Every Child Should Be Taught How to Play a Musical Instrument IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Dec 17, 2022

Every Child Should Be Taught How to Play a Musical Instrument IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answers have been provided in this article. This IELTS writing topic addresses a social issue where candidates are asked about their opinion. Candidates are required to share their opinion based on whether they think children should be taught how to play a musical instrument. Candidates can write either in favour of the given statement or against the given statement by giving examples to form their argument. Thus, a brief conclusion is also necessary to be provided in this aspect. Three samples are provided for the students so that they can select from a range of answers. In the body of the answer, the views regarding both sides are explained. The concluding part of the answers leaves the candidate to decide which is more important.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Title: Some educationalists say that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Band 6 IELTS Essay

Many people believe that learning to play an instrument is something that every child should do. On the other hand, some people are against it and claim that attempting to learn how to play an instrument is a waste of time. I believe that playing an instrument is a skill that not all children possess. First of all, as each person is unique, it is an unavoidable fact that not every young adolescent has the creative talent for studying musical instruments. After spending a certain amount of time in their field, people just need to identify the area in which they are talented in order to be labelled prodigies. The ability of a fish to swim in water is one example where this is said to be true. However, if the fish is forced to climb a tree, it will suffer because for the rest of its life, it will view itself as a failure, which is awful, right? Therefore, it is ironic to put pressure on everyone to become proficient at playing an instrument. The second irrefutable reality is that the underachievers who are given the task of learning how to play an instrument will waste a lot of time. Additionally, it will drain their mental energy. Spending time and effort attentively on something that captures their attention is good in place of it. For instance, Reyleigh quit his day job to pursue his dream of being a writer. And after years of ups and downs, he was eventually thought of as one of the most suitable authors of his era. Therefore, it's important to pursue your passions outside of music instruments. In conclusion, I am certain that every child is not required to learn how to play a musical instrument based on the concepts and examples provided. Due to the fact that many kids dislike anything musical.

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

Many people think that music is essential for cultivating a nice vibe and promoting mental calm. They advocate for teaching music instrument lessons in schools as a result. Others, though, believe paradoxically. Starting off, those who support the former point of view believe that pressure from modern education is the main reason why kids are experiencing pressure. Due to the competitive climate, things are growing harder all the time. Yet they may find that playing an instrument helps them to relax and deal with their mental health difficulties. Moreover, it is the fact that studying a musical instrument instils in students the perseverance, discipline, and responsibility for success in life. Additionally, kids experience pride and a sense of accomplishment after learning a song, a challenging chord, or an instrument. Furthermore, because music and arithmetic are so closely related, practising an instrument helps students with their maths abilities. They developed their ability to divide, compute fractions, and identify patterns by comprehending beat, rhythm, and scales. Because reading and understanding are ongoing requirements for studying and playing music, it also enhances reading and comprehension abilities. Thus, learning musical instruments at school aids in a child's academic and social development. However, the supporter of the latter viewpoint contends that kids should have the option to play an instrument in class. Forcing an instrument on a youngster who doesn't want to play one could have negative consequences. Such as the child losing interest in classes and music entirely. In addition, a common misconception is that because these musical instruments are expensive, low-income persons find it difficult to pay for the classes. The main takeaway from the situation is that studying a musical instrument has a lot of advantages. Additionally, it strengthens the student's resolve and sense of discipline as they work toward their objectives. This makes it advantageous for kids to acquire this talent in the classroom.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

Thousands of people listen to music every day, and many more perform a variety of instruments, demonstrating the significance of music in our lives. As a result, there is a belief among individuals who work in the education field that kids should learn to play musical instruments. Nobody should, in my opinion, be required to learn how to play the piano, violin, or any other instrument, especially children. First of all, forcing someone to learn or perform something they do not enjoy could have unfavourable consequences. To put it another way, teenagers who were pressured by their parents to learn music begin to rebel against it. Even the talented ones dislike playing musical instruments, which is unfortunate. Additionally, not everyone has the aptitude to learn a topic as complex as music. It is common knowledge that certain people have difficulty hearing notes clearly; in Russia, we typically say "bear stepped on the ear." For such people, taking music classes is a complete waste of time and may leave them disappointed in their capacity for independent learning. Therefore, making music classes required may be detrimental to children's development and mental health. However, as creativity is a component of mental processes, it should be nurtured from a young age. For instance, while it is common for kids to get bored in school, music may serve to engage them in the learning process. Additionally, practising music has been shown to have a direct impact on the brain, improving its functionality. In this approach, students who learn to play musical instruments might enhance their general academic performance. In conclusion, it is clear that taking music classes benefits our development, especially while we are young. Drawing, sculpture, carving, dance, and many other activities may all help children become more creative. So each child can pick the activity they enjoy the most.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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