Freeganism IELTS Reading Answers

Freeganism IELTS Reading Answers is the topic which discusses about Freeganism which suggests the different way of thinking about life. The given IELTS topic has been taken from the book called “McGraw-Hill Education IELTS, Second Edition”. There are 14 questions total in the the topic called Freeganism IELTS Reading Answers, which should be answered within the time span of 20 minutes by the candidates. The topic includes three types of questions, which are, match the headings, True/False/Not Given, and choose the correct letter. The candidates should read thoroughly the IELTS reading passage in order to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and for answering the questions below. Similar kinds of topics like Freeganism IELTS Reading Answers are included in the IELTS reading practice papers, which the candidates can take into their consideration for performing a good score in this section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Freeganism IELTS Reading Answers 

A. Freeganism is a lifestyle in which people try to use less. Freegans find free food, or grow their own in community gardens. They recycle and help each other fix things instead of throwing them away. They might live in houses which are empty so as not to pay rent. Often, they ride bicycles or rely on public transport. As a result, they are able to work fewer hours because they do not need so much money. A few freegans even try to avoid money.

B. Freegan is a new word, made up of the two words: 'free' and 'vegan'. A vegan is someone who does not eat or use any animal products. However, not all freegans are vegans. Some are vegetarians; others enjoy meat.

C. Freeganism started in the 1960s in the US. It arose from environmental and anti-globalisation movements. It did not grow much until the mid-90s. A famous booklet called 'Why Freegan', written in 1999, by Warren Oakes, a musician, describes common things freegans do or believe. For example: to get food, freegans may go 'dumpster diving', 'plate scraping', wild foraging, or they may garden, or barter. A dumpster is an American word for a very large rubbish bin like the one in the illustration. 'Plate scraping' is taking leftover food from restaurants. Wild foraging is looking for food that is not grown on farms, but in parks or wild places. Of course, gardening is growing one's own food. Bartering is the process whereby people swap things that they both want without using money.

D. People become freegans for different reasons. Perhaps they think it is better for the world environment to consume less; or they think people should spend more time with their friends and families,and less time working for money. Certainly, they do not like useful items being put into rubbish or landfill. A large area outside the city where large amounts of rubbish are buried is called landfill. Due to all the rubbish in landfills, the sites remain unusable for farming or housing for many years, which upsets freegans.

E. Reports on television and in magazines have shown how weird dumpster-diving freegans are: how desperate and antisocial pulling food out of the rubbish like homeless or very poor people. After all, this practice is dirty, smelly, and illegal. What journalists do not say is that the UK and Australia currently consume and discard equal amounts of good food. In the US, even more good food is destroyed. Meantime, one billion people worldwide are unable to eat the World Health Organisation's recommended daily intake of nutrients, and these people exist in both rich and poor countries. Freegans hope to change this. Despite bad press, the number of freegans worldwide is growing: a recent estimate by a Swedish organisation suggested more than 500,000 in 50 countries.

F. Not all freegan dumpster divers search for food; not all freegans are dumpster divers. Many dumpster divers search for anything that can be recycled or reused, from clothes, to furniture, to tools in need of small repairs. An alternative source of inexpensive food exists in the form of co-operatives. These are shops which are owned by groups of local people. They do not aim to make a large profit, but to sell food at reasonable prices, and to provide what is in season and grown locally. Imported food may be forbidden as it is costly to the environment to transport it great distances.

G. Some freegans plant their own crops at home or in community gardens. They may also take small amounts of food from the wild, particularly things which are not sold commercially. They feel they are fighting against a huge army of farmers and consumers because freegans believe large-scale farming, as currently practised, is bad for the environment. They also do not support the giant multinational companies that control large amounts of land worldwide. Methods such as factory farming, where animals are kept in very small areas inside, freegans hate. Many crops are sprayed with chemicals, or have things added to them like colour or wax, which freegans think are dangerous and wasteful. They support organic farming if they buy from farms at all. Freeganism may not be a movement that ever becomes mainstream, but its central concerns may encourage people to modify their wasteful behaviour.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Question 1-6
The Read Passage below has seven sections A-G.
Choose the correct heading for sections B-G from the list of heading.
write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 1- 6 on your answer sheet.

List of Heading:

  1. Buy it all the co-op.
  2. A composite word.
  3. A different kind of farming.
  4. The dream of Warren Oakes
  5. Media v Freegans
  6. Origins and activities
  7. What is Freeganism
  8. Useless; waste less.
  9. The UK is OK for freegans

Question 1: Section B

Answer: ii-A composite word
Supporting Sentence: Freegan is a new word, made up of the two words: ‘free’ and ‘vegan’.
 ‘free’ and ‘vegan’.
Keyword Location
Paragraph B; Line 1
The first line of paragraph B explains that the two words which are ‘free’ and ‘vegan’, composed a new term which is Freegan. Thus, it is a composite word rather than a solo word. 

Question 2: Section C

Answer: vi-Origins and activities
Supporting Sentence: Freeganism started in the 1960s in the US. 
 Freeganism, started, 1960s
Keyword Location
Paragraph C; Line 1&Line 5
The first and fifth line of paragraph C clarifies that the  American 1960s saw the beginning of freeganism. For instance, freegans may go "dumpster diving," "plate scraping," and wild foraging to obtain sustenance.

Question 3: Section D

Answer: viii- Useless; waste less.
Supporting Sentence: Perhaps they think the world environment should consume less
 consume, less
Keyword Location
Paragraph D; Lines 1 – 2
Lines 1-2 of paragaph D clarifies the reasons why people become freegans vary. Maybe they believe people should consume less globally.

Question 4: Section E

Answer: v-Media v Freegans
Supporting Sentence: "Despite the bad press, the number of freegans worldwide is growing".
 bad press, worldwide
Keyword Location
Paragraph E; Last line
The concluding line of paragraph E suggests that the number of freegans globally is increasing despite the negative news.

Question 5: Section F

Answer: i-Buy it all the co-op
Supporting Sentence: “An alternative source of inexpensive food exists in the form of co-operatives.”
 inexpensive, co-operatives.
Keyword Location
Paragraph F; Line 3
The third line of paragraph F implies that co-operatives provide an alternate source of affordable food.

Question 6: Section G

Answer: iii-A different kind of farming
Supporting Sentence: They support organic farming if they buy from farms at all.
 farming, farms
Keyword Location
Paragraph G;Line 7
Line 7 of paragraph G states that if at all, the freegans purchase from farms, they support organic farming.

Question 7-10:


Question 7: Although freeganism began more than 40 years ago, it did not take off until the late 1990s.

Answer: False
Supporting Sentence
Freeganism started in the 1960s in the US. It arose from environmental and anti-globalization movements. 
 Freeganism, the mid-90s.
Keyword Location
Paragraph C;Lines 1 – 3
 Lines 1-3 of paragraph C suggests that the US saw the beginning of freeganism in the 1960s. It was born out of the anti-globalization and environmental movements. Up until the mid-1990s, it didn't really grow much. Therefore, it is a False response. 

Question 8: Rubbish dumps or landfill sites are quite disturbing to freegans.

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence
: Due to all the rubbish in landfills, the sites remain unusable for farming or housing for many years, which upsets freegans.
 rubbish, upsets
Keyword Location
Paragraph D; Last line
 The last line pf paragraph D states that the freegans are displeased by the fact that landfills take up such a large amount of space and are therefore never suitable for farming or habitation. Thus, it is a True statement. 

Question 9: In developed countries, barely any food is thrown away.

Answer: False
Supporting Sentence
: In the US, even more good food is destroyed.
 UK and Australia
Keyword Location
Paragraph E; Lines 3 – 4
Lines 3-4 of paragraph E explains that the UK and Australia currently consume and throw away an equal amount of nice food, which is something media do not mention. Even more nutritious food is wasted in the US. Hence, the statement is regarded as a False one.

Question 10: It is predicted that freeganism will grow significantly in the next decade.

Answer: Not Given

ExplanationThere is no pertinent information in the given passage to prove the justification of the above said statement.

Question 11-14:

Question 1

A dumpster dive.

B transporting it long distance is another environmental cost.

the media.

D agriculture.

E challenges patterns of consumption and employment.

F is probably hard to follow.

G recycle.

H grown locally is less expensive

Question 11: Freegans always.

Answer: G
Supporting Sentence
: They recycle and help each other fix things instead of throwing them away.
 recycle, throwing
Keyword Location
Paragraph A; Line 3
Line 3 of paragraph A implies that the freegans instead than tossing things away, they recycle them and assist one another with repairs.

Question 12: Freegans generally do not buy imported food because.

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence
: Imported food may be forbidden as it is costly to the environment to transport it great distances.
 environment, transport
Keyword Location
Paragraph F; Last line
 The concluding line of paragraph F says that due to the environmental costs of shipping food over long distances, importation basically prohibited by the freegans.

Question 13: Freegans have a special interest in

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence
: Some freegans plant their crops at home or in community gardens. 
  freegans, crops, community gardens
Keyword Location
Paragraph G; Lines 1 – 3
: Lines 1-3 of paragraph G suggests that few freegans grow their own food in their backyards or communal gardens. Additionally, they might grab a little bit of food from the wild, especially if it's something that isn't offered for sale. Freegans believe that large-scale farming, as it is currently conducted, is terrible for the environment, thus they feel as though they are battling against a vast army of farmers and customers.

Question 14: As a way of living, Freeganism

Answer: E
Supporting Sentence
: Perhaps they think the world environment should consume less, or they think people should spend more time with their friends and families, and less time working for money.
 consume, families
Keyword Location
Paragraph D; Line 2
The second line of paragraph D clarifes that the freegans might believe that less consumption would be better for the environment or that people should spend more time with their friends and families and less time trying to make money.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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