Frequently used IELTS Vocabulary

Collegedunia Team

Feb 18, 2022

The IELTS speaking test is one of the critical parts of a test and officials often include topics associated with technology to make it interesting. With the help of this article, we would like to highlight the word vocabulary using the speaking part. Several words and phrases are there that one needs to start using on a daily basis for preparation of the IELTS speaking test.

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IELTS Vocabulary for Word
Choose the correct verb from the box below to answer each question. Change the form or tense if required.

enthrall alleviate enchant annex extol ingratiate
stifle elucidate revere concoct perch postulate
Curtail vilify instigate malign pillage pervade
exacerbate disparage grumble chastise lament endeavor
  1. This new measure will prove counterproductive and only serve to ___________ growth, ensuring that it takes us longer than necessary to climb our way out of this recession.

Answer: stifle
The above sentence is trying to establish an activity that is being restrained from commencing. Thus, stifle is the appropriate word to complete this sentence.

  1. He has been ___________ in the press and cast as some sort of devil figure. Perhaps some perspective is needed; after all, his only crime was to criticize the royal family.

Answer: vilified
The above statement aims at explaining the bad reputation of an individual. Thus, vilified is the correct word to complete the sentence.

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  1. William Butler Yeats is one of Ireland’s most ___________ poets of the 20th century.

Answer: revered
Above statement aims at portrayal of respect to an individual. Therefore, revered is the exact word for completion of this statement.

  1. I ___________ that the reason why e-cigarettes have been banned in some countries is down more to the strength of the cigarette manufacturers’ lobby than it is any underlying health concerns. Research has shown them to be 99% safer than ordinary cigarettes after all.

Answer: postulate
Above mentioned statement highlights e-cigarettes as the basis for something. Thus, postulate is the exact word for completion of this statement.

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  1. Priceless works of art ___________ during the war are now being returned to their rightful owners.

Answer: pillaged
Sentence mentioned above establishes the disappearance of artworks. Thus, pillaged is the appropriate word for completion of the sentence.

  1. The jaguar stood motionless, ___________ high above the oblivious boar on a rock, ready to pounce at just the right moment to catch its unwitting victim completely unawares.

Answer: perched
Above sentence explains the position of jaguar. Thus, perched is the exact word for completion of this statement.

  1. Despite efforts to clean up the streets and lock up the gang leaders, gang rule still ___________ in many parts of New Mexico, and the ordinary people continue to live in fear.

Answer: pervades
Above mentioned sentence establishes the presence and apparent throughout New Mexico associated with gang ruel. Therefore, pervades is the necessary word for completion of this sentence.

  1. I will ___________ now to explain my proposal to you and I truly hope you will be as enthused by it as my staff and I are.

Answer: endeavor
Above statement explains an individual’s attempt towards explaining something.

  1. You will only ___________ the situation by attempting to make contact with your brother again; he has been severely hurt by your actions and your relationship may well be beyond repair.

Answer: exacerbate
Here, the sentence is trying to portray a building up of a bad situation. Thus, exacerbate is the appropriate word for completion of this sentence.

  1. He ___________ the virtues of simplicity, but he failed to win many in the audience over to his vision of life in the 21 st century.

Answer: extolled
The sentence mentioned above portrays praising or addressal of something to a set of audience. Thus, extolled is the exact word for completion of this sentence.

  1. He made several ___________ remarks about his ex-wife in public and she is now threatening to sue him for defamation of character.

Answer: disparaging
The situation explained above in the statement highlights a derogatory situation. Thus, disparaging is the appropriate word for this sentence.

  1. It is hoped that the shipment of food and supplies will ___________ the humanitarian crisis in famine- struck Uganda.

Answer: alleviate
The above statement portrays a situation that states development of better opportunities. Thus, alleviate is the exact word for completion of this sentence.

  1. He had to ___________ his holiday and take the next flight home from New York to rush to the bedside of his terminally ill mother. He arrived just in time to say his last goodbyes.

Answer: curtail
The sentence mentioned above portrays imposing restriction or rather discontinuation of an ongoing event. Therefore, curtail is the appropriate word.

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  1. I was ___________ by the pristine beauty of this magical forest from the moment I laid eyes upon it; it truly was a sight to behold.

Answer: enchanted
The sentence mentioned above explains an individual getting charmed by something. Thus, enchanted is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. If you constantly ___________ about life and tell everyone your sob story, you will quickly find yourself isolated and without friends; no one likes to be depressed and we all have our own problems to deal with. Perhaps you need an injection of positivity in your life; it could be just the medicine you need to help you turn things around.

Answer: grumble
Above mentioned sentence portrays a repeated complaint about life by an individual. Therefore, grumble is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. The violence was ___________ by a small hardcore element that had infiltrated the otherwise peaceful group of demonstrators.

Answer: instigated
The sentence mentioned above portrays initiation of an event. Thus, instigated is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. He ___________ his decision to take the shot when he realized his teammate had been unmarked in the box, but it was by then too late and all he could do was watch on as the ball sailed high over the crossbar.

Answer: lamented
The sentence above highlights an event that has ceased to exist. Thus, lamented is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. When Germany ___________ Austria before World War Two, its forces met with little resistance as they marched towards the capital. In fact, they were, by and large, welcomed with open arms.

Answer: annexed
The sentence above elaborates collaboration or grouping of two different elements. Thus, annexed is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. He ___________ an alibi so convincing that the jury found in his favor and he was released from custody a free man.

Answer: concocted
The sentence portrays the building of a support system. Thus, concocted is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. His political pedigree has been ___________ by members of the press, with whom he is terribly unpopular.

Answer: maligned
This sentence mentioned above portrays an approach of an individual towards a set of views. Thus, maligned is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. Stop trying to ___________ yourself with the boss all the time; the rest of the team will turn against you and will be left feeling very alone and isolated.

Answer: ingratiate
The sentence above is trying to portray a situation where an individual is trying to bring someone in their favor. Thus, ingratiate is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. The government has been ___________ in the press for cutting social welfare payments in the latest budget. As one commentator put it, ‘Why on earth should the poorest of the poor be made to suffer even more? Isn’t it about time we targeted high-income earners for more tax.’

Answer: chastised
The sentence above portrays criticism. Thus, chastised is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. The reasons why it is necessary to change our ways to help fight global warming have been ___________ many times by scientists, but the message still isn’t getting across to Joe Bloggs on the ground.

Answer: elucidated
The sentence mentioned above is trying to depict transparency with a given statement. Thus, elucidated is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

  1. I was ___________ by the story and must admit I found it one of the most captivating films I have viewed in many a year.

Answer: enthralled
The sentence mentioned above portrays being concentrated towards something. Thus, enthralled is the appropriate word for completion of this statement.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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