The IELTS reading section assesses students based on their ability to read a passage and answer subsequent questions. These are the KPIs that are used to evaluate a candidate's reading abilities in IELTS examination. The details are required to be remembered in IELTS reading from the passage that is presented to them. IELTS academic reading is a crucial section and students are required to look after their preparation accordingly. How baby talk gives infant brains a boost ielts reading answers is a topic which can be utilized by students to prepare themselves for IELTS reading assessment. The topic includes questions mentioned below:
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Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions
Solution and Explanation
Questions 1-4:
Ask the candidates to relate references that are given by or link to researchers in the passage.
List of Researchers:
Mark VanDam
Nairan Ramirez-Esparza
Patricia Kuhl
Answer: B (Nairan Ramirez-Esparza)
Supporting Sentence: The author in the above-mentioned paragraph quotes Nairan Ramirez-Esparza of the University of Connecticut that she found that it matters whether you use baby talk in a one-on-one context. Here, one-on-one=individual attention.
Keywords: Importance of adults, babies, individual attention, talking
Keyword Location: Line 10-11 Paragraph D
Explanation: These lines suggest that giving babies individual attention matters.
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Answer: C (Patricia Kuhl)
Supporting Sentence: In the lines mentioned above, the author writes a comment by Patricia Kuhl who said that finding activation in motor areas of the brain when infants are listening is significant because it implies that the baby brain is engaged in trying to talk back right from the beginning.
Keywords: Connection, what babies hear, their own efforts, create speech
Keyword Location: Lines 8-11 Paragraph F
Explanation: These lines highlight that the motor areas in infants' brains are active when they are listening and it is important because the baby is engaged in an effort to create their speech.
Answer: A (Mark VanDam)
Supporting Sentence:The author in these lines provides a reference to Mark VanDam’s comment about the idea that a kid gets to practice a certain kind of speech from his mother and another kind of speech from his father, expanding the kinds of speech the kid can practice.
Keywords: Advantage, two parents, speaking, a different way
Keyword Location: Lines 10-12 Paragraph C
Explanation: These lines suggest the advantage offered to the kid having two parents who speak differently.
Answer: B (Nairan Ramirez-Esparza)
Supporting Sentence: Quoting Nairan Ramirez-Esparza, the author writes that those children who listened to a lot of baby talk were talking more than the babies that listened to more adult talk or standard speech.
Keywords: Connection, baby talk, hear, how much vocalizing, themselves
Keyword Location: Lines 7-9 Paragraph D
Explanation: These lines highlight the connection between children hearing baby talk and the vocalizing they do themselves. It suggests that the children who talk to baby talk are likely to talk more than the children who listen to an adult talk.
Questions 5-10:
Ask the candidates to fill in the blanks in not more than two words from the summary given below.
Answer: Recording devices
Supporting Sentence: The author here writes that Mark VanDam of the Washington State University equipped parents with recording devices and speech-recognition software to study the way they communicated with their young ones during a normal day.
Keywords: Researchers, Washington State University, specialized computer programs, analyze, parents interacted, normal day
Keyword Location: Lines 2-3 Paragraph C
Explanation: These lines suggest that to analyze how parents interact with their children during the day, Mark VanDam equipped them with recording devices together with specialized computer programs.
Answer: Dads
Supporting Sentence: The author in the above-mentioned paragraph writes that dads are not raising their pitch or fundamental frequency when they talk to their kids.
Keywords: Tended not to, modify, original speech patterns, interacting with babies
Keyword Location: Lines 6-8 Paragraph C
Explanation: This line suggests that dads do not tend to modify their speech patterns by raising their pitch when interacting with their babies.
Answer: Bridge hypothesis
Supporting Sentence: In the lines mentioned above, the author mentions that their role may be rooted in what is called the bridge hypothesis, which dates back to 1975. It implies that fathers use less familial language to provide for their children.
Keywords: Ideas known, more adult type speech, prepare infants, outside the family home
Keyword Location: Lines 8-10 Paragraph C
Explanation: In this sentence, the bridge hypothesis indicates that fathers are more likely to use an adult type of language which is less familiar to infants and children.
Answer: Repertoire
Supporting Sentence: In this paragraph, the author writes that for a kid to have a wider repertoire of kinds of speech and practice, he needs to be exposed to a certain kind of speech with his mom and another kind with the father.
Keywords: Hearing baby talk, one parent, normal language, expands, types of speech
Keyword Location: Lines 11-12 Paragraph C
Explanation: This indicates that a kid has a wider span of speech if he practices a certain kind of speech with one parent and a ‘normal’ language with another parent.
Answer: Audio-recording vests
Supporting Sentence: In the above-mentioned paragraph, the author mentions that the University of Connecticut collected thousands of 30-second conversations between parents and babies with audio-recording vests that captured language and sound during the day.
Keywords: Scientists, University of Washington, University of Connecticut, recorded speech and sound
Keyword Location: Line 3 Paragraph D
Explanation: The author suggests that the babies are equipped with audio-recording vests that record 30-second conversations between parents and their babies during the day.
Answer: Vocabulary
Supporting Sentence: In the lines mentioned, the author writes that when researchers saw that frequent baby talks to babies at age two had dramatically boosted their vocabulary. Regardless of socioeconomic status.
Keywords: at age two, heard a lot of baby talk in infancy, much larger
Keyword Location: Lines 5-7 Paragraph D
Explanation: In this sentence, boosted=larger. The line suggests that babies who had heard a lot of baby talk during infancy had a much larger vocabulary as compared to those who had not.
Questions 11-13:
Ask the candidates to read the passage and find which paragraph contains the following information.
Answer: F
Supporting Sentence: The author states that finding activation in motor areas of infants’ brains when they are simply listening is significant because it means the brain is engaged in trying to talk back and suggests that the brain of seven-month-olds' are already trying to figure out how to make the right movements that will produce words.
Keywords: Reference, change that occurs, babies’ brain activity, end of their first year
Keyword Location: Lines 7-11 Paragraph F
Explanation: In this sentence, activation=change, seven-month-olds ’=before the end of their first year. This suggests that an infant’s brain is already trying to figure out how to talk before the end of their first year.
Answer: A
Supporting Sentence: In these lines, the author mentions that most babies start developing their hearing while still inside the womb, encouraging some parents to play classical music to their pregnant bellies.
Keywords: Example, some parents do, baby’s benefit, before birth
Keyword Location: Lines 2-4 Paragraph A
Explanation: In this line, inside the womb=before birth. They believe that babies start developing their hearing before birth, which prompts some parents to play classical for the child’s benefit.
Answer: E
Supporting Sentence: The author in these lines says that it has been discovered that babies seem to like listening to each other rather than adults, which may be why baby talk is a universal tool among parents. Here other babies=baby to baby.
Keywords: Babies’ preference, sounds other babies make
Keyword Location: Lines 5-7 Paragraph E
Explanation: The author indicates that a baby prefers listening to other babies rather than listening to the adults talk.