Governments are Spending a Large Amount of Money on Improving Internet Access IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Jul 28, 2022

Governments are Spending a Large Amount of Money on Improving Internet Access IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: In many countries, governments are spending a large amount of money on improving internet access. Why is it happening and do you think it is the most appropriate use of government money?

Model Answer 1:

With recent technological advancements, today we need a good internet access to get regular work done like paying bills, booking cabs to travel, make reservations, work, do business, attend classes to name a few. Today, people from all age groups are compelled to use the internet as it has become a necessary evil. Therefore, governments of most countries are trying their best to improve internet access so that people can get internet connection smoothly and at an affordable rate. But some people think that spending such huge amounts on enhancing internet access is not the most appropriate use of government money. Especially in countries where there are much bigger issues to be addressed like hunger, health and sanitation. In my opinion, improving the internet is of utmost importance as today computer literacy is essential to get ahead in life, so spending large sums of money is needed to build a robust internet system to improve the lives of the citizens.

Today we need the internet for almost everything. It helps us to stay connected with people in every corner of the globe which in turn facilitates business, exchange of ideas and culture. Nowadays computer literacy enables people to receive better job opportunities, as every business is happening online. If the government doesn’t improve internet access then many people will not be able to afford the internet which will limit their knowledge, as the internet is the repository of knowledge where people can learn many things. For instance, if the Indian government didn’t spend money on improving internet access, then during the pandemic, life would’ve come to a standstill as young students would not be able to attend online classes, individuals would be sitting at home without jobs, even getting groceries would be inconvenient if the online system wasn’t robust and efficient enough to caters to billions of users.

Therefore, in my opinion, spending large amounts on improving internet access is the appropriate use of the government's money, because sooner or later every country has to revamp their internet connection or else they will be isolated from the rest of the world.

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Model Answer 2:

Today every layman knows what the internet is and most certainly uses it without even understanding its importance in their lives. The government of every country is working and spending huge amounts of taxpayers’ money to improve the internet access so that the internet connection reaches every rural and urban area in the country. Previously only a handful of people had access to the internet as it was expensive and most didn’t understand the use of technology in their lives. But in the current times, internet access has become cheaper and affordable by most as the governments are investing heavily on it to make it efficient and accessible. Today business on the internet flourishes way more than offline businesses and some businesses happen completely online. Today people do not need to travel great distances to meet others, they can have online conferences and save time for all the parties involved. Today even governments of various countries meet online to address international issues.

The Internet is used by children to study and attend online classes. Nowadays people don’t visit the banks as often as they used to, because online banking has made it easier to make transactions. We see the benefits of the internet in every aspect of our lives and the government sees this potential too. Therefore, the government sees the internet as a way to enable overall development as it touches the lives of all people irrespective of class, creed or gender.

In my opinion, this futuristic outlook of governments will help them in the long run to keep up with the technological advancements and upgrade the lifestyle of the citizens living in the country by making internet access affordable and efficient. Hence it is the most appropriate use of the government money.

Model Answer 3:

In modern times, the world has become a global village where everyone is connected. The internet has been the game changer for many individuals, businesses and countries, as everyone was able to share their uniqueness with others and this paved the way to bigger innovations. The government realized the potential and the power of the internet and started investing heavily to improve the internet access for the people of their respective countries to enable development. Governments of many countries have spent a substantial amount of the taxpayers’ money on building an efficient and high speed internet connection.

For instance, the Indian government has spent $500 billion in the last two decades on improving internet access and gives its people affordable high speed internet to facilitate their daily work. Many people are of the opinion that this is not the most appropriate use of the government's money as there are more pressing issues which need to be addressed and taken care of before improving the internet access. I completely agree with this viewpoint, especially when most countries are suffering from poor healthcare facilities, bad road infrastructures, hunger and safety issues.

For example: In India more than 700 million people do not have proper toilets in their houses which leads to poor sanitation and health issues, which is definitely more critical and should be looked into before spending huge amounts on internet access. The government should first use the money available to them to address these pertinent issues and make sure that every individual has their basic needs met. Improving internet access is secondary to these important needs.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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