Different Kinds of Trees Reading Answers

Ahana Bhaduri

Aug 13, 2024

The topic discussed is an academic reading answers topic. Different kinds of trees Reading Answers has a total of 7 IELTS questions in total. In the questions, you have to choose the correct word from the options.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognise synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers, which feature topics such as Different kinds of trees Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

Section 1


The whole earth is full of different types of trees. A tree is described as a perennial

woody plant which possesses a single stem/trunk and has secondary branches. Height

is an important factor that is used for segregating trees and shrubs in separate

groups. Most trees generally have a height that varies from 3 m and 6 m. According

to some experts, a trunk diameter of at least 10 cm is necessary for a plant to be

classified as a tree. There are three main kinds of trees based on their leaves -

deciduous, semi-evergreen and evergreen trees.

Deciduous trees are trees whose leaves lose their green colouring and turn orange,

red or brown before they start to shed at the end of the growing season, generally

in autumn. Evergreen trees carry their leaves throughout the year. Evergreens do shed their leaves, but only a few at a time and over a longer period, so there is never a noticeable change. For most evergreen trees, the leaves don't change colour. Semi-evergreen trees, usually keep their leaves in mild winters but lose them in severe ones. Trees can be classified into two types by their seed.

Angiosperms (such as an Apple tree) have their reproductive organs within a flower,

which transform to bear two-lobed seeds covered by a true fruit or seed case.

Gymnosperms (such as a Pine tree) bear their seeds on the scales of a cone or

cone-like structure, and they do not have true flowers. The seeds are single-lobed

and not covered in a fruit or seed case.

Questions 1-7

Write the appropriate letter from A-D.

NB You may use one letter more than once.

Classify the following statements as referring to:

A. Gymnosperms

B. Deciduous

C. Angiosperms

D. Evergreen

1. Flower bearing

Answer: C

Supporting statement: “.....Angiosperms (such as an Apple tree) have their reproductive organs within a flower, which transform to bear two-lobed seeds covered by a true fruit or seed case......”

Keywords: flower, reproductive

Keyword Location: para 3, Line 1-2

Explanation: The passage clearly states that Angiosperms have flowers as their reproductive organs, making them the correct classification for trees that bear flowers.

2. Bear naked seeds

Answer: A

Supporting statement: “......Gymnosperms (such as a Pine tree) bear their seeds on the scales of a cone or cone-like structure, and they do not have true flowers.....”

Keywords: seeds, no true

Keyword Location: para 3, Line 3-5

Explanation: Gymnosperms bear seeds that are not enclosed in a fruit, often referred to as "naked seeds," which distinguishes them from other types of trees.

3. Don't grow much in the autumn season

Answer: B

Supporting statement: “......Deciduous trees are trees whose leaves lose their green colouring and turn orange, red or brown before they start to shed at the end of the growing season, generally in autumn......”

Keywords: autumn, shedding

Keyword Location: para 2, Line 1-2

Explanation: Deciduous trees are known for shedding their leaves in autumn as part of their natural cycle. During this season, the trees stop growing and prepare for winter by losing their leaves, which helps conserve water and energy

4. Bears true fruit

Answer: C

Supporting statement: “.....Angiosperms (such as an Apple tree) have their reproductive organs within a flower, which transform to bear two-lobed seeds covered by a true fruit or seed case......”

Keywords: fruit, Angiosperms

Keyword Location: para 3, Line 1-2

Explanation: Angiosperms are trees that produce true fruits, which are the result of fertilized flowers. These fruits enclose the seeds, providing protection and aiding in their dispersal.

5. Leaves don't change colour

Answer: D

Supporting statement: “.....Evergreen trees carry their leaves throughout the year. Evergreens do shed their leaves, but only a few at a time and over a longer period, so there is never a noticeable change......”

Keywords: leaves, don’t change

Keyword Location: para 2, Line 4-6

Explanation: Evergreen trees retain their leaves throughout the year, meaning they do not undergo a significant seasonal change in leaf colour like Deciduous trees. Although Evergreens do shed leaves, they do so gradually, a few at a time, ensuring that the tree always appears green

6. Bear single lobed seeds

Answer: A

Supporting statement: “.....The seeds are single-lobed and not covered in a fruit or seed case......”

Keywords: lobed, Gymnosperms

Keyword Location: para 3, Line 5-6

Explanation: Gymnosperms produce seeds that are single-lobed and are not enclosed within a fruit or seed case. This is a defining characteristic of Gymnosperms, as opposed to Angiosperms, which produce seeds with a covering or case.

7. Apple tree

Answer: C

Supporting statement: “.....Angiosperms (such as an Apple tree) have their reproductive organs within a flower, which transform to bear two-lobed seeds covered by a true fruit or seed case......”

Keywords: tree, Angiosperms

Keyword Location: para 3, Line 1-2

Explanation: The passage explicitly mentions that an apple tree is an example of an Angiosperm, a type of tree that reproduces through flowers and bears fruit. The apple tree produces apples, which are true fruits containing seeds.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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