Day |
Activity |
Week 1 Day 1 |
- Reading- Read articles in newspapers and reputable magazines.
- Writing: Try to understand the formats of writing tasks (1 & 2). Work through previous year papers.
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topic for at least 30 minutes. Record your speech. Self-evaluate
- IELTS Listening: Solve at least one audio script paper. Check your answers
Day 2 |
- Reading: Take a mock reading test. Rate your reading skills after completing
- Writing: Write essays on data description. Check your answers
- Speaking; Speak on any topic. Record your speech. Listen to the recordings. Self-evaluate. Work on your weak areas
- Listening: Listen to recorded monologues and conversations
Day 3 |
- Reading: Take a mock reading test. Try to complete it in an hour
- Writing: Write essays on data description. Check your answers
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topic in front of people (friends/family members). Ask for feedback
- Listening: Solve an audio script paper. Check your answers
Day 4 |
- Reading: Practice skimming and scanning (reading techniques)
- Writing: Write essays on map description. Answer at least five maps. Check your answers
- Speaking: Speak on a topic. Record your speech. Do a self-evaluation of your speaking skills
- Listening: Take a mock test. Listen to audio news reports
Day 5 |
- Reading: Read a newspaper article or an article published in a reputable magazine
- Writing: Write an essay on both tasks from a previous year IELTS Writing question paper
- Speaking: Practice your speaking skills
- Listening: Listen to an English documentary or an audio clip on your favorite topic for 30 minutes
Day 6 |
- Reading: Read previous year test papers. Work on your reading speed
- Writing: Write task 1 in 20 minutes. Take a look at sample answers. Self-evaluate
- IELTS Speaking : Take a mock test. Ask friends/family members for feedback
- Listening: Listen to recorded monologues
Day 7 |
- Reading: Review different aspects of IELTS reading
- Writing: Review essays in task 1. Work on your writing
- Speaking: Speak for 30 seconds-2 minutes on your favorite topic. Work on your vocab
- Listening: Take a mock test. Listen to the news or watch your favorite movie
Week 2 Day 1 |
- Reading: Read previous year IELTS question papers as fast as you can
- Writing: Try to gain an in-depth understanding of the format of Writing Task 2
- Speaking: Speak at least two minutes on your favorite topics
- Listening: Work on your listening. Listen to documentaries and audio clips
Day 2 |
- Reading: Read articles in English newspapers or magazines
- Writing: Learn to distinguish between Opinion essays and Discussion essays
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topics. Request listeners to provide feedback
- Listening: Solve a past audio script paper. Evaluate your answers
Day 3 |
- Reading: Practice skimming and scanning
- Writing: Learn to distinguish between Problem and Solution essays
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topics. Work on your fluency and confidence
- Listening: Take a mock test
Day 4 |
- Reading: Read newspaper articles or essays in English magazines
- Writing: Learn about advantage and disadvantage essays. Take a sample test
- Speaking: Talk on your favorite topic for about 30 seconds-2 minutes. Work on your vocab
- Listening: Listen to an English documentary or audio clip for 30 minutes
Day 5 |
- Reading: Take a mock test. Evaluate your answers
- Writing: Learn about and write an essay on double/direct questions
- Speaking: Speak on a topic. Ask for feedback
- Listening: Solve a past audio script paper. Check your answers
Day 6 |
- Reading: Read your favorite English book /novel
- Writing: Write essays on all the types in task 2 from previous year question papers
- Speaking: Speak on any topic for at least two minutes
- Listening: Take a mock test. Listen to audio clips
Day 7 |
- Reading: Work on your reading. Try to read a newspaper article as fast as you can
- Writing: Complete task 2 in 40 minutes. Compare your answers with sample answers
- Speaking: Take a mock test. Ask friends/family members for feedback
- Listening: Review different aspects in the listening section
Week 3 Day 1 |
- Reading: Select a random article. Try reading it in 20 minutes
- Writing: Learn about the format of writing tasks 1 and 2
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topics. Record your speeches. Evaluate them
- Listening: Solve a past audio script paper. Check your answers
Day 2 |
- Reading: Take a mock test
- Writing: Write essays on data description. Answer at least 10 questions
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topics. Record your speeches. Self-evaluate
- Listening: Solve a past audio script paper. Check your answers
Day 3 |
- Reading: Take a mock test. Try to complete it in 60 minutes
- Writing: Write essays on process description. Answer at least 10 questions
- Speaking: Speak on any topic
- Listening: Listen to audio clips and audio versions of monologues
Day 4 |
- Reading: Practice skimming and scanning
- Writing: Write essays on map descriptions
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topics. Record your speeches. Self-evaluate
- Listening: Take a mock test
Day 5 |
- Reading: Read newspaper articles or essays in magazines
- Writing: Write an essay on each type
- Speaking: Practice English speaking. Try to speak as fluently and confidently as you can
- Listening: Listen to an English documentary/audio clip for 30 minutes
Day 6 |
- Reading: Read test papers
- Writing: Complete task 1 in 20 minutes. Compare your answers with sample answers
- Speaking: Take a mock test. Ask others to provide feedback
- Listening: Listen to recorded monologues/audio clips
Day 7 |
- Reading: Read a book or a magazine
- Writing: Review your essays
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topics in front of your friends or family members
- Listening: Take a lock test
Week 4 Day 1 |
- Reading: Read previous years IELTS papers as fast as you can
- Writing: Take a mock test on Opinion essay. Self-evaluate
- Speaking: Speak for at least two minutes on any topic
- Listening: Listen to a documentary for 30 minutes
Day 2 |
- Reading: Read articles in newspapers or English magazines
- Writing: Take a mock test on Discussion essay.
- Speaking: Speak on a topic. Ask for feedback
- Listening: Solve a previous audio script paper. Evaluate your answers
Day 3 |
- Reading: Practice skimming and scanning
- Writing: Write a Problem/solution essay. Self-evaluate
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topics
- Listening: Take a mock test
Day 4 |
- Reading: Read newspaper articles or essays in your favorite magazine
- Writing: Write an advantage/disadvantage essay. Self-evaluate
- Speaking: Talk for 30 seconds-2 minutes on a topic
- Listening: Listen to an English documentary
Day 5 |
- Reading: Take a mock reading test. Self-evaluate
- Writing: Learn about and write an essay on Double/direct questions
- Speaking: Speak on your favorite topic. Ask for feedback
- Listening: Solve a previous audio script paper
Day 6 |
- Reading: Read newspaper articles
- Writing: Write an essay on each type from previous year question papers
- Speaking: Speak for at least two minutes on your favorite topic
- Listening: Take a mock test
Day 7 |
- Reading: Take a final mock test. Try to complete the test in 60 minutes
- Writing: Take a final mock test on writing. Try to complete the test in 60 minutes
- Speaking: Take a final mock test on speaking. Try to complete the test in 60 minutes
- Listening: Take a final mock test on listening. Try to complete the test in 60 minutes