Formal Dress Code For Company Employee Reading Answers

Collegedunia Team

Aug 24, 2023

Formal Dress Code For Company Employee Reading Answers is a general reading topic discussing in detail study about company’s objective in establishing a formal dress code. The given IELTS topic is taken from Cambridge IELTS 9 general training reading test A. The topic named Formal Dress Code For Company Employee Reading Answers has a total of 15 wide range of questions included. The IELTS topic consists of two different sorts of questions, like, choose no more than two words from the text for each answer, and choose no more than two words/ number from the text for each answer. The candidates should thoroughly read the IELTS reading passage to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers can be taken into consideration by the candidates in order to score a good score in the reading section in which similar topics like Formal Dress Code For Company Employee Reading Answers has been included.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Question

Formal Dress Code For Company Employee Reading Answers

At Transit European, the company’s objective in establishing a formal dress code is to enable our employees to project the professional image that is in keeping with the needs of our clients and customers who seek our guidance, input, and professional services. Because our industry requires the appearance of trusted business professionals and we serve clients at our site on a daily basis, a more formal dress code is necessary for our employees.

Formal Dress Code Guidelines

In a formal business environment, the standard of dressing for men and women is a suit. Alternatively a jacket may be worn with appropriate accessories. Torn, dirty, or frayed clothing is unacceptable. Clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled. No dress code can cover all contingencies so employees must exert a certain amount of judgement in their choice of clothing to wear to work. If you experience uncertainty, please ask your supervisor for advice.

Shoes and Footwear

Conservative walking shoes, dress shoes, loafers, boots, flats, dress heels, and backless shoes are acceptable for work. Not wearing stockings or socks is inappropriate. Tennis shoes and any shoe with an open toe are not acceptable in the office.

Accessories and Jewellery

The wearing of ties, scarves, belts, and jewellery is encouraged, provided they are tasteful. Items which are flashy should be avoided.

Makeup, Perfume, and Cologne

A professional appearance is encouraged and excessive makeup is unprofessional. Remember that some employees may have allergic reactions to the chemicals in perfumes and makeup, so wear these substances in moderation.

Hats and Head Covering

Hats are not appropriate in the office. Head covers that are required for reasons of faith or to honour cultural tradition are permitted.

Dress Down Days

Certain days can be declared dress down days, generally Fridays. On these days, business casual clothing is allowed. Clothing that has our company logo is strongly encouraged. Sports team, university, and fashion brand names on clothing are generally acceptable. However, you may wish to keep a jacket in your office in case a client unexpectedly appears.

Violation of Dress Code

If clothing fails to meet these standards, as determined by the employee’s supervisor, the employee will be asked not to wear the inappropriate item to work again. If the problem persists, the employee will receive a verbal warning and may be sent home to change clothes.

JLP Retail: Staff benefits

Whatever your role, your pay range will be extremely competitive and reviewed in the light of your progress. In addition to your salary, you will enjoy an array of excellent benefits from the moment you join the company.

Paid Holiday

The holiday entitlement is four weeks per year, rising to five weeks after three years (or in the case of IT graduate trainees, after promotion to programmer or trainee analyst). There are further long-service increases for most staff after ten or fifteen years. Managers, including graduate trainees, receive five weeks’ holiday from the outset.

Pension scheme

We offer a non-contributory final salary pension scheme, payable from the age of 60, to most staff who have completed the qualifying period of five years.

Life assurance

Our life assurance scheme pays a sum equivalent to three times your annual salary to your nominated beneficiary.


After three months’ service, all staff are entitled to a 12% discount on most purchases from the company’s stores. This rises to 25% after one year’s service.

Subsided dining room

In most sites, we provide a dining room where you can enjoy excellent food at very reasonable prices.

Holiday and leisure facilities

The business owns a number of residential clubs which offer subsidised holiday accommodation for staff with at least three years’ service.

Sports clubs

We support an extensive range of sports activities including football, netball, golf, skiing, sailing, squash, riding and gliding.

Ticket subsidies

Ticket subsidies of 50% of the cost of plays or concerts are available. Staff may also take advantage of corporate membership to bodies such as the Science Museum.

Education subsidies

We give generous financial support to staff who wish to acquire leisure skills or continue their education, e.g. through the Open University or evening classes.

Extended leave

Staff who complete 25 years’ service can enjoy paid sabbatical leave of up to six months.

Health services

We have an occupational health service staffed by full-time doctors and health advisers.

Financial help, benefits and discounted deals

In cases of particular hardship, we will help staff with a loan. We have also negotiated a range of benefits for staff such as discounted private healthcare and a car purchase scheme, along with a number of one-off deals with hotels and amusement parks.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 15-21
Complete the notes below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.

  1. Aim of formal dress code: to present a _________ to clients.

Answer: Professional image

Supporting Sentence: At TransitEuropean, the company’s objective in establishing a formal dress code is to enable our employees to project the professional image that is in keeping with the needs of our clients and customers who seek our guidance, input, and professional services.

Keyword: professional image

Keyword Location: 1st paragraph, 2nd line

Explanation: In a particular company, the dress code is symbolic to carry forward the professional image of the employees. The company as an organizational entity works for the service of the customers and being in service certain ethics need to be followed. A proper dress code gives a more professional look to the employees. Hence, the correct answer is a professional image.

  1. Acceptable types of formal clothing: jacket or suitState of clothes: they must be ____________ and in good condition.

Answer: Pressed

Supporting Sentence: Clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled. No dress code can cover all contingencies so employees must exert a certain amount of judgment in their choice of clothing to wear to work.

Keyword: clothing

Keyword Location: 2nd paragraph, 3rd line

Explanation: while following a dress code in the company, there are certain do’s and don’ts which must be kept in mind. The clothing you are wearing in the office must be properly ironed, free of all the wrinkles. While selecting the dress, one must be very particular about the kind of dress they are going to wear in the office. The first impression is the last impression and your appearance and clothes give that first impression in the office. A properly ironed dress free of wrinkles gives a positive image in the minds of the people in the office. Hence, the correct answer is clothing.

  1. Accessories: ties, scarves, belts, and jewelry may be worn - these must be ________ and not brightly colored.

Answer: Tasteful

Supporting Sentence: The wearing of ties, scarves, belts, and jewelry are encouraged, provided they are tasteful. Items that are flashy should be avoided.

Keyword: tasteful

Keyword Location: 4th paragraph, 1st line

Explanation: with the dressing, some accessories will enhance the office look of the employees. With the clothes, one can use matching or contrasting scarves or ties, or belts. Women can pick jewellery matching with their dresses but what must be kept in mind is that the jewelry must be simple and sober and look decent enough for the office. Too many bright colored scarves, ties must be avoided with your office dress. The color correction for the accessories must be decent enough. Also, the jewelry must be more formal than casual. Hence the correct answer is tasteful.

  1. Makeup: avoid wearing too much makeup and perfume. - these sometimes cause ________

Answer: allergic reactions

Supporting Sentence: Remember that some employees may have allergic reactions to the chemicals in perfumes and makeup, so wear these substances in moderation.

Keyword: makeup

Keyword Location: 5th paragraph, 2nd line

Explanation: office look is something which must be planned moderately, be it in terms of clothing, jewelry, accessories. But makeup is also as much important as these things. To look presentable is a very important aspect in the work arena. However, some people are allergic to the chemicals used in makeup products. To avoid any allergic reactions, one must use the makeup products or perfumes in a moderate quantity than excessively. Hence the correct answer is allergic reactions.

  1. Hats: hats should not be worn - headcovers in line with religious reasons or ________ are allowed.

Answer: cultural tradition

Supporting Sentence: Hats are not appropriate in the office. Headcovers that are required for reasons of faith or to honor cultural tradition are permitted.

Keyword: hats

Keyword Location: 6th paragraph, 1st line

Explanation: if one look office has a fashion show then it is not appropriate. Wearing hats in the office is inappropriate. Hats do not give a formal and professional look to the employees and the ultimate goal of the formal dress code in the office is to give a formal and decent look to their employees. Hats destroy the purpose of being formal. However, if the employees are wearing any headcovers as a symbol of honor to their faiths, then they are allowed in respect of their cultural traditions. Hence the correct answer is a cultural tradition.

  1. Dressing down: casual clothing is allowed on some Fridays - clothing with the __________ on it is recommended.

Answer: company logo

Supporting Sentence: Certain days can be declared dress-down days, generally Fridays. On these days, business casual clothing is allowed. Clothing that has our company logo is strongly encouraged.

Keyword: logo

Keyword Location: 7th paragraph, 2nd line

Explanation: if you belong to a particular company, then it is very important to carry forward the name of that particular company. Wearing dresses having company logos on them is highly recommended as it is seen that you belong to that particular company. Many companies have their employees wear shirts or dresses having their name stitched or their company’s logo printed on it. A dress code with the company’s logo is the preferred choice amongst all. Hence the correct answer is the company logo.

  1. Breaking the dress code: if advice is repeatedly ignored, a ___________ is given.

Answer: verbal warning

Supporting Sentence: If the problem persists, the employee will receive a verbal warning and may be sent home to change clothes.

Keyword: violation

Keyword Location: 8th paragraph, sub-heading

Explanation: while wearing a dress in the office, one must make sure their dress complies with the rules and regulations of the company. Nothing offensive can be worn to the office. However, if any employee is found to wear something inappropriate then they are given a verbal warning for violating the norms or they may be sent back home to change their dress. Hence the correct answer is a verbal warning.

Questions 22-27

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

  1. Pay increases depend on the ___________ that each member of staff makes.

Answer: progress

Supporting Sentence: Whatever your role, your pay range will be extremely competitive and reviewed in the light of your progress

Keyword: Pay

Keyword Location: 1st paragraph, 1st line

Explanation: Depending on the progress of the work and how efficiently you are performing the job role, the pay will increase. This does not depend on the job role that you are performing.

  1. Employees must work a minimum of ___________ to be eligible for a pension.

Answer: five years

Supporting Sentence: We offer a non-contributory final salary pension scheme, payable from the age of 60, to most staff who have completed the qualifying period of five years.

Keyword: Pension

Keyword Location: 3rd paragraph, subheading

Explanation: A salary pension scheme is provided to the employees who have crossed 60 years of age. However, the minimum that person should work in the organization is 5 years to be eligible for the pension.

  1. Staff may take a holiday at one of the ___________ provided by the company.

Answer: (residential) clubs

Supporting Sentence: The business owns a number of residential clubs which offer subsidised holiday accommodation for staff with at least three years’ service.

Keyword: Holiday

Keyword Location: 7th paragraph, subheading

Explanation: The business also provides holidays for the staff at one of the many residential clubs owned by the business. The staff can enjoy leisure time with at least 3 years of service.

  1. The company pay half the seat price for __________ and plays.

Answer: concerts

Supporting Sentence: Ticket subsidies of 50% of the cost of plays or concerts are available.

Keyword: Holiday

Keyword Location: 9th paragraph, subheading

Explanation: Staff may also take advantage of corporate membership to bodies such as the Science Museum. The company will pay half price for the tickets.

  1. The company gives financial assistance for both educational courses and __________ as part of staff development.

Answer: leisure skills

Supporting Sentence: We give generous financial support to staff who wish to acquire leisure skills or continue their education, e.g. through the Open University or evening classes.

Keyword: Development

Keyword Location: 10th paragraph, subheading

Explanation: The company believes in staff development and hence, provides assistance for educational and leisure skills financially. The staff can opt for Open Universities or evening college and classes.

  1. Employees may be entitled to a __________ if they find themselves in difficult circumstances.

Answer: loan

Supporting Sentence: In cases of particular hardship, we will help staff with a loan.

Keyword: Loan

Keyword Location: 13th paragraph, 1st line

Explanation: The company has private benefits for employees in times of hardship and do provide loans. It cares for the employees in difficult times. Health Care benefits, Car Loan is among the few provided by the company.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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