Describe an Interesting Discussion you had About how you Spend your Money Cue Card

Bhaskar Das

Jan 27, 2023

Describe an Interesting Discussion you had About how you Spend your Money Cue Card have three model answers that have been mentioned below. In this IELTS Cue Card topic, candidates are required to talk about a discussion they had in spending money. In the topic: Describe an Interesting Discussion you had About how you Spend your Money Cue Card, each model answer addresses four specific questions. They are: who you had the discussion with, why you discussed, result of discussion, why it was interesting. This topic: Describe an Interesting Discussion you had About how you Spend your Money Cue Card has been taken from the book IELTS - Speaking Cue Cards History

What is a Cue Card: Cue cards are a part of IELTS Speaking part 2. They are speaking topics on which candidates are supposed to speak. Candidates' speaking ability and grammar proficiency are assessed In IELTS Speaking part 2. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. To gain accuracy and proficiency, candidates can consider practicing from IELTS Speaking practice papers available on the internet.

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Topic: Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money.

You should say:

  • who you had the discussion with
  • why you discussed this topic
  • what the result of the discussion was
  • and explain why this discussion was interesting for you.

Model Answer 1

Who you had the discussion with

I believe money is the most important part of our livelihood. It provides for food, shelter, amenities and daily needs. Without money, we will not have anything to buy. Hence, earning and managing money is very important and essential for a person. I once had a discussion with my elder brother who is a chartered accountant on how to save money for the future. That helped me a lot as even today, I am working according to his suggestions.

Why you discussed this topic

I just got out of college and got an opportunity to work in a MNC. After I received my first paycheck, I spent the money on buying gifts for my family members. In doing so, all my salary was spent within 15 days of the month. I had no money left with me and had to ask my parents for some. That time, I thought that saving and managing money was important. So, I asked my elder brother to give me some suggestions on it. First he scolded me for spending all my salary. Then we started discussing how to do a monthly investment plan which will give a return after 5-10 years.

What the result of the discussion was

I was absolutely pleased with the plans that he shared with me. He was so clear in his thoughts. He gave me many plans that I follow till date. Every month after I get my salary, I keep some percentage for it and invest in SIP (Systematic Investment Plan). The rest are for my and family’s expenses. Also, I try to save some money.

Why was this discussion interesting for you?

I found the discussion interesting because I was never aware of these things. He provided me with knowledge that anyone could have done. I was pleased to learn about a world that had many opportunities to save money. He a;lso told me about the pension plan which made me interested since at old age, we need money to survive. It was a very interesting and knowledgeable session with my brother.

Model Answer 2

Who you had the discussion with

Previously, I had the idea that I should spend my money according to my will. However, the recent discussion about spending money has changed my mind. Mr. Robert, a senior professor at my college in Florida, and I had a good conversation. He is a man of letters and teaches economics at the graduate level. He was of the opinion that people should think about money rather than feel it.

Why you discussed this topic

Money is merely a device. However, unless it is used correctly, nothing will be accomplished. In general, we had a pleasant conversation with him. Mr. Robert was a professor in a class on money management. He actually held some ideologies. I have never earned or spent my own money. Therefore, he was discussing money management with the class. I met him after class, and he went over everything with me. I wanted to provide justification for my personal spending habits. Mr. Robert went over each issue one at a time, and the examples alone impressed me. I admitted that I had mismanaged my money after many arguments. He told me that I should never lose money. In fact, I used to spend more than I needed to.

What the result of the discussion was

Additionally, he advised me to solicit constructive suggestions regarding the issues. I came to a different conclusion. I made the decision to cut my coat to fit my clothes. Additionally, he pledged to manage their money with caution in the future.

Why was this discussion interesting for you?

Due to its nature, the discussion piqued my interest. I was not familiar with savings strategies. I was clearly headed in the wrong direction after the detailed estimation. As a result, I began following his guidance and now find that everything is in order. Interesting thing is that this time, I did the same as what Mr. Robert suggested.

Model Answer 3

Who you had the discussion with

Usually, I don't like to talk about my private life with anyone unless I have a very good reason to. However, just the other day, I was doing exactly that with one of my senior cousins casually, and the conversation was quite interesting.

Why you discussed this topic

My cousin asked me about my plan for the future or how I spent and managed my money. I thought it was okay to talk about it. The main reason I decided to have that conversation was that, despite earning a respectable amount of money from my job, I wasn't doing that well financially. When I mentioned that to my cousin, he informed me that unless we used the money to build tangible assets, we wouldn't be able to guarantee our financial future. In fact, he described to me how he wisely invested his modest savings to successfully transform his failing business a few years ago. Again, he said, earning enough money wasn't enough. One also had to figure out how to properly invest it with a long-term strategy that took inflation into account.

What the result of the discussion was

In any case, not only was the discussion becoming increasingly interesting, but it was also becoming increasingly complicated. In the end, my cousin gave us the piece of advice that we should never have spent more money than we would have earned.

Why this discussion was interesting for you.

The discussion was very interesting to me because it taught me a few useful strategies for both saving money and investing it wisely at the right time. The conversation taught me how to establish and maintain a connection with financially successful individuals. People who could always instruct us on how to become successful entrepreneurs despite our lack of financial resources. Lastly, I found the discussion to be interesting because it taught me how to diversify my skills and ways of making money.

Check- IELTS Speaking Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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