Hike Leader Giving Information About An Upcoming Hiking Trip - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

Collegedunia Team

Sep 29, 2021

IELTS listening section examines a candidate’s listening skills through four parts. The total duration of the IELTS listening section is 30 minutes. There are both conversations and monologues found in IELTS listening audios. This topic - Hike leader giving information about an upcoming hiking trip is IELTS listening part 2. This contains the following question types:

  • Matching information
  • Sentence completion

Audio Transcript:

You will have a hike leader giving information about an upcoming hiking trip. First, you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15.

As you listen to the first part of the talk, answer questions 11 to 15.

Good evening, everyone. As you know, this is our last meeting before we set off on our annual week-long hiking trip. So tonight, I'll be telling you everything you'll need to know to be ready for the trip. Let's talk about equipment first. Having the right equipment is essential for your comfort and safety. First, you'll need a warm and comfortable sleeping bag. However, you won't need to worry about carrying a tent since we'll be sleeping in shelters along the way. Also part of the fee you've paid for the trip, goes toward food. So you won't need to put that on your packing list, either. We found though that it's more efficient for each person to bring his or her own dishes. So be sure to pack a plastic bowl, a cup and a fork, knife and spoon. That's all you will need in the way of dishes. Perhaps the most important item to put on your list is a comfortable pair of hiking boots. Nothing ruins a hike more than getting blisters and sores from ill-fitting boots. So make sure your boots fit you right. Shoes and sneakers aren’t adequate for the type of hiking we will be doing. Of course, a backpack is necessary for carrying your equipment. Make sure you have one that's lightweight and comfortable to carry. Walking poles have become popular among hikers recently, but we don't recommend them. They can get in the way when too many hikers are using them at once and some serious injuries have been caused. So it's best to leave those at home.

Let's see. What else? Oh, yes. Some people have asked me about trail maps. They're available, but you really don't need them as your hike leaders have scouted out the trail and will be guiding you along the way. And don't forget to bring a warm jacket. You may think you won't need one in this warm summer weather. But remember that evenings in the mountains can get quite cold. Is there anything else I need to tell you? Oh, yes. Your guides will each be carrying a first aid kit. So that's one last thing for you to pack yourself. Remember you'll be carrying your backpack all day. So keep your load light and don't over pack.

Before you have the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at questions 16 to 20.

Now listen and answer questions 16 to 20.

I know you're all experienced hikers, but it's always worth repeating the rules of the trail since they're so important. These rules are in place for the safety of everyone on the trip. As you know, there'll be a hike leader walking at the head of the line who will show the group the way. At the end of the line will be the rear leader or sweep. It's important to always stay ahead of this person while we're on the trail. There are several different trails on the mountain where we'll be hiking and they cross each other at some points. When you come to any intersection of trails, stop and wait for the rest of the group to catch up. This way we can be sure that no one goes off on the wrong trail. Let me emphasize here, how important it is to stay on the trail. We will be climbing through some steep and rocky areas. Don't be tempted to go off on your own and try to climb some rocks. That can be quite dangerous. Also, it's not likely but it is possible that we will encounter some large wild animals along the way. The last thing you want to do is try to feed any of them. That will just encourage them to follow us which could lead to some dangerous situations. One last thing before we set off hiking each morning, be sure to fill up your water bottle. This is perhaps the most important safety rule. Dehydration can be a serious problem when you're out in the wilderness, so you must always be sure to carry an adequate supply of water with you. I think that covers just about everything. Are there any questions?

Section 2

Questions 11-20

Questions 11-15

Choose FIVE letters, A—J. Write answers next to 11-15 on your answer sheet.

Which FIVE things should hikers take on the hiking trip?

  1. sleeping bag
  2. tent 
  3. food 
  4. dishes
  5. hiking boots
  6. backpack
  7. walking poles
  8. maps
  9. jacket
  10. first-aid kit

Question 11:

Answer: A

Explanation: During the monologue, the hike leaders provide information about the things the trekkers should take. The first thing is sleeping bags which are warm and comfortable.

Also check:

Question 12:

Answer: D

Explanation: The next thing that the trek leader asks the trekker to carry are dishes. The trekkers will be provided food but they are required to carry the dishes like plastic bowl, a cup and a fork, knife and spoon.

Question 13:

Answer: E

Explanation: The trekkers are supposed to carry a comfortable pair of hiking boots. Having blisters and sores from ill-fitting boots are the worst.

Question 14:

Answer: F

Explanation: Trekkers are supposed to carry a backpack which is light and comfortable. Since the trekkers have to carry the backpack constantly, the backpack needs to be very comfortable.

Question 15:

Answer: I

Explanation: It can be cold in the mountains during the evening, therefore, the trekkers need to carry a warm jacket.

Questions 16-20

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Safety Rules for Hiking

Always stay ahead of the 16______________

Stop and wait at any 17_____________

Don’t try to climb 18_______________

Don’t 19______________wild animals.

Always carry 20_______________with you.

Question 16:

Answer: sweep/rear leader

Explanation: The trek leader said that it is important to stay ahead of the sweep or rear leader throughout the trail. This is followed so as to not get lost.

Question 17:

Answer: intersection

Explanation: The trekkers are advised to stop during the intersections to wait for the remaining trekkers to arrive at one point. This way they will not get lost.

Question 18:

Answer: rocks

Explanation: The trail consists of rocky slopes and areas. The trekkers are advised to not climb the rocks. It can be tempting but it is dangerous.

Question 19:

Answer: feed

Explanation: The trekkers are advised to not feed the large wild animals that they come across. It may lead them to follow the trekkers throughout the trail.

Question 20:

Answer: water

Explanation: It is advisable to the trekkers to carry water bottles. Staying dehydrated is the most important thing.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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