Favourite Season Cue Card

Bhaskar Das

Nov 5, 2022

Favourite Season Cue Card is the topic for IELTS Speaking Part 2. There are three model answers given below. The model answers are framed based on four key points- What season it is, What the weather is like at that time of year, How that season is different from other seasons, And explain why it is your favorite season.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Favorite Season 

You Should Say:

  • What season it is?
  • What the weather is like at that time of year?
  • How that season is different from other seasons?
  • And explain why it is your favorite season?

Model Answer 1

What season it is?

As per textbooks, there are five seasons. These are spring, summer, rainy, autumn, and winter. In India, we usually get only three seasons - summer, rainy, and winter. Due to many factors, nowadays, summer prevails for almost 8 months. We get winter for 3-4 months. My favorite season is summer. I know that this is the season which most people want to escape from. However, for me, this is the best time. 

What the weather is like at that time of year?

The weather is tremendously hot for 3 months. The temperature reaches almost 40 degrees every year.

How that season is different from other seasons?

Summer has its own benefits. It is the season of fruits. Mango, my favorite fruit, is a seasonal fruit available only during the summer months. At this time, I get to eat as many of them as I want. Many do not favor the summer season because of the extreme weather conditions. My preference is summer over other seasons. I love swimming and this has made summer my favorite season. I love any sports related to water, be it swimming or water polo. I frequently visit the local swimming pool almost every day and spend hours playing Water Polo. One more thing that I enjoy is ice cream. I love cold drinks and ice cream which are mostly enjoyed when summer is in full form.

Explain why it is your favorite season?

Additionally, I can savor delicious kulfis from local sweetmeat shops and various types of ice cream almost every week. My mother often prepares watermelon juice and raw mango jam for the family.

One more reason that I can recall liking the summer season is the delightful festivals organized at the time, especially Holi. The festival of colors is celebrated in almost all states of India. It is favored by men, women, and children alike. To escape the severe heat waves during the months of May and June, my family often spends the summer holidays in the mountains exploring the terrain and their cultures. I believe this has instilled my love for the mountains. During these months, we visit different hill stations of India to spend some quality time and stay close to nature.

I cannot seem to dislike it despite all the plausible reasons. But there is something that I despise. During the summers, load shedding is still a common problem. Even though the frequency has lessened over the last few years, it still prevails. Long hours of blackouts disrupt work and a perfectly normal day. If there was anything about the summers I could change, then that would be the supply of electricity.

Model Answer 2

What season it is?

Well, this seems to be an interesting question. Although I never had a favorite season per se, now that I think about it, I believe I prefer the winter season over all the other seasons. The winters bring with them a soothing comfort after months of sultry summers and humid rains.

What the weather is like at that time of year?

My friends and I often arrange for small Sunday brunches and picnics in local parks during the winter season. We spend the afternoons basking in the mild winter sun and playing outdoor games like badminton and cricket. Summer months are not ideal for doing these things for longer periods. Sometimes my family and cousins also join the breezes.

How that season is different from other seasons?

We furthermore take short trips to the beaches and enjoy the coastal vibes. The winter season is perfect for those who like to cook different cuisine like me. I am specifically a fan of the fresh produce of fruits and vegetables like oranges, apples, carrots, cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli, peppers, peas, and others. As families often gather during this time, I like to prepare my and India's favorite winter dessert, the carrot pudding.

Winter in India is short-lived and inconsistent throughout the country. While some regions experience extreme cold, other places enjoy mild weather, with a nip in the air in the early mornings. I do not think I can talk about winter and not discuss Christmas. Although it is celebrated on December 25 every year, the city is beautifully decorated with lights and Christmas ornaments to set the festive mood.

Explain why it is your favorite season?

During the entire of December, the markets are busy with people completing their last-minute shopping. The air around bakeries is filled with the aroma of freshly baked cakes as they are busy completing Christmas orders. While this season is usually full of fun and festivities for most of us, it is cruel for the less fortunate, especially those dwelling on footpaths. They light a fire to keep them warm at night. But as the fire extinguishes the cold air makes it difficult to sleep. If I could change something about this season, then I would try to improve the living conditions of these people.

Model Answer 3

What season it is?

Unlike most people, I usually enjoy the rainy seasons. They come in the months of July and stay till late September. The cool showers soothe the body and soul after the severe heat of the prolonged summers. Nature's beauty is replenished as the monsoon hits the Earth. It paves the path for breezy autumn and cold winter months.

What the weather is like at that time of year?

The monsoon is mostly characterized by incessant rains with occasional thunderstorms and lightning. However, due to climate changes some states are seeing delayed monsoons and the season has become short-lived. It has had some serious implications on farming and agriculture. While the adults are not a fan of this season, most children seem to enjoy it a lot. The abrupt holiday from school due to heavy rains makes the season popular among kids. They are seen making and floating paper boats in the water-logged streets.

How that season is different from other seasons?

The residents of the urban and rural areas have to face different kinds of problems. Lower regions in the city remain waterlogged for days, even after the rain has stopped. People residing in these low-lying areas have to live in damp and unsanitary conditions. Those underprivileged living on the streets is forced to look for a place elsewhere. It is also troublesome for stray animals. Heavy rains also cause blackouts for long periods and a shortage of water supply in the cities. The condition only worsens in rural areas. The presence of large water bodies and rivers aggravates the situation and floods are common in these places. 

Explain why it is your favorite season?

I like to enjoy rainy days reading while curled up in a blanket with a book and a cup of piping hot coffee or tea. Families spent quality time over fresh home-cooked fritters and board games. The monsoon season is also essential for healthy agriculture and ample irrigation. However, this season has its drawbacks. Damages caused during the monsoon are more intense than in any other season.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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