Forensic Handwriting Analysis Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Jan 3, 2024

Forensic Handwriting Analysis Reading Answers is a general reading topic. Forensic Handwriting Analysis Reading Answers have a total of 7 IELTS questions in total. The specified topic generates 1 question type: choose the correct course according to job role. Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly in order to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers, which feature topics such as Forensic Handwriting Analysis Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Below Passage to Answer the Questions.

Forensic Handwriting Analysis Reading Answers

Forensic Handwriting Analysis

The forensic science discipline of handwriting examination and analysis initially surfaced as evidence in courts in around 1868, when a forged will was exposed. Over at least the last 150 years, many published scientific studies have focused on the individuality and reproducibility of handwriting for use in a forensic setting. The discipline primarily relies upon a trained handwriting examiner assessing the similarities of known and unknown samples in order to generate a conclusion. Handwriting is a complex motor skill that is created by a combination of sensory, neurological, and physiological impulses. Factors such as visual perception and acuity, comprehension of form, central nervous system pathways, and the anatomy of the hand and arm all combine to produce the desired output.

Most people learn to write by copying letter formations from a copybook at a young age. The ability to reproduce these varies from one person to the next and is based on each writer's perception of the shape and his or her ability to reproduce it. The act of handwriting is mastered through practice and repetition. Once this occurs, writers focus on the subject matter rather than the physical act of writing and deviate from the copybook forms, interjecting their own individualities. The writing becomes a pattern of the subconscious, and habits, which are repeated from one piece of writing to the next.

The comparison and evaluation of these individual features or habits enable forensic document examiners to identify or exclude, if possible, a known writer as the source for any questioned writing. Lay people may recognise the handwriting of an individual and differentiate between individuals to some degree; however, they observe only the gross features of the handwriting, such as letter formation, size, or slope of the handwriting. Lay people typically do not consider the subtleties in the writing that may differentiate it from other very similar writing. In contrast, document examiners analyse and can differentiate both the gross features and the less conspicuous elements in writing. Handwriting features that examiners evaluate include pen pressure, pen lifts, the spacing between words and letters, the position of the writing on the baseline (the position of the character in relation to the ruled or imaginary line), height relationships, beginning and ending strokes, and line quality. A writer's identity cannot be established through an individual feature in the writing. Rather, identity is established through a combination of the significant features between the writings, with no significant differences.

Not all handwriting is identifiable. For example, when a person traces another individual's signature, that person imitates the writing habits of the original signer, and therefore, the imitator's own handwriting characteristics are not manifested in the tracing. The forensic document examiner would be able to identify the writing as a tracing and associate the writing back to the model signature, if available, but would not be able to identify the writing with the person who traced the signature. No one person writes exactly the same way, even within several repetitions of writings. This is known as natural variation, or intra-writer variation. Human beings are not capable of machine like precision and repetition. As a result of the neuromuscular process, this variation in style is expected. Variation is an integral part of an individual's writing. It describes the changes and deviations, often minute, that are found in repeated samples of one person's writing. More specifically, variation refers to the different ways that a writer makes each letter or character. This variation is normal and serves as an added factor to personalize and individualize writing. Handwriting examination is a subset of the forensic science discipline of questioned documents.

Forensic document examiners conduct scientific examinations, comparisons, and analyses of documents in order to establish genuineness or non-genuineness, to reveal alterations, additions, or deletions, identify or eliminate persons as the source of handwriting, identify or eliminate the source of machine produced documents, typewriting, or other impression marks, or relative evidence, and preserve and/or restore legibility. Forensic document examiners help lawyers by examining and offering written opinions on a variety of disputed document problems including: wills, deeds,

medical records, income tax records, time sheets, contracts, loan agreements, election petitions, checks, and anonymous letters. Each analysis begins with an independent examination of the questioned and then the known writing using proper lighting and magnification to determine if the writing is original writing, for example ink on paper, and whether it exhibits the characteristics of freely and naturally prepared writing. Some of the characteristics of naturally prepared writing include consistent slant and size, thickening and thinning of the lines as the writing instrument changes direction, and

tapered beginning and ending strokes that occur once the writing instrument comes into contact with or leaves the paper.

Additionally, each body of writing is examined to assess internal consistency, comparability, and variation. The most suitable text for comparison is natural writing, void of any attempt to disguise and/or distort the writing; however, any writing can be of value for comparison. As a discipline, forensic document examination has been consistently accepted in the judiciary in spite of court challenges. Published papers demonstrate the validity of the expertise and support the principle of handwriting individuality. Published criteria ensure consistency in methodology and document examiners in both public and private laboratories use these standards. Ongoing research continues to support the forensic document examination community in strengthening the scientific foundation for forensic handwriting analysis.

Section 2

Answer and Explanation

Questions 14 - 18

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

  1. The earliest use of forensic handwriting analysis was in uncovering a .

Supporting statement: “......The forensic science discipline of handwriting examination and analysis initially surfaced as evidence in courts in around 1868, when a forged will was exposed........”
Keywords: surfaced, exposed
Keyword Location: para 1, line 2
Explanation: It is given that the forensic part of the handwriting recognition was used to identify the signature of the person in any kind of will. 

  1. Learning handwriting involves engaging a variety of physical elements in _

Supporting statement: “......Handwriting is a complex motor skill that is created by a combination of sensory, neurological, and physiological impulses........”
Keywords: sensory, neurological
Keyword Location: para 1,line 6
Explanation: It is given that the recognition of handwriting is a process of several steps. The steps can be sensory, neurologically and physiological. 

  1. Starting to produce handwriting depends on an individual’s _____ of an image and how it is duplicated.

Supporting statement: “......Most people learn to write by copying letter formations from a copybook at a young age. ........”
Keywords: letter, age
Keyword Location: para 2, line 1
Explanation: It is given that the way of having a handwriting is dependent on the way of forming the letters from an image and how it is replicated.

  1. Starting to produce handwriting depends on an individual's

Supporting statement: “........The ability to reproduce these varies from one person to the next and is based on each writer's perception of the shape and his or her ability to reproduce it.......”
Keywords: reproduce, perception
Keyword Location: para 2, line 3
Explanation: It is given that the ability to reproduce the handwriting depends on how the person perceives the letters and the shapes it makes while writing. 

  1. The____ of someone's handwriting emerge once mastery of the basic mechanics is achieved.

Supporting statement: “......Once this occurs, writers focus on the subject matter rather than the physical act of writing and deviate from the copybook forms, interjecting their own individualities. .......”
Keywords: physical, copybook
Keyword Location: para 2, line 5
Explanation: It is given that the handwriting of a person is dependent on the number of times he/she has practiced writing it. 

Questions 19 - 22

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the text? In boxes 19 - 22 on your answer sheet write:

YES if the statement agrees with the writer's views
No if the statement doesn't agree with the writer's views
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

  1. Untrained individuals can recognise some of the important elements in forensic handwriting analysis.

Answer: YES
Supporting statement: “......In contrast, document examiners analyse and can differentiate both the gross features and the less conspicuous elements in writing. ........”
Keywords: gross, elements
Keyword Location: para 3, line 7
Explanation: It is given that the people who are not well trained like the document analyzers were able to recognize the important elements of handwriting analysis.

  1. There is often a single different element that reveals who produced a piece of writing.

Answer: NO
Supporting statement: “......A writer's identity cannot be established through an individual feature in the writing.........”
Keywords: writer’s, feature
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 12
Explanation: It is given that the writer’s identity is something that cannot be established by looking at the single feature. 

  1. Forensic handwriting experts have compiled lists of commonly occurring examples of intra-writer variation.

Explanation: It is given that the experts in the field of handwriting forensic have collected a list of commonly occurring examples of intra writer variations. 

  1. Forensic handwriting analysis has been used in cases of people's work punctuality.

Answer: YES
Supporting statement: “......Handwriting examination is a subset of the forensic science discipline of questioned documents.........”
Keywords: science, documents
Keyword Location: para 4, line 15
Explanation: It is given that the forensic handwriting analysis is generally used in cases of people’s punctuality because people can not exactly write their signature even with years of writing because it is human nature.

Questions 23 - 26

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

  1. What can be an indication of original writing?

Answer: INK
Supporting statement: “....... determine if the writing is original writing, for example ink on paper, and whether it exhibits the characteristics of freely and naturally prepared writing.......”
Keywords: original, freely
Keyword Location: para 5, line 12
Explanation: It is given that the writing is original or not, it can be checked by looking at the ink on the paper. If it is spread then it shows that it is written in freehand.

  1. What is the best type of text that can be used as a basis for handwriting analysis?

Supporting statement: “.......The most suitable text for comparison is natural writing, void of any attempt to disguise and/or distort the writing.......”
Keywords: comparison, disguise
Keyword Location: para 6, line 2
Explanation: It is given that natural writing can be used as a basis of the analysis of handwriting. 

  1. What has been done to dispute the use of handwriting analysis in legal settings?

Supporting statement: “.......Published criteria ensure consistency in methodology and document examiners in both public and private laboratories use these standards........”
Keywords: examiners, standards
Keyword Location: para 5, line 6
Explanation: It is given that to reduce the dispute in the use of handwriting analysis govt has set come consistency limits in the methodology of the examiners. 

  1. What do published standards create with regards to the procedures of document examiners?

Supporting statement: “........Published criteria ensure consistency in methodology and document examiners in both public and private laboratories use these standards......”
Keywords: criteria, examiners
Keyword Location: para 5, line 5
Explanation: It is given that the published standards have created a sense of consistency in the activities of the handwriting analysis practitioners. 

Read More IELTS Reading Answers

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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