Differences between Countries become less Evident Each Year IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 28, 2022

Differences between Countries become less Evident Each Year IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world, people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits, and TV channels. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Model Answer 1:

The world today is more aptly said to be a global market where almost every country witnesses the same kind of brand market in every field. The globalization of the world has opened the doors for the intermingling of the different cultures, lifestyles, traditions of the different countries. Often it is found that the global brands have started launching their products keeping in mind the wide global audience with different tastes, suiting their lifestyle. There is a clear sign that the differences between the countries have started to become less evident than before and this brings with them certain advantages as well.

Speaking about globalization, people now have become more open to broad ideas, and world views. The sphere of vision has increased from a small area of land to a vast world. This can be seen in the fact that now we have global channels with global reach with the vast diverse audiences sitting in different countries but loving the same character, unlike before where our reach was only confined to local regional channels. For example, an American sitcom, FRIENDS, became more popular in India, China, Middle-East countries, and other European countries and brought the culture of Coffee Cafes’ in the global market. Now, people of all the countries are accustomed to the same type of global fashion trends, food cuisines, and lifestyles, etc. This has helped in reducing the communication gap amongst people, increased the values of tolerance, acceptance, and sharing. Now it can aptly be said that the world has become a global home for its people where the cultural, educational, and traditional boundaries have outcast the physical boundaries. One of the biggest advantages counted here is it has brought more peace and unity in the world, unlike the old times that have witnessed some of the major wars like a world war, cold war, etc.

Though the advantages of globalization have been manifolded and the difference between different countries is reducing rapidly, but there are some spheres where such differences are quite visible like the economic inequality, literacy inequality, compliance with the sustainable development goals have been incompetent among different countries. To make the world a global home to live in, these inequalities need to be worked upon.

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Model Answer 2:

In these modern times, it has become quite evident that the world portrays the image of a friendly global market, with globalized consumers from the remote corners of the world. Nowadays, a fashion idea launched in the USA has become a fashion trend in India, or an Indian cinema becoming a Blockbuster movie in Canada. The modern world has opened the wide market of acceptance of each other’s culture, ideas, cuisines, fashion, art, lifestyle and so on. This has made the fact crystal clear that the differences between the countries of the world are vanishing at a rapid pace. But these vanishing differences are bringing a lot of disadvantages along with advantages. Some of these disadvantages are included in the paragraph below.

We have often seen that people are more attracted towards the international junk foods items than their traditional food. The attraction for these international junk food items has overpowered the nutritional value of traditional food. The changing food habits of the people have deteriorated their health and impacted the lifestyle of the people to a great extent. The vanishing of the differences has made it evident that people are so influenced by international ideas and cultures and started following their lifestyles that they have forgotten the indigenous cultures and values. For example, a culture-rich and diverse country like India has become more westernized in its culture and lifestyle that they have started to lose their indigenous values and culture. This has brought a drastic change in the value-added system of the country. With globalization, international relations have undoubtedly become better in terms of trade and economy but the living conditions of the rural or the poor people in the indigenous countries have become worse.

To blow off the differences between the countries in the true sense, the need of the hour is to bring everyone to the same page, to improve the living and working conditions of the people globally, to improve the environment unitedly, to work upon achieving the sustainable development goals together. This will help in bringing the people together on the same platform and will make the world a global home in the true sense, outcasting all the boundaries.

Model Answer 3:

The globalized world has evolved so rapidly in modern times that the ethnic and global differences between the countries have started to vanish. People across the globe have become more accepting and tolerant of other countries, cultures, and ideas. This has made the world stand on a platform of inclusiveness globally. The diminishing of the differences between the countries of the world has brought with itself several advantages and disadvantages.

Talking about the advantages first, with the increasing communication facilities, the world has involved itself in each other’s emotional area. Now with the wide prevalence of global media, we are aware of everything happening across the world, and they have started to become involved in the struggles of other countries' people. This has increased the value of humanity for each other. The killing of a black man in America has witnessed a global protest on ‘Black Lives Matter. The victory of Barcelona in Football is celebrated among football fans in India. Indian movies do blockbuster business in Canada. This social acceptance has made the world a global home, where many foreigners visit our countries and many students and working professionals of our country settle abroad for education and work. Social and cultural acceptance has made the festival of one country celebrated globally by all. Besides, the vanishing differences have brought world peace among different countries and friendly relations with all. Also, the world economy has been booming like anything due to the extinction of these differences among countries.

Coming to disadvantages we see that with rapid globalization, the indigenous culture and morals have lost their values. People are so influenced by westernized ideas that they tend to have forgotten their roots. Another disadvantage is that the eating habits of people have changed drastically and this change has a negative impact on their health. People are more influenced by junk food ideas that they find their traditional food tasteless. People have started to lose their original identities in the pursuit of modern ideas.

In conclusion, though the vanishing differences have been quite evident and they have created a huge impact on the lifestyle of the people for good as well as for bad. It is good to change with time, but one must never forget their roots and must stick to their culture and traditions rationally and logically.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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