Describe Something that Helps You Concentrate Cue Card

Describe Something that Helps You Concentrate Cue Card is a topic in which the candidates should describe about a particular thing through which they can concentrate in a better way. Similar topics like this have been enclosed in the IELTS speaking section. The given topic is taken from the book named “Ielts Writing 100% 9 Points”. The candidates should present their views in a very proper and organized manner regarding this topic. 1 minute for taking notes and 2-3 minutes for speaking have been allotted for the candidates in the Cue card in IELTS Speaking part 2. Three different model answers regarding this topic called Describe Something that Helps You Concentrate Cue Card, with different perspectives have been given below. The questions this particular topic called Describe Something that Helps You Concentrate Cue Card includes are, What it is?, When you do it?, How did you learn about it?, and How it helps you to concentrate?

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Topic: Describe Something that Helps You Concentrate

Model Answer 1

What it is?

While working on a critical project, people must pay close attention. Things can advance to a new level with focus. While noise can interfere with work. A great deal of concentration is required for creative work, artistic work, painting, photography, architecture, and high level designing. Doctors, instructors, trainers, and composers all need to focus when doing crucial duties. There is simply too much to accomplish and not enough time in a world that is expanding physically. Here, I'd like to discuss meditation, which is the secret of my sharp focus.

When you do it?

I do meditation on my terrace anytime I feel I have a lot on my plate and want to do all of my work calmly before the deadline. It is, in my opinion, among the best methods for helping me decompress and feel at ease. I typically begin each day at five in the morning by meditating for at least 30 minutes. It reenergizes me for the day and better positions me to meet my daily goals. Before engulfing myself in any activities, I do meditation each and every time. The meditation helps me to perform my skills with more concentration and enthusiasm. Much bigger to bigger problems I can handle without any hesitation with the help of meditation. It is, in my opinion, one of the best method to release tension and relax. I usually begin my day at five in the morning by doing at least 30 minutes of meditation. It gives me energy for the day and better gets me ready to reach my daily goals.

How did you learn about it?

At first I used to face alot of problems regarding my concentration. In my school, coaching class, dance class, I could not be able to concentrate. It is my mother, who helped me out alot to get out from this problem. It is she who one day thad conversation with me and told me about the meditation. My mother first explained to me the advantages of constantly practicing it when I was very young. As a result, I had just started to follow my mother when I was a young child. Concentrating on the things I have to accomplish truly does help. In reality, in order to ensure the wellbeing of their personnel, large business sectors are already adjusting. They are adjusting to the essential once-weekly meditation practice. According to recent studies, the main benefits of meditation include improved memory, improved cognitive skills. The meditations also boost a person to have a more cheerful and grounded feeling, and immunity to life's daily pressures.

How it helps you to concentrate?

Thus, through improving my concentration, meditation aids in helping me achieve a better work-life balance. I got my results for meditation in all the possible positive ways. It helped me to achieve better scores in many of my examinations. Prior to start my day, I always meditate. It boosts the energy in me to perform any works with great energy. It frees my mind from all the difficulties. It also helped me to stay calm and positive in all the situations. It benefited me in all the aspects of my life. So, meditation is something that helps me very much to concentrate.

Model Answer 2

What it is?

People must pay serious attention while working on an important project. With attention, things can go forward to a new level. While noise might hinder productivity. Creative work, artistic work, painting, photography, architecture, and high level designing all take a lot of concentration. Doctors, teachers, trainers, and composers all need to concentrate when performing important tasks. I'm going to speak about something here that is helpful to me at work and other activities. Silence is the first thing I require when I'm working. When there is no one nearby, I like to work alone because it helps me concentrate and get my work done. This distracts me and cuts me off from the outside world. I prefer to listen to light classical music for my own amusement. This enables me to continue working intently for extended periods of time.

When you do it?

I used to do it early in the morning before having my breakfast. This is something I do whenever I'm creating a design. As I am engaged in a work of art and craft, this thing assist me in every possible ways. I may delve deeply into my own thoughts in this silence and get wonderful ideas. I find that listening to music keeps me interested in art and encourages me to think creatively. I almost usually choose listening to mellow instrumental music without lyrics. This entertains me and improves my work. In particular, while I'm working with music, I don't feel alone.

How did you learn about it?

I have heard of great artists who used these types of exercises and found great success in their particular fields. I got fully inspired with their works and accomplishments. I admire them and followed their essence. Their works have encouraged me to get engage in this activity. They explained that how silence can help someone in achieving great things in an easy manner. I started performing this exercise and all of my drawings and designs when I first entered college. I keep reading in the media about other other approaches as well, but this is the one that works best for me.

How it helps you to concentrate?

It stimulates my imagination and gives me a sense of activity. I require silence when working on a challenging design. And any type of interruption or distraction can harm my work and ruin entire concepts. I turn on some soft instrumental music and continue working for a long time. By maintaining the silence while working helps to me perform it with peace. It also helps me to do the said work with much enthusiasm. It results to boost a lot of creative insights and imagination in me. These imaginations helps me all the time to create a better art or craft. Hence, I can say that silence is the thing which helped me to maintain my concentration in my works.

Model Answer 3

What it is?

Academics and extracurricular activities both require a great deal of concentration. A person's performance is impacted. The outcomes will be more favorable, and life will be simple and fascinating, if a person can focus more. To manage their minds and thoughts, people engage in mental exercises. In order to reach the heights of achievement, they desire a laser-like focus. There are many strategies that are already well-known for helping people focus properly at work. They are also popular to assist people in their studies, as well as in other areas of their lives. This is because, in today's modern lifestyle, the majority of people experience these issues. The people find it difficult to pay attention to their surroundings, despite their best efforts. Therefore, I'm going to discuss a game that helps me focus. I frequently engage myself to play sudoku and chess. My focus is improved by these games. Playing video games indoors has always helped me pay attention and concentrate. I've always aimed to devote adequate time to my vital responsibilities, including my studies and athletics.

When you do it?

I enjoy playing these games whenever I have time. Although, especially in the morning and in the evening to relax, I play these games. In the evenings, my mother or brother usually joins me. They enjoy playing these games as well. It turns into a domestic competition. I occasionally use my mobile devices to play games while I'm on the go. This is because they have great features and are readily available online. Both friends and strangers can play online. It is also a great way for me to communicate with other people and know them from close.

How did you learn about it?

I learned to play chess from my father when I was in school. He is a great chess player. It is he who helped me to learn various tricks to do checkmate in any game. He knows various tricks to get along with to get avoid from any difficulties in a chess match. He said to me that this game also helped him to gain more concentration in many of his works. It was boring at first. However, I didn't enjoy it, but as my interest grew, I began to adore it. My father explained to me the advantages of playing chess. These activities enhance mental agility and focus.

How it helps you to concentrate?

When I play this game, my thoughts actually point in the same direction, and I create strategies and routines to counter the opposition. I play chess online if I'm stressed out or in a bad mood since it helps me focus and is a mental activity. It is a kind of stress buster. Even before a crucial meeting or when I'm travelling alone, I like to play online games like sudoku and chess because I think it helps me focus. Yes, it is extremely crucial for children to learn how to concentrate since it can help them in their academics and sports games. They can learn to do meditation and yoga to keep their mind stable by improving their mental stability. They can perform fantastic in sports and extracurricular activities as well as their academy. These are some things that children should do to increase their concentration level.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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