Dry farming in California Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Sep 12, 2024

Dry farming in California Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. Dry farming in California Reading Answers has a total of 6 IELTS questions in total. In the questions set there are questions where you have to fill in the blanks with correct answers.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers feature topics such as Dry farming in California Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

Section 1


  1. California, a key agriculture state in the United States, has recently faced one of the worst droughts in history and this has followed other serious droughts. The frequency of these droughts may be increasing due to climate change and, as more are envisaged, better water efficiency is necessary in order to offset the impact now, and in the future. Improving water efficiency in agriculture, a sector that accounts for seventy per cent of water usage, is a priority and the concept of dry farming has been a key way of farming successfully without using an excess of water. Although some farmers have embraced this new agricultural water practice, the majority of farmers have not adopted it. Understanding the barriers to adoption is important to increase adaptation of conservation practices by more farmers, and to improve water efficiency throughout the state.
  2. Many large-scale agri-businesses in California are motivated to reduce water use by voluntarily adopting water efficiency practices, which in turn reduce operational costs. In contrast, many small-scale farming businesses operated by families do not have access to information, capital, and labour to manage serious and persistent droughts. It takes, on average, forty tons of grapes for a grape grower to break even, making it difficult
  3. for small-scale farmers to prosper. To address this challenge, local government teams have developed innovative water efficiency measures, and assessed methods to motivate small-scale grape growers to implement the required measures.
  4. There are many best management techniques for water conservation on vineyards, including: soil horizon mapping, soil moisture sensors, salt monitoring, irrigation scheduling, vine water status monitoring, evapotranspiration and weather-based data use, sap flow monitoring, regulated deficit irrigation, and dry farming. Dry farming works with natural conditions, to produce grapes that can thrive without irrigation. This method involves training the vines to extract as much soil moisture as possible with careful tillage practices and appropriate vine spacing. Growers using dry farming methods manage soil moisture through a well-planned process that involves careful monitoring and adjustments to promote balanced growth in the vines. This helps ensure that vines have constant access to a low level of water that they must actively access, and results in a deeper root system. In contrast, typical irrigation methods provide the vines with intermittent shots of a lot of water, followed by periods of no irrigation. This method often results in stress of the vines, particularly during times of drought.
  5. The Community Alliance with Family Farmers, a 30-year old non-profit organisation run by farmers and activists, has been a key collaborator in the dry farming project. The Alliance has collaborated with a variety of stakeholders to garner support for reducing water usage through conservation methods and best practices. Stakeholders include the U.S. Department of Agriculture, state officials, as well as local and regional water storage and regulation authorities in California, small-scale farmers, and other non-profit organisations. The Community Alliance conducted workshops for farmers on best practices, and facilitated information sessions to discuss water use and conservation issues. During panel discussions, farmers shared their experience of adopting the dry farming technique. Farmers noted that grapes are adaptable and can tolerate dry conditions. Also, they noted that transitioning to dry farming required thirty-nine per cent less water the first year, and sixty per cent less water the second year. Farmers also shared other practices to reduce water use, like using soil monitors and applying compost in the winter.
  6. Many farmers perceived that dry farming, while initially riskier, was actually easier, as the vines transition to a symbiotic relationship with the soil, Farmers indicated that dry farming is possible in eighty per cent of the north coast of California. The appropriate climate for dry farming, combined with the resiliency of dry-farmed vines, can withstand heat waves, and droughts. Dry farming also increases the longevity of the vines. Scheme participants acknowledged the significant financial risks of beginning dry farming during a drought, but agreed that dry farming creates environmental and economic benefits through conservation and reduced costs. Using less water increases the quality of berries used for wine that can be sold at a premium. In order to increase this actual and perceived value of their products, farmers have suggested developing various strategies to increase awareness about dry farming water conservation best practices, such as product labeling, which would highlight how small-scale farmers have
  7. adopted the practices and help to justify the increased costs associated with dry farming. Labels could indicate the specific wine brands produced using conservation methods on product labels. Farmers have also started conducting targeted wine tastings to inform consumers about the benefits of dry farming, including increased quality of products and the reduction in water use.
  8. Last year, the Community Alliance conducted a survey among farmers to assess difficulties in adapting water conservation practices. The most commonly cited obstacle was limited financial resources, followed by the lack of information, bureaucracy, and regulatory barriers. Survey participants indicated a need for online classes, and demonstrations about water efficient technology. As a result, the Community Alliance has recommended increasing awareness among grape purchasers, wine buyers, and drinkers about products produced using water conservation best practices. This
  9. action could increase the market demand of people seeking wines produced using sustainable water management practices. A campaign is also being planned to highlight the benefits of dry farming, which may result in more farmers using this agricultural best practice, and greatly reduce the amount of water used by small-scale grape growers for irrigation.
  10. Any grape variety can be dry-farmed, but some are more suitable than others. Grape growers must become increasingly sophisticated in choosing more drought-resistant rootstock and the correct variety for their lands' conditions. This increasing necessity of grape growers to adapt to climate change, including more frequent and acute droughts, is critical to sustaining the Californian wine business and these adaptation methods have turn the potential to impact the entire agricultural industry.

Questions 28-34

The text on the following pages has 7 paragraphs

(A - G). Write the correct number, i-x.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

  1. Successful Dry Farming Leads to Better Marketing
  2. Subsidies Save Stricken Grape Farmers
  3. Best Practices For Grape Growers
  4. Developing Farmers' Expertise is Vital
  5. Local Organisation Helps Local Farmers
  6. State Governor Leads the Revolution
  7. Severe Water Shortages Lead to New Measures
  8. Lessons Learned from Overseas
  9. Assessment Leads to Suggested Recommendations
  10. Challenges for the Smaller Operators
  1. Paragraph A

Answer: VII

Supporting statement: “.......California... has recently faced one of the worst droughts in history and this has followed other serious droughts........”

Keywords: increasing, water

Keyword Location: para A, lines 1-3

Explanation: Paragraph A discusses California's ongoing severe droughts and how these have driven the need for new water efficiency measures, including dry farming, to address the growing issue of water shortages.

  1. Paragraph B

Answer: X

Supporting statement: “.......In contrast, many small-scale farming businesses operated by families do not have access to information, capital, and labour to manage serious and persistent droughts.......”

Keywords: farmers, challenges

Keyword Location: para B, lines 2-4

Explanation: This paragraph focuses on the specific difficulties faced by small-scale farmers, particularly in terms of access to resources like capital and labour. These challenges are emphasized as barriers to adopting water-efficient practices like dry farming, aligning with heading X.

  1. Paragraph C

Answer: III

Supporting statement: “.......There are many best management techniques for water conservation on vineyards, including... dry farming.......”

Keywords: techniques, dry

Keyword Location: para C, lines 1-2

Explanation: Paragraph C describes various best practices and management techniques for water conservation in vineyards, including dry farming. It explains how these practices work to optimize water use, making heading III the appropriate choice.

  1. Paragraph D

Answer: V

Supporting statement: “.......The Community Alliance... has been a key collaborator in the dry farming project........”

Keywords: Alliance, collaboration

Keyword Location: para D, lines 1-2

Explanation: Paragraph D highlights the role of the Community Alliance with Family Farmers, a non-profit that helps local farmers adopt dry farming practices through workshops and information sessions. This matches heading V, as the local organization is helping local farmers.

  1. Paragraph E

Answer: I

Supporting statement: “........Farmers have suggested developing various strategies to increase awareness about dry farming water conservation best practices, such as product labeling......”

Keywords: strategies, awareness

Keyword Location: para E, lines 6-8

Explanation: Paragraph E discusses how farmers are leveraging dry farming practices to improve their product marketing, such as through product labeling and wine tastings. This links to heading I, focusing on better marketing through dry farming.

  1. Paragraph F

Answer: IX

Supporting statement: “.......The most commonly cited obstacle was limited financial resources... As a result, the Community Alliance has recommended increasing awareness........”

Keywords: recommendations, awareness 

Keyword Location: para F, lines 1-3

Explanation: This paragraph discusses the results of a survey conducted by the Community Alliance and how the findings led to recommendations for increasing awareness about water conservation and dry farming. 

  1. Paragraph G

Answer: IV

Supporting statement: “........Grape growers must become increasingly sophisticated in choosing more drought-resistant rootstock.......”

Keywords: growers, adapt

Keyword Location: para G, lines 1-2

Explanation: Paragraph G stresses the need for grape growers to develop expertise in selecting the right rootstocks and varieties to adapt to climate change, especially drought. This aligns with heading IV, focusing on the need for expertise in adapting to new conditions.

Questions 35-37

Choose the correct letter.

  1. The revolutionary new dry farming activities
  2. have been developed in partnership with Californian universities.
  3. have not been used by most Californian farmers.
  4. have been copied by other drought-affected countries.
  5. have not generally been a success outside California.

Answer: B

Supporting statement: “.......Although some farmers have embraced this new agricultural water practice, the majority of farmers have not adopted it.......”

Keywords: majority, not adopted

Keyword Location: para A, lines 6-7

Explanation: The passage explains that while some farmers have adopted dry farming, most have not. This makes option B the correct answer, as the method has not been widely embraced.

  1. Dry farming works by
  1. forcing crop roots to rise above the surface to find water there.
  2. ensuring crop roots extract moisture from other nearby plants.
  3. encouraging crop roots to be longer.
  4. making crop roots be more effective at times of rainfall.

Answer: C

Supporting statement: “.......This method involves training the vines to extract as much soil moisture as possible... resulting in a deeper root system.......”

Keywords: system, soil

Keyword Location: para C, lines 5-7 

Explanation: Dry farming encourages vines to develop longer roots to access deeper moisture in the soil. Hence option C is the correct answer

  1. One added benefit of dry farming practices to the grape industry is that
  1. the crops live for longer.
  2. the harvest is better.
  3. less manpower is needed on the farms.
  4. fewer pesticides are required.

Answer: A

Supporting statement: “.......Dry farming also increases the longevity of the vines.......”

Keywords: longevity, vines

Keyword Location: para E, line 3

Explanation: The passage explicitly states that dry farming increases the lifespan of the vines, making option A the correct answer.

Questions 38-40

Complete each sentence with the correct ending (A - F)

  1. Getting the public to test the product

Answer: D

Supporting statement: “.......Farmers have also started conducting targeted wine tastings to inform consumers about the benefits of dry farming........”

Keywords: tastings, inform

Keyword Location: para E, lines 9-10

Explanation: Paragraph E explains that targeted wine tastings are being used to educate consumers about dry farming practices. This means that getting the public to test the product (through tastings) is a way to spread awareness about the benefits of dry farming. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

  1. The cost of switching to dry farming

Answer: A

Supporting statement: “......Farmers acknowledged the significant financial risks of beginning dry farming during a drought........”

Keywords: risks, dry

Keyword Location: para E, lines 4-5

Explanation: The passage highlights the financial challenges of adopting dry farming, especially during a drought. This shows that the cost is a barrier for many farmers. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

  1. The ability to match crop type to land

Answer: E

Supporting statement: “.......Grape growers must become increasingly sophisticated in choosing more drought-resistant rootstock and the correct variety for their lands' conditions.......”

Keywords: variety, lands

Keyword Location: para G, lines 1-2 

Explanation: Paragraph G emphasizes that matching the right crop type to the land is crucial for the sustainability of the Californian grape industry, especially in the face of climate change. Therefore, option E is the correct answer.

  1. is a barrier to many farmers embracing the new techniques.
  2. is a common misconception associated with innovative practices.
  3. is often regarded as a mistake by the general public.
  4. is one way to educate consumers about Calfornian dry farming.
  5. is vital to the ongoing health of the grape industry in California.
  6. is no longer as significant as it used to be.

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