High School IELTS Speaking Part 1

High School IELTS Speaking Part 1 is the IELTS Speaking topic. Three model answers have been given below on the same. There are 12 questions that candidates need to answer. These include- are you still in contact with higher school friends, what your high school is like, what happened on the first day of school, did your parents choose your high school for you, what subjects did you study in high school, what was your favorite subject in high school, which subject you liked the least and why, which secondary subject you think is the most useful in adult life, what part of high school education did you enjoy the most, how do you feel about your high school, why did you choose to attend that school, which class did you enjoy the most.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 consists of an introductory section where candidates are asked questions on personal details, family, friends and work. Candidates need to speak for 4-5 minutes in this section. Candidates' speaking abilities are assessed based on this section considering their grammar and vocabulary in English language.

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Topic: High School IELTS Speaking Part 1

Model Answer 1

Question 1. Are you still in contact with your friends from high school?

Answer: Yes, I am still in contact with my high school friends. Albeit most of them have moved to different cities, we still get together at festivals and other special occasions. Also, we keep each other apprised through social media.

Albeit - although.
Apprised - let someone know.

Question 2. What is your high school like?

Answer:My high school has three separate buildings each for primary, junior, and senior classes. We have a football field and two basketball courts. The junior building has depictions of cartoon characters on its walls. I liked the indoor badminton court the most. It has many trees and feels quiet and peaceful.

Depictions - drawings representing something.
Peaceful - without any disturbance.

Question 3. What happened on the first day of high school?

Answer: It was almost similar to any other day at school, except for that unusual feeling of responsibility. A weird sense of pride and appreciation made me feel good about myself. Although I felt the same, others started to look up to me differently.

Almost - very close to something.
Unusual - not commonly seen or felt.
Weird - abnormal
Look up to - have respect.

Question 4. Did your parents choose your high school for you?

Answer: Yes, my parents made the decision about my high school. I gave my part of the suggestion but the final decision was made by my parents.

Decision - conclusion obtained after discussion.
Suggestion - an idea put forward for consideration.

Question 5. What subjects did you study in high school?

Answer: There were a bunch of subjects in my high school curriculum. I studied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Hindi, Computer Applications, History & Civics, Geography, Moral Science, and Socially Useful & Productive Works.

Curriculum - subjects included in a course.
Bunch of - a number of.

Question 6. What was your favourite subject in high school?

Answer: My favourite subject in high school was history. I was so drawn towards history because it felt like reading an old story, with several plots entangled together. Accounts of dynasties made and wars fought over the years, it all feels exciting.

Drawn towards - attracted to something.
Plots - stories.
Entangled - mixed together.
Accounts - mention of something.

Question 7. And which subject did you like the least? (Why?)

Answer: I liked all the subjects in my high school. I believe every subject we study has its own role to play in our lives. I focus on all subjects equally.

Role - a specific part to play.
Focus - give attention to.

Question 8. Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life?

Answer: I believe all subjects have a specific role to play in adult life. Everything we study in our school days helps build the foundation of our careers. Whatever field we pursue we need to have basic knowledge of all fields.

Specific - particular.
Foundation - base for something.
Pursue - continue towards.

Question 9. What part of high school education did you enjoy most?

Answer: I enjoyed my high school days a lot. The part I enjoyed the most was being a part of a school music band. I played trumpet in the band. We practiced everyday, marching on tunes, learning new tunes to play. Apart from this I also enjoyed playing badminton with my friends.

Marching - walking on beats.
Tunes - pieces of music.

Question 10. How do you feel about your high school?

Answer: My high school years were among the best years of my life. I enjoyed it a lot and I cherish those days in my memory. I miss those days alot.

Cherish - hold something close.

Question 11. Why did you choose to attend that particular school?

Answer: It was the best school in my neighbourhood, with adequate academic and extracurricular activities. Although my parents made that decision for me, I believe that it was the best decision in my own interest.Vocabulary
Neighbourhood - a small community in a city or town.
Adequate - sufficient.

Question 12. Which class did you enjoy the most? (Why?)

Answer: I enjoyed all years of my high school equally. Spending time with my friends, enjoying during lunch breaks, playing badminton after classes, and going on school trips. All these activities among several others were what enthused me and I enjoyed them .

Enthused - filled with joy and happiness.

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Model Answer 2

Question 1. Are you still in contact with high school friends?

Answer: Yes, I am still in contact with my high school friends. Most of them are attending college while some have taken vocational courses

Vocational- education or training specialised occupation and skills

Question 2. What is your high school like?

Answer: My high school was extremely wonderful. My high school consisted of standard I to XII. The streams of Science, Commerce and Humanities were present. There were more than 100 teachers in our school and all of them were marvellous. From academic to extracurricular activities all took place in my high school.

Marvellous- something that causes great wonder.

Question 3. What happened on the first day of school?

Answer: On the first day of attending high school, I was nervous yet excited to meet new people. I did not anticipate the school being so wonderful in terms of their teachers and students. My classmates are very cooperative and helped me learn about the school.

Anticipate- expect or predict

Question 4. Did your parents choose your high school for you?

Answer: my parents had enough knowledge about which school was the best and hence, helped me in choosing my high school.

Question 5. What subjects did you study in high school?

Answer:the syllabus of the school included many subjects from History, Geography, Political Science to even Economics and English. All these subjects consisted of a series of books which needed to be studied for the finals.

Series of books- set of books

Question 6. What was your favourite subject in high school?

Answer: my favourite subject in high school was history. I preferred Ancient History more because of its unpredictability and mysteries. I was always curious to know more about what happened in the past.

Unpredictability- inability to be predicted
Curious- eager to know or learn something

Question 7. Which subject you liked the least and why?

Answer: I liked geography the least was geography. Geography did not consist of any interesting topic and was mostly based on factual information.

Question 8. Which secondary subject do you think is the most useful in adult life?

Answer: I think all the subjects can be important for students in their adult life. It depends on what career the person chooses for its future and how he/she wants to move ahead with their decisions. All of the subjects can be considered as stepping stones for future endeavours.

Stepping stones- an action which helps one to progress
Endeavours- attempting to achieve one’s goal

Question 9. What part of high school education did you enjoy the most?

Answer: the part where I enjoyed my high school days the most were during the annual festival when numerous competitions, exhibitions, food stalls, etc came up. From musical bands to food making competitions, it all happened in a collective number of days.

Collective: something done in a group.

Question 10. How do you feel about your high school?

Answer: I feel extremely lucky to have studied in my high school. The friends I made are for a lifetime while I was able to take away quite a few memorable times with me.

Memorable- something worth remembering

Question 11. Why did you choose to attend that particular school?

Answer: I chose to attend the school because of its reputation, the efficient faculty as well as upon my best friend’s father’s suggestion.

Faculty- the teaching staff within a school or university

Question 12. Which class did you enjoy the most?

Answer:both the years of high school were fantastic. I enjoyed both the years and was happy to come out with shining colours.

Model Answer 3

Question 1. Are you still in contact with high school friends?

Answer: Yes, I am still in contact with some, if not all, my high school friends. Most of them are attending college and doing well in life

Question 2. What is your high school like?

Answer: My high school consisted of standard I to XII. The streams of Commerce and Humanities were included. There were more than 100 teachers in our school. From academic to extracurricular activities all took place in my high school.

Extracurricular- those which are pursued apart from normal courses

Question 3. What happened on the first day of school?

Answer: the first day of school was indeed memorable. The teachers of my class welcomed the new students like me and helped distribute chocolates as welcome gifts.

Distribute- sharing of something to every recipient

Question 4. Did your parents choose your high school for you?

Answer: considering what career I might progress with in the future is my choice, even the choice of studying in St. Mary’s was my choice.

Progress- moving forward with some action to reach a destination

Question 5. What subjects did you study in high school?

Answer: the subjects from History, Geography, Political Science to even Economics and English. All these subjects and topics are based on the syllabus set out by the central board.

Question 6. What was your favourite subject in high school?

Answer: my favourite subject in high school was Economics. I prefered the subject because of its logical questioning and quantitative mode of study.

logical- characterised by sound reasoning
Quantitative- related to measuring

Question 7. Which subject you liked the least and why?

Answer: I liked political science the least. I did not find interest in studying the political theories and history of political India.

Question 8. Which secondary subject do you think is the most useful in adult life?

Answer: I think all the subjects can be important and useful in adult life. It depends on how one is able to implement the knowledge and ideas in future real life.

Implement- putting into effect

Question 9. What part of high school education did you enjoy the most?

Answer: the part where I enjoyed my high school days the most was during our excursion to Manali where all the students of standard XII were taken for a tour. It was supposed to be a school tour for every last batch of students.

Collective: something done in a group.

Question 10. How do you feel about your high school?

Answer:I feel that one has the ability to learn, expand knowledge as well as grow as a person. The school has taught me to believe in myself and certainly hold higher dignity.

Dignity- being worthy of honour or respect

Question 11. Why did you choose to attend that particular school?

Answer:I chose to attend the school because of my parents’ and my mutual decisions for it was also where my best friend was going to study.

Mutual- held in common by two or more people

Question 12. Which class did you enjoy the most?

Answer: my final year of high school was the most enjoyable when we went for an excursion, we experienced camping and even enjoyed during the annual function at school.

Excursion- a short trip for leisure activity

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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