Describe an Invention that has Changed People's Life Cue Card

Describe an Invention that has Changed Peoples Life Cue Card model answers have been provided below. The answers are centered upon questions like; what it is, who invented it, when it was invented, and explain how it has changed people’s lives.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Describe an Invention that has Changed People’s Life

You should say:

  • what it is
  • who invented it
  • when it was invented
  • and explain how it has changed people’s lives.

Model Answer 1

What it is?

There have been myriad inventions since the beginning of time to make our lives more comfortable and at ease. As I have been asked to talk about one such invention I would like to talk about mobile phones. The invention of mobile phones has revolutionized the way people communicate with each other. Earlier long distance communication was a big hurdle as people communicated via letters which thereby took a long time to get delivered. It was extremely difficult to get messages delivered quickly. Confidential and urgent information would take ages to get delivered.

Who invented it?

However, today as we speak the invention of mobile phones or even telephones has made the job easier with just a single click. Telephones subsequently led to the invention of mobile phones. With a single tap, messages get delivered in no time and have made people's lives much easier. Mobile phones were invented by Martin Cooper in 1973.

When it was invented?

It was brought into the market in 1983. It would be suffice to say that mobile phones have completely changed our lives. Not just has it brought people living in different parts of the world closer, but also plays a paramount role in social development. With a single tap now people can shop online, talk to their clients, set up meetings, etc. Mobile phone companies are diligently making the handheld more efficient even to the extent that people can carry the laptop or PC tasks on their mobile phones.

How it has changed people’s lives?

There are different companies for every mobile phone today, the type keyboard is far left behind and touch screen is almost on every mobile phone. Android and ios are ruling the world. While both have their own pros and cons they both are installed on mobile phones that are purchased by millions of people world wide. Every person owns a mobile phone and without a mobile phone it is no exaggeration to say that the daily tasks are on hold.

Model Answer 2

What it is?

With technological advancements there have been many inventions that have completely revolutionized people’s lives today. If I had to talk about one such invention that has made people’s lives easier it would be the invention of computers.

Who invented it, and When it was invented?

Computers were initially developed by a British Mathematician named Charles Babbage. He had completed this invention in 1856 more than 100 years ago before the electronic ones came out. Computers are the apex of the industrial revolution.

How it has changed people’s lives?

In ancient times people used abacus to do calculations. But with the invention of computers which was initially thought as a calculating device later went on to become the prime task handling, calculation making device. People can now easily automate long tedious tasks. As technology advanced further there were also enhancements . People are not just using PC’s but laptops as well, which have made the minute tasks even easier. People can make calculations, automate tasks, connect with colleagues or family from around the globe, meet new people, and so on all with the help of computers. All this came to the surface with the invention of the microprocessor, a small chip that is inserted inside a computer. Microprocessor can be said to be the heart of a computer. However we must not neglect the impact computers had brought in our lives. The tasks that people can perform on a computer are endless and with the advancements in AI and Machine learning it is no exaggeration to say that the future holds much more for us.

Model Answer 3

What it is?

Your handheld device is nothing if it doesn't have a proper internet connection. Earlier there were mobile phones that barely had a bluetooth or running internet connection. The mobile phones were all type and installed with a few games that we could play in our free time. The invention of the internet has led to an upward leap in people’s lives.

Who invented it, and When it was invented?

The internet was invented by Tim Berners Lee in 1969 and also created the first web browser which opened the doors for the internet to go mainstream. The use of the internet is worldwide. Chatting with a person sitting miles away, making your video go viral on youtube, shopping online, starting a business online, setting up conferences, even the little tasks that we are assigned we inadvertently start searching on the internet. It is because of the internet that thousands of people out there are able to earn money from the comfort of their homes.

How it has changed people’s lives?

Without the internet I do not think that we can survive for a day as it has become a major part of our lives today. Every electronic device that we use somewhat requires the use of the internet. Moreover, the extent with which people are setting up their businesses online, especially those that have the funds to do so offline are plenty. I don't think I can list all the advantages that the internet holds today. Computers, mobile phones, laptops, ipads, have revolutionized the world but all these have one thing in common- the internet. These electronic devices wouldn’t be as efficient without the internet. With increased speed and bandwidth a person gets all his work done in no time. Even though the internet is a boon in people’s lives, there are also certain disadvantages. The virtual world has become so big in people’s lives that they sometimes forget the reality!

Check- IELTS Speaking Sample

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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