natural lighting sold 40% more merchandise than stores with artificial light.
Keyword: retail stores, 40%, merchandise
Keyword location: paragraph 7, line 5
Explanation: Line 5 of paragraph 7 states that meanwhile, retail establishments with natural illumination sold 40% more goods than establishments with artificial lighting. Circadian cycles and biological rhythms are the keys to having successful and productive staff. It is a data according to research. Regulating these biological processes is made easier by bringing in natural light.

Question 13:

Answer: solar collectors
Supporting sentence: There is one limitation to the technology, however: although the plastic optical fibers are very low cost, they also have very low transmittance and extend for only around 15 meters from the solar collector.
Keyword: limitation, transmittance, solar collector
Keyword location: paragraph 8, line 2
Explanation: Paragraph 8 says that the other scientists are considering different uses for the technology, such as using the UV light energy to heat water. The plastic optical fibres, while inexpensive, have a very poor transmittance. It only reach a distance of around 15 metres from the solar collector. This can be considered as one technical drawback. This is why top and main levels of buildings currently have the majority of solar hybrid lighting installed.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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