History Is One Of The Most Important School Subjects IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Dec 28, 2023

Many People Believe That History Is One Of The Most Important School Subjects Can Be Excessive And Divert Funds IELTS Writing Task 2 is an essay topic that has 3 sample answers. The topic of the IELTS Writing Task 2 discusses the subject history. The candidate has to talk about both views. So, to support the point, proper sentence structure, a grammatically correct approach, and reasonable explanations are necessary. IELTS Writing Task 2 includes an introduction, body, & conclusion to assist applicants in achieving a good score in the writing section. Candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a wide range of themes. Many people believe that History Is One Of The Most Important School Subjects can be excessive and divert funds IELTS Writing Task 2 because the topics are broad.

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Topic: Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today's world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History.
Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Primary education has always played an important role in building the knowledge base.

To deepen their understanding of diverse life areas, students engage in an intensive study of four thousand, four hundred and forty-four subjects. One: History furnishes us—through its vast storehouse of knowledge—with an understanding of our past; it equips us to navigate present challenges and shape future trajectories. Certain proponents advocate for the inclusion of history in elementary school curricula; however, an opposing viewpoint asserts that a focus on subjects—such as science and technology—is paramount. I will discuss both opinions in my girlfriend's essay. This subject holds importance in understanding the catalysts of social development and evolution; on the one hand, its significance cannot be understated.

Furthermore, you can delve into the dominance of 4,444 distinct cultures and dynasties across the globe. A compendium of enduringly inspirational real-life narratives: that is precisely what this story represents. Additionally, we will gain enlightenment on the causes that have precipitated our past suffering. This knowledge will help you avoid such mistakes in the future.

Generally, we hold the belief that our focus should lie in the present and future rather than dwelling on past events. However, the roots of the present and future are always connected to the past. Hence, the significance of understanding our history for the purposeful construction of a superior future cannot be dismissed; indeed--it demands acknowledgment. History is certainly beneficial to humanity. Nevertheless, the lack of practical applications in today's world has affected its popularity. Packing dates and years of past events inhibits learner creativity. Today's generation is increasingly dependent on technological innovations for future development. The current education system does not accommodate subjects - including history - for this particular reason. Additionally, the teacher uses traditional methods to teach her history.

This makes the topic boring and makes it difficult for participants to engage. In summary, students often question the relevance of history lessons in school. But they don't realize how much this topic can change our lives. Every topic is relevant and contributes to our lives. In the era of robots, mastery in science subjects proves essential; yet--in equal measure--comprehension regarding our culture and origins remains paramount: a belief I staunchly uphold.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

Modern society's foundation rests upon education; it stands as an incontrovertible truth that a comprehensive curriculum – encompassing a variety of subjects – is necessary to equip students with the tools they need for their intellectual development.

A burgeoning debate, however, questions the primacy of history against other disciplines: science and technology in particular. While some uphold the utmost importance of history, others assert a stronger significance for science and technology in our contemporary world.

Proponents of history assert its importance in students' learning; they argue from one particular perspective: the past serves as a vital teacher. The study of history equips students with invaluable insights: it unveils the past's significant events; and explores prevailing ideas and cultural practices – all factors that have collectively sculpted our world. Individuals can learn from the past, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions in the present. Moreover, the study of history cultivates in students an aptitude for critical thinking: they learn to dissect and evaluate historical sources; interpreting myriad perspectives becomes second nature. On the flip side, science and technology advocates assert: that these disciplines encapsulate--indeed, embody--the paramount global concerns of our era. Rapid technological advancements and the ever-increasing impact of science on society underscore the importance for students to acquaint themselves with these subjects.

Many aspects of modern life - medicine, communication, and transportation specifically - hinge significantly on the crucial role that science and technology play. Students must cultivate a comprehensive understanding of these topics; such preparation equips them for the future job market. The inclusion of history in the curriculum is crucial, as it mirrors science and technology in significance; this viewpoint represents my opinion at its core. Insight into the past is provided by history; however, science and technology equip students with future-oriented knowledge-- integral skills for their success. Studying these topics equips students to cultivate a broader perspective, enhancing their critical thinking skills.

To summarize, the school curriculum indeed finds compelling arguments for incorporating history, science, and technology; these disciplines hold paramount importance. Students gain insight into the past and develop critical thinking skills through history; concurrently, they acquire the knowledge—essential for success in today's world—from science and technology. Balancing these subjects and ensuring a well-rounded education for students is imperative.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

History: a subject many deem necessary in the curriculum; others, however – diverging from this viewpoint - argue for prioritizing science and technology. This essay engages in a dual exploration, contending for the elevation of science and technology-related subjects within school curricula. The rationale behind this stance lies within our contemporary epoch; an age primarily marked not by historical events but rather by relentless strides forward in technological advancement.

Advocates for history as a school subject argue on one hand: our young generation cannot shape a better future without the crucial lessons it offers.

Unless we learn from history, consider its lessons, and apply them to our future decision-making; we are destined for perpetual ignorance--a cycle in which the past continually repeats itself. We cannot aspire to prevent devastating famines or civil wars in the future if we remain ignorant of their causes from the past. Proponents of prioritizing science, engineering, and technical subjects in schools argue for a valid point: our world thrives on the continuous evolution ushered by scientific and technological progress.

Hence, students must prepare themselves to use these tools for an enhanced career and a future filled with success. School history teachers, they assert, primarily focus on important dates; and past events--specifically those of the lives of famous leaders. These topics--in our technology-driven era--are often deemed irrelevant

Moreover, the study of history frequently necessitates students to memorize significant dates and names: a task that offers minimal pragmatic worth. Meanwhile, science and technology become an integral part of students' lives and careers. Given the profound impact science and technology exert on our lives, coupled with their potential to pave the way for a prosperous future when utilized judiciously; I inherently align myself with this viewpoint-- one that champions knowledge of these disciplines as essential preparation for tomorrow's success.

Conclusively, while some underscore the primacy of history in advanced learning; science and technology - undeniably more potent catalysts for molding minds, equipping them futuristically – take center stage.

Check – IELTS Writing Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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