Frequently Used Synonyms in IELTS Speaking and Writing

Bhaskar Das

Feb 9, 2022

For the IELTS writing and speaking section, having an enriching vocabulary is a must to score a good band score. Candidates must keep a balance of using high vocabulary words as well as familiar words in IELTS Speaking as well as in Writing. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using synonyms for common words. In this particular article candidates will find useful synonyms which can help them to use a range of words and get a good band score.

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Select the word that is closest in meaning to the word provided.

  1. glare is most similar to
  1. scowl
  2. hide
  3. display
  4. Summon

Answer: a. scowl
Explanation: To glare means to stare angrily and to scowl means to have an angry expression. Since both are related to staring or vision which is related to anger, the word scowl is similar to glare.

  1. erratic is most similar to
  1. enticing
  2. frequent
  3. difficult
  4. Irregular

Answer: d. Irregular
erratic means lacking regularity. Irregular means something that does not happen on a regular basis. Hence, both the words are similar to each other.

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  1. civil is most similar to
  1. unkind
  2. trite
  3. public
  4. Questionable

Answer: c. public
One of the meanings of civil is something that involves the general public. Public also means something that involves the mass of people. Hence, both the words are similar.

  1. expertise is most similar to
  1. activity
  2. courage
  3. mastery
  4. Effort

Answer: c. mastery
Expertise and mastery both mean special skills or knowledge on something that one has developed through time via practise. Hence, expertise and mastery are similar words.

  1. outlandish is most similar to
  1. distant
  2. absurd
  3. pastoral
  4. Belligerent

Answer: b. absurd
Outlandish means extremely out of the ordinary and absurd means ridiculously unreasonable or something which is not normal or not ordinary. Hence, both the words are almost similar but used in different scenarios.

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  1. pine is most similar to
  1. clean
  2. hate
  3. resolve
  4. crave

Answer: d. crave
To pine means to long for, or to crave. Craving means to wait or to feel the desire to have something. The words have similar meanings and hence, they are most synonymous

  1. exploit is most similar to
  1. answer
  2. feat
  3. accident
  4. Persuade

Answer: b. feat
An exploit is a notable or heroic act; a feat is a courageous deed. Both are heroic or courageous words. Something that is courageous is always heroic and notable. Hence, the words are similar to each other.

  1. culmination is most similar to
  1. realization
  2. disaster
  3. serendipity
  4. Persuasion

Answer: a. realization
Culmination means the act of reaching the highest point, or decisive action; realization means the act of bringing into concrete existence

  1. feign is most similar to
  1. jab
  2. swoon
  3. pretend
  4. Dread

Answer: c. pretend
: To feign means to assert as if true, or to pretend that something is true. Pretend means to act something is true when it is not. Hence, pretend and feign are similar words.

  1. auspicious is most similar to
  1. deceitful
  2. foreboding
  3. favorable
  4. Dangerous

Answer: c. favorable
Auspicious means marked by favorable signs or something which is favorable. The word favorable means to the advantage of something. Hence, they are similar words.

  1. gambit is most similar to
  1. frolic
  2. ploy
  3. testimony
  4. Sentence

Answer: b. Ploy
One of the meanings of gambit is a calculated move; a ploy is a tactic or a tactical move which can also mean a calculated move. Hence, the words are similar to each other.

  1. voracious is most similar to
  1. ravenous
  2. violent
  3. voluble
  4. Rambunctious

Answer: a. ravenous
Voracious and ravenous mean having a huge appetite. Both have the same meaning and are similar words.

  1. facile is most similar to
  1. ability
  2. section
  3. vindictive
  4. Glib

Answer: d. Glib
Facile means easily achieved and often lacking sincerity and glib means marked by ease and lacking depth and substance. Both words mean lacking sincerity and depth. Hence, the words are similar.

  1. eschew is most similar to
  1. revert
  2. accompany
  3. admire
  4. Abstain

Answer: d. Abstain
To eschew means to avoid habitually and to abstain means to restrain from doing something. The first one is to avoid and the second one is to restrain. Hence, both are similar words.

  1. abscond is most similar to
  1. rob
  2. obscure
  3. flee
  4. Absolve

Answer: c. flee
to abscond means to depart secretly and to flee means to run away. Both the words are linked to running away or leaving something. Hence, they are similar.

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  1. knack is most similar to
  1. bruise
  2. ability
  3. keepsake
  4. Scoundrel

Answer: b. ability
A knack is a skill that is natural or acquired in doing something. Ability is also the skill to do something. Hence, they are similar

  1. apropos is most similar to
  1. opportune
  2. unexpected
  3. misspoken
  4. Idea

Answer: a. opportune
Apropos means being both relevant and appropriate; opportune means occurring at an appropriate time. Both of these words mean at the relevant and appropriate time. Hence, they are similar to each other.

  1. veritable is most similar to
  1. deep
  2. authentic
  3. ancient
  4. Irascible

Answer: b. authentic
Veritable means not false or not imagined. Something which is not false is authentic. Hence, they are most similar words.

  1. peer is most similar to
  1. apple
  2. connote
  3. fellow
  4. Recluse

Answer: c. fellow
A peer is a person belonging to the same group and a fellow is an equal in rank, or a member of the same group. Hence peer and fellow are most similar.

  1. fiasco is most similar to
  1. festival
  2. disaster
  3. happenstance
  4. Ceremony

Answer: b. disaster
A fiasco is a complete failure, or a disaster. Hence, disaster and fiasco are most similar.

  1. chasm is most similar to
  1. gorge
  2. charm
  3. bridle
  4. Criticize

Answer: a. gorge
Chasm means a deep fissure in earth’s surface or a canyon. Gorge means a narrow valley between mountains with steep rock walls. Both of them have a fissure and steep walls surrounding and hence, they are most similar.

  1. unmitigated is most similar to
  1. audacious
  2. unpersuasive
  3. utter
  4. Dense

Answer: c. utter
Unmitigated means offering little chance of change or relief, or absolute; utter means total or absolute. Both these words mean something absolute of something. Hence, they are most similar to each other.

  1. epitome is most similar to
  1. volume
  2. essence
  3. summit
  4. Deliverance

Answer: b. essence
An epitome is a typical or ideal example of something and essence is the real or indispensable quality of something. Hence, both are examples of something and are synonymous.

  1. edict is most similar to
  1. decree
  2. vacate
  3. correction
  4. Destiny

Answer: a. decree
An edict is an official proclamation and a decree is an order with the force of the law. Both are in a way similar and are synonymous.

  1. extol is most similar to
  1. praise
  2. tax
  3. burden
  4. Berate

Answer: a. praise
To extol means to praise highly. Both the words have similar meanings.

  1. abeyant is most similar to
  1. false
  2. disgusting
  3. pending
  4. Novice

Answer: c. pending
Abeyant means in a period of temporary inactivity and pending is something which is on hold for a period of time or temporarily inactive. Hence, abeyant and pending are similar

  1. knell is most similar to
  1. copse
  2. hill
  3. toll
  4. Rattle

Answer: c. toll
To knell means to sound in an ominous manner; to toll means to sound in long measured strokes; both words are used to describe the ringing of bells and hence, most similar words.

  1. soporific is most similar to
  1. juvenile
  2. drunken
  3. delightful
  4. Hypnotic

Answer: d. Hypnotic
Soporific means causing sleep and hypnotic means tending to produce sleep. Both are similar in meaning and hence, hypnotic is the correct answer.

  1. iterate is most similar to
  1. unsettled
  2. repeat
  3. impoverish
  4. Announce

Answer: b. repeat
To iterate means to say or do again and repeat means to say something again and again. As both are related to saying something again, repeat and iterate are similar.

  1. bulwark is most similar to
  1. conundrum
  2. festival
  3. rampart
  4. Confuse

Answer: c. rampart
A bulwark is a solid wall-like structure raised for defense. Rampart also means a defensive wall with a walkable broad top. Hence, they are synonymous to each other.

  1. pedantic is most similar to
  1. pedestrian
  2. arduous
  3. fickle
  4. Consequential

Answer: a. pedestrian
Pedantic means ostentatiously or narrowly learned, or unimaginative. One meaning of pedestrian is commonplace or unimaginative. Both are similar in certain ways.

  1. bumptious is most similar to
  1. backward
  2. arrogant
  3. clumsy
  4. Rugged

Answer: b. arrogant
Bumptious means noisily self-assertive and arrogant means disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth. Both words similarly mean and are related to self-centered. Hence, they are most similar

  1. expiation is most similar to
  1. breathing
  2. immigration
  3. divergence
  4. Atonement

Answer: d. Atonement
Expiation means the act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing and atonement means reparation for an offense or injury. Both words mean reparation for something. Hence, they are most similar to each other.

  1. flagitious is most similar to
  1. deliberate
  2. fatiguing
  3. villainous
  4. Habitual

Answer: c. villainous
Flagitious means marked by outrageous crime or vice and villainous means having the characteristics of a deliberate criminal or scoundrel. Hence, as both are related to crime and criminals, it has the nearest meaning.

  1. inveigle is most similar to
  1. cajole
  2. complexity
  3. hoodwink
  4. distress

Answer: a. cajole
To inveigle means to win over with flattery and to cajole means to persuade with flattery. Hence, cajole is most similar to inveigle.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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