Describe an Article on Health You Read in a Magazine or on the Internet Cue Card

Collegedunia Team

Oct 21, 2022

Describe An Article On Health You Read in a Magazine or on the Internet Cue Card is the topic for IELTS Speaking Part 2. Three model answers are given below. The key points are:-What the article was about, Where you read it (which magazine or website, and explain what you learned/thought from the article.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe an Article on Health You Read on Magazine or the Internet IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say:

  • What the article was about?
  • Where you read it (which magazine or website)?
  • And explain what you learned/thought from the article?

Model Answer 1

What was it?

I have developed reading as one of my everyday habits. Reading as a daily activity helps in enlightening one’s knowledge and builds vocabulary, thus I recommend everyone to read anything they can on a daily basis. So today I am taking this opportunity to talk about a health article that I read 2 weeks back.

It was about different types of health. The topmost frequently discussed health types are mental health and physical health. No doubt, the article was engaging and powerful.

Where did you read it?

I read this article on the Internet! It was published on This article on health was written by Adam Felman, who has precisely crafted all the information to the point. The writer was precise and clear about the topic and it provided me with very useful information.

Why did you read it?

Almost the entire globe is reeling under the lockdowns due to the sudden break of an unknown virus. Even people who look fit become prey to it. So I was looking for some useful tips on good health and luckily, I stumbled upon Adam Felman’s health article and read it from start to end. I came to know that physical health and mental health play a major role in an individual’s everyday life. For good health, balanced nutrition and regular exercise are very important. Physical fitness ensures ease of breathing, healthy heart functioning, flexibility, and muscle strength.

One must avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and any other harmful supplements. The major cause leading to these addictions is depression. An individual must take good care of his/her social, psychological, and emotional well-being. To stay away from anxiety, depression, and other disorders, a person must enjoy life. One must balance work and family, try to achieve their full potential, and never get stuck in an issue for too long.

How did you feel about it?

I was more clear and more confident after reading his article. Honestly, I was so confused about what exactly good health is. I started taking care of myself and I improved my health both physically and mentally. But his article on health opened my eyes and I started to follow every single tip mentioned in that article.

Model Answer 2

What was it?

In my life, I have implemented the phrase “Health is Wealth. Reading is one of the good healthy habits. So today, I am taking this opportunity to talk about a health article that I read 4 days ago. It was about the different factors of good health. The topmost frequently discussed factors are Genetic factors and Environmental Factors. No doubt, the article was insightful and interesting.

Where did you read it?

I read this on the Internet and this article was published on This article on health was written by Adam Felman, who has precisely crafted all the information to the point. The writer was precise and clear about the topic and it provided me with very useful information.

Why did you read it?

Due to a sudden lifestyle change, I wanted to know what are the factors that decide good health. Fortunately, I came across Adam Felman’s health article and read it from start to end. The genetic factor that influences health can not be prevented but can be controlled. I learned that a person and his environment create a major impact on his health. For good health, a person must decide where he lives, how good the surrounding environment is, his/her financial stability, educational level, and job status. We all must learn how to handle stress and overcome depression. We must also help others who are facing the same. A person who is willing to attain good health must follow a balanced natural diet, doing exercise for body and mind every single day. Furthermore, regular medical checkups, learn to manage stress and overcome depression, be Social and caring, and optimistic.

How did you feel about it?

By knowing what is the factor for good health, I became more confident. Honestly, I was so confused about what exactly good health is. I never looked up for my health and I have been just following my usual routine. I never cared to look for the habits which affect my health. But his article on factors for good health opened my eyes and I started to follow every single tip mentioned in that article.

Model Answer 3

What was it?

Reading helps me overcome stress, so I made reading my everyday habit. So today, I am taking this opportunity to talk about a health article that I read a couple of days back. It was about a health issue related to back pain. The majority of people across the globe face pain in their back and many would recover naturally there are medical cases as well.

Where did you read it?

I read this on the Internet and this article was published on This article on health issues related to back pain was written by James McIntosh, who has precisely crafted all the information to the point.

Why did you read it?

For more than a year now, I have been working from home. Occasionally I happen to face pain in my back, so I wanted to know the cause and remedy for back pain. Fortunately, I came across James McIntosh’s health article and read it from start to end.

I came to know that back pain can be due to injury or certain medical conditions. People belonging to any age group can get pain in their back. The more familiar cause of back pain is strain, poor posture, muscle spasm, damaged disks, injuries, falls, or fractures. We must correct our posture while using the computer for a long time. Even any mistake in everyday activities like stretching, bending, pulling, pushing, lifting, standing, and sitting can also lead to back pain.

In most cases, the back pain issue goes away naturally without any treatment. I also came to know some of the diagnosis methods followed by medical experts to identify and cure back pain. Also, they are X-rays, CT scans, MRI, Bone scans, EMG, Chiropractor, osteopath, and physical therapy. However, after reading that yoga and meditation help in not getting back pain. I started doing it regularly.

How did you feel about it?

I feel healthy and strong. I didn’t find any pain in my back since I made these small changes. Her article on the causes of back pain opened my eyes. I have saved this article and read it often.

Check- IELTS Reading Sample

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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