Global Warming is One of the Biggest Threats to Our Environment IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 20, 2022

Global Warming Is One Of The Biggest Threats To Our Environment IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. It focuses on the threat of global warming on the environment. Candidates are required to address their viewpoint and support it through effective arguments. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the knowledge and views. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What causes global warming? What solutions are there to solve this problem?

Model Answer 1

Global warming is a major challenge that inhabitants of Earth are facing. It is climate change that occurs due to human activities which primarily involves fossil fuel burning. The need of the hour is to control this issue which can be done by following environment-friendly practices. This essay will discuss the causes and measures that can be implemented to solve the problem.
The major reasons for global warming are man-made. We use different modes of transportation to ease our travel and all of them emit harmful pollutants in the air. One such pollutant is carbon dioxide which gets released when fuels like petrol are burnt. A total of approximately 30% of CO2 release is due to heavy use of transport. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that heats the temperature of Earth by trapping infrared radiation. Secondly, when coal is burnt to produce energy, it also releases a large amount of CO2. Power plants make use of coal which consequently leads to global warming.
There are certain steps that can be followed to reverse the condition. Firstly, instead of using a personal vehicle, people can use public transport as that would reduce the amount of CO2 released into the air. People can also opt for electric vehicles instead of the ones that run on petrol. Secondly, the government should implement stringent laws that don’t allow big organizations to use power plants that run on fossil fuels. Instead, they can use eco-friendly energy resources like renewable energy. Thirdly, awareness about saving the environment must be spread among people of all age groups.
To conclude, global warming is a phenomenon that has been created by us either by using lots of vehicles. Or by setting up power plants and it is upon us to undo the mistake we have committed. Which can be achieved by spreading awareness and opting for environment-friendly ways of living.

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Model Answer 2

Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the temperature of the Earth. The melting of glaciers, animals and birds are changing their migration pattern. And trees blooming before their natural time are just some of the effects of global warming. This essay will look at the causes and the solution which can prevent global warming to become the biggest threat to our environment.The major contributor to global warming is human activities. This includes industrial farming and ranching as it releases a huge amount of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.
These gasses trap infrared radiation thereby increasing the Earth’s temperature. Farming is responsible for emitting 40 percent of methane and 20 percent of carbon dioxide into the air. Another reason for global warming is deforestation. We cut trees to use its wood for several purposes. In the process, carbon dioxide is released and there is a reduction in the trapping of carbon dioxide which trees do.To combat the release of greenhouse gasses, we must ensure that farming practices must be eco-friendly. Deforestation must be practiced instead of cutting down trees as they keep the carbon dioxide trapped thereby preventing its emission into the air. Electricity consumption must be monitored as the more we consume it, the more we will contribute to global warming. Government must ban the industries that freely release pollutants in the air that are a major source of global warming.
To conclude, various reasons that cause global warming must be replaced with the solutions suggested. So that we can not only save our planet but also ourselves. Humans cannot exist in isolation. We are dependent on the environment and it is our responsibility to take care of it by acting sensibly. We have inherited it from our forefathers. We have to preserve the environment from our future generations.

Model Answer 3

Global warming has become a major cause of concern as it is affecting flora and fauna. Its impact can even be seen on human life. It is not happening due to a single reason. Rather multiple reasons have united that is degrading the quality of life. Natural causes like volcanic eruptions contribute to global warming but man-made causes are huge in number. This essay will discuss the causes and solutions to prevent global warming from becoming a major threat.
There are several reasons that have contributed to global warming. The use of nitrogen-rich fertilizers on farms trap the heat. Nitrous oxide can trap heat 300 times more than carbon dioxide. The agricultural byproducts account for 62 percent of nitrous oxide. We often see landfills are just a collection of waste products. However, these are among the major contributors to the release of methane and nitrous oxide in the air. Both gasses are greenhouse gasses that trap heat thereby increasing the temperature on the Earth. Permafrost, which is a thick subsurface layer of soil in polar regions releases tons of greenhouse gasses in the air as it was recently observed in Siberia.
The solution to controlling global warming is not unachievable. Using natural fertilizers can contribute towards soil fertility and enhance the quality of air too. The practice of recycling can reduce garbage collection in landfills. Consuming less electricity, as its production releases carbon dioxide in the air, can prove to be another step in the direction of sustainability.
To conclude, global warming is a result of common effort and it can be fixed by joint effort only. The present generation must act sensibly by using the resources judiciously so that the future generation can be prevented from suffering. We must remember that the Earth is the only plant that we have and it thus becomes our responsibility to prevent it from dying.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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