Does Water Have Memory Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Jun 17, 2022

Does Water Have Memory Reading Answers is one of the topics for IELTS reading section. The reading section comprises passages followed by different kinds of questions to holistically judge a student’s grasping abilities while reading. This particular IELTS Reading Practice Test has a passage on- Does Water Have Memory?- which consists of the following type of question:

  • Choose the correct answer
  • Fill in the blanks
  • True/False/Not Given

The IELTS Reading Practice Tests contain a variety of sample passages with different kinds of questions which will equip a student with all the possible dimensions of this section. These practice tests should be taken with utmost seriousness to perform brilliantly on the D-Day.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Does Water Have Memory Reading Answers

  1. The practice of homoeopathy was first developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. During research in the 1790s, Hahnemann began experimenting with quinine, an alkaloid derived from cinchona bark that was well known at the time to have a positive effect on fever. Hahnemann started dosing himself with quinine while in a state of good health and reported in his journals that his extremities went cold, he experienced palpitations, “infinite anxiety”, a trembling and weakening of the limbs, reddening cheeks and thirst. “In short,” he concluded, “all the symptoms of relapsing fever presented themselves successively…” Hahnemann’s main observation was that things which create problems for healthy people cure those problems in sick people, and this became his first principle of homoeopathy: similia similibus (with help from the same). While diverging from the principle of apothecary practice at the time, which was contraria contrariis (with help from the opposite), the efficacy of similia similibus was reaffirmed by subsequent developments in the field of vaccinations. Hahnemann’s second principle was minimal dosing – treatments should be taken in the most diluted format which they remain effective. In case it negated any possible toxic effects of similia similibus.
  2. In 1988, the French immunologist Jacques Benveniste took minimal dosing to new extremes when he published a paper in the prestigious scientific journal. Nature in which he suggested that very high dilutions of the antibody could affect human basophil granulocytes, the least common of the granulocytes that make up about 0.01% to 0.3% of white blood cells. The point of controversy, however, was that the water in Benveniste’s test had been so diluted that any molecular evidence of the antibodies no longer existed. Water molecules, the researcher concluded, had a biologically active component that a journalist later termed “water memory”. A number of efforts from scientists in Britain, France and the Netherlands to duplicate Benveniste’s research were unsuccessful, however, and to this day, no peer-reviewed study under broadly accepted conditions has been able to confirm the validity of “water memory”.
  3. The third principle of homoeopathy is “the single remedy”. Exponents of this principle believe that it would be too difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the potential effects of multiple homoeopathic remedies delivered simultaneously. If it did work, they suggest, one could not know quite why it worked, turning homoeopathy into an ambiguous guessing game. If it did not work, neither patient nor practitioner would know whether the ingredients were all ineffective, or whether they were only ineffective in combination with one another. Combination remedies are gaining in popularity, but classical homoeopaths who rely on the single remedy approach warn these are not more potent, nor do they provide more treatment options. The availability of combination remedies, these homoeopaths suggest, has been led by consumers wanting more options, not from homoeopathic research indicating their efficacy.
  4. Homoeopathy is an extremely contentious form of medicine, with strong assertions coming from both critics and supporters of the practice. “Homoeopathy: There’s nothing in it” announces the tag line to 10:23, a major British anti-homoeopathy campaign. At 10:23 am on 30 January 2010, over 400 supporters of the 10:23 stood outside Boots pharmacies and swallowed an entire bottle of homoeopathic pills in an attempt to raise awareness about the fact that these remedies are made of sugar and water, with no active components. This, defenders of homoeopathy say, is entirely the point. Homoeopathic products do not rely on ingredients that become toxic at high doses, because the water retains the “memory” that allows the original treatment to function.
  5. Critics also point out the fact that homoeopathic preparations have no systematic design to them, making it hard to monitor whether or not a particular treatment has been efficacious. Homoeopaths embrace this uncertainty. While results may be less certain, they argue, the non-toxic nature of homoeopathy means that practitioner and patient can experiment until they find something that works without concern for side effects. Traditional medicine, they argue, assaults the body with a cocktail of drugs that only tackles the symptoms of a disease, while homoeopathy has its sights aimed at the causes. Homoeopaths suggest this approach leads to kinder, gentler, more effective treatment.
  6. Finally, critics allege that when homoeopathy has produced good results, these are exceedingly dependent on the placebo effect, and cannot justify the resources, time and expense that the homoeopathic tradition absorbs. The placebo effect is a term that describes beneficial outcomes from a treatment that can be attributed to the patient’s expectations concerning the treatment rather than from the treatment itself. Basically, the patient “thinks” himself into feeling better. Defenders suggest that homoeopathy can go beyond this psychological level. They point to the successful results of homoeopathy on patients who are unconscious at the time of treatment, as well as on animals.

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Section 2

Solution With Explanation

Question 27-32:
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-K, below. Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.

  1. In the late 18th century, Hahnemann discovered that quinine was able to …………………

Answer: C) produce fever-like symptoms in a healthy person.
Supporting Sentence
Hahnemann began experimenting with quinine, an alkaloid derived from cinchona bark that was well known at the time to have a positive effect on fever. Hahnemann started dosing himself with quinine while in a state of good health and reported in his journals that his extremities went cold, he experienced palpitations, “infinite anxiety”, a trembling and weakening of the limbs, reddening cheeks and thirst.
fever, symptoms, healthy, person
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, 2nd line
This is the correct option as it is mentioned in the passage that the result of the experiment carried out by Hahnemann was that if a healthy person takes quinine, then the person experiences symptoms of fever like increased heartbeat, anxiety, weakness among others.

  1. The effectiveness of vaccinations also helps to ………………

Answer: E) support the notion of similia similibus.
Supporting Sentence
While diverging from the principle of apothecary practice at the time, which was contraria contrariis (with help from the opposite), the efficacy of similia similibus was reaffirmed by subsequent developments in the field of vaccinations.
support, notion, similia similibus
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, 4th last line
This is the correct option as vaccination helped in supporting the treatment by the use of the same thing that is the cause of the problem in the sick people upon which the principle of similia similibus is also based. Thus, the use of vaccination reaffirmed the notion of similia similibus. 

  1. Benveniste argued in the journal Nature that water molecules possess the ability to …………

Answer: I) retain qualities of an antibody to which they were previously exposed.
Supporting Sentence
Nature in which he suggested that very high dilutions of the antibody could affect human basophil granulocytes, the least common of the granulocytes that make up about 0.01% to 0.3% of white blood cells.
retain, qualities, antibody
Keyword Location
Paragraph B, 2nd line
This is the correct option as Benveniste made use of water in dilution and according to him high dilution affected the basophil granulocytes of white blood cells since water would retain the qualities of antibody thus giving water special ability to have a memory of the previous antibody it was exposed to.

  1. Attempts to verify Benveniste’s findings were unable to …………

Answer: H) recreate the original results.
Supporting Sentence: A number of efforts from scientists in Britain, France and the Netherlands to duplicate Benveniste’s research were unsuccessful, however, and to this day, no peer-reviewed study under broadly accepted conditions has been able to confirm the validity of “water memory”.
recreate, original, results
Keyword Location
Paragraph B, 3rd last line
The passage mentions that there have been several attempts taken by scientists of different countries to verify Benveniste’s research, however, the results produced are not the same as the original one thus questioning the validity of Benveniste’s findings. Hence, it is the correct option.

  1. The purpose of the single remedy is to ……………

Answer: A) avoid the unpredictable outcome of combining many remedies at once
Supporting Sentence
: Exponents of this principle believe that it would be too difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the potential effects of multiple homoeopathic remedies delivered simultaneously.
avoid, unpredictable, outcome, combining, remedies
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 1st line
This is the correct option as the passage mentions that a single remedy operates on the principle that only one ingredient diluted with water must be used so that patients are aware of its efficacy. If a combination of many remedies is used and if it works, then the outcome is not easy to determine.

  1. Classical homoeopaths suggest combination remedies have been created to ……………

Answer: J) satisfy the demand for hovers.
Supporting Sentence
The availability of combination remedies, these homoeopaths suggest, has been led by consumers wanting more options, not from homoeopathic research indicating their efficacy.
satisfy, demands
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 2nd last line
This is the correct option as the passage mentions that the combination remedies are not getting popularity as they are more effective, rather they are gaining popularity due to the increasing demand for more choices by the consumers.

Questions 33-40:
Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 33-40 on your answer sheet.

  1. Has no 33 …………………… ingredients

Answer: ACTIVE
Supporting Sentence
At 10:23 am on 30 January 2010, over 400 supporters of the 10:23 stood outside Boots pharmacies and swallowed an entire bottle of homoeopathic pills in an attempt to raise awareness about the fact that these remedies are made of sugar and water, with no active components.
ingredients, no active, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, 4th line
The paragraph states that in an attempt to raise awareness about the ineffectiveness of homoeopathy, the campaigners swallowed an entire bottle of homoeopathic pills to suggest that it has no active ingredient other than sugar and water, thus suggesting that homoeopathy has no real active substance present in its medicines.

  1. Does not become 34 ……………. when taken in large quantities.

Answer: TOXIC
Supporting Sentence
Homoeopathic products do not rely on ingredients that become toxic at high doses, because the water retains the “memory” that allows the original treatment to function.
large quantity, toxic, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, last line
The paragraph states that the homoeopathic products even when taken in large quantities do not become toxic since the quantity of the active agent is extremely low. The homoeopathic medicines rely more on the water memory of the dilution thereby retaining the antibody of the previous component to which it was exposed that prevents it from being toxic and allows the original treatment to function effectively. Hence, it is the correct option.

  1. Lack of a 35 ………………. makes success or

Supporting Sentence
Critics also point out the fact that homoeopathic preparations have no systematic design to them, making it hard to monitor whether or not a particular treatment has been efficacious.
lack of, systematic design, success, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, 1st line
Since homoeopathy lacks a proper systematic design, therefore observing and monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment through it becomes difficult. Homoeopaths, however, views this positively and it gives them a chance to experiment with the patients until they find what might work for the patient with zero risk involved due to the non-toxic nature of homoeopathy making it a success for them.

  1. Failure of treatments difficult to 36 …………

Supporting Sentence
Critics also point out the fact that homoeopathic preparations have no systematic design to them, making it hard to monitor whether or not a particular treatment has been efficacious.
failure, treatment, monitor, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, 1st line
The passage states that the treatment whether it is successful or failure, is difficult to monitor since there is no systematic design for the treatments. The homoeopathic practitioners simply keep on experimenting until they find a remedy that would work for the patients. Hence “monitor” is the correct response.

  1. Remedies can be trialled with no risk of 37 ………………. Treatments

Supporting Sentence
While results may be less certain, they argue, the non-toxic nature of homoeopathy means that practitioners and patients can experiment until they find something that works without concern for side effects.
remedies, trialled, no risk, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, 2nd line
The passage mentions that homoeopaths have the liberty to experiment with their patients till they find what works best for their patients since there is no risk involved as the medicines are not toxic. Hence, “side effects” is the correct answer.

  1. tackle causes and not just ……………

Supporting Sentence
Traditional medicine, they argue, assaults the body with a cocktail of drugs that only tackles the symptoms of a disease, while homoeopathy has its sights aimed at the causes.
tackle, causes, symptoms, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, 2nd last line
The passage mentions that homoeopaths argue that, unlike traditional medicine that focuses upon only the symptoms, homoeopathy works on the root which means that they work on the cause rather than just symptoms thus being more effective. Hence “symptoms” is the correct answer.

  1. Too much reliance on the …………………

Supporting Sentence
Finally, critics allege that when homoeopathy has produced good results, these are exceedingly dependent on the placebo effect, and cannot justify the resources, time and expense that the homoeopathic tradition absorbs.
reliance, placebo effect, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph G, 1st line
The passage mentions that homoeopathy relies heavily upon the placebo effect in which the patient’s belief in the treatment matters more than the treatment itself. Thus, “placebo effect” is the correct answer.

  1. Proven to work on people who are ………………… Works psychologically but not physically

Supporting Sentence
They point to the successful results of homoeopathy on patients who are unconscious at the time of treatment, as well as on animals.
proven to work, unconscious, homoeopathy
Keyword Location
Paragraph G, last line
Homeopaths have defended the practice by arguing that homoeopathy not only works on the psychological principle of a placebo effect rather it has produced results in unconscious people and animals as well thereby challenging the notion that it is the conscious belief of the person that the treatment will show positive results. Hence “unconscious” is the correct answer.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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