Describe an Article on Health you Read in a Magazine or the Internet Cue Card

Bhaskar Das

Nov 10, 2022

Describe an Article on Health you Read in a Magazine or the Internet Cue Card is the topic for IELTS Speaking. The three model answers on the topic have been given below. The topic answers four key questions including- What was the article about, Where do you read it
And explain what you learned from the article.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe an Article you Read in a Magazine or on the Internet about Healthy Living

You Should Say:

  • What was the article about?
  • Where do you read it (which magazine or website)?
  • And explain what you learned/thought from the article?

Model Answer 1

What was the article about?

Once, I came across an interesting article in the Health and Nutrition magazine. The article was titled weight loss concoctions. The article appeared interesting and piqued my interest to learn about these weight loss concoctions. Also, I have been trying to lose weight lately. So, itr was of my interest.

Where do you read it?

I have subscribed to several health websites and magazines as I love reading health related articles and keep myself updated. So, I read the article from one of such subscribed sites.

Explain what you learned from the article?

The article went on to explain how weight gain is ignored by people unless it starts affecting the biological system and our appearance. The article went on to state the different concoctions for weight loss, the first and foremost being water. The article emphasized on drinking at least 2-3 liters per day as it helps to control weight and also helps cleanse our body from within. Another weight loss concoction that the article listed was lemon water. It is a popular concoction and is consumed by almost everyone. Lemon water helps to rev your metabolism, and is often consumed with lukewarm water. However, it must not be overdone as it may cause acidity problems.

Another concoction that I found helpful in the article was jeera water. Jeera or cumin is low in calories, aids in digestion, detoxifies our body, increases metabolism, builds immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties. Saunf or aniseed and ginger water were the other two helpful concoctions. Consuming ginger with lukewarm water can aid in weight management, and its anti-inflammatory can counter inflammation. The article was very informative and I experimented with some of the concoctions that had been listed in the article. Also, the article included ingredients that are readily available at our homes which was another good thing about this article.

Not only the ways to reduce weight but also precautions and contradictions were given. The article was full of every knowledge required to lose weight.

Model Answer 2

What was the article about?

Once they had posted an article about “five superfoods for diabetic women”. It caught my eye as diabetes is a common health issue nowadays. Also, as my mother and aunt are diabetic I wanted to help them in every possible way. Even though both men are twice as likely to suffer from diabetes. Women are exposed to a great amount of complications if they are diabetic.

Where do you read it?

I love reading health related articles to keep myself updated on the latest information of the health industry. I usually read health related content on several websites like Times of India,, medium and so on. Times of India has a separate health section that I love reading.

Explain what you learned from the article?

Thus, women need to take extra precaution, by eating healthy and nutritious foods, balance their blood sugar level and boost their immunity. Some of the superfoods that were listed in the article were fatty fish, turmeric, ginger, green leafy vegetables and walnuts. Regular intake of fish lowers the chance of developing heart diseases and strokes. Besides, they also help in managing weight and build lean muscle. Ginger as we know has high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus they help to maintain the fasting blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Ginger when added to our diets is good for the heart, digestive system, and thyroid. Turmeric again has the same advantages as ginger. Green leafy vegetables as we know are low in calories, rich in vitamin C. And contain an easily digestible fiber which is absorbed quickly by the body without spiking the blood sugar levels. As the article stated, walnuts are another great superfood to add to a diabetic person’s diet. It can be consumed in between the meals as a snack as they prevent hunger and also balance the blood sugar levels. I felt that the article was quite interesting and informative as it taught me about the food groups that we usually ignore. I immediately shared the article with my mother and my aunt. So that they could incorporate all the superfoods in their diet and prevent developing type 2 diabetes.

Model Answer 3

What was the article about?

One of the engaging articles that I came across was “Obesophobia: Fear of Gaining Weight”. Obesity, as we know, is a common health issue. Even though it is treatable by medical professionals, it can however prolong for a lifetime.

Where do you read it?

It is my daily ritual to spend at least 5-10 minutes reading health related articles on

Explain what you learned from the article?

There are at least 1 crore cases of obesity every year and sometimes the cause of obesity is genetic. Fortunately my family doesn't have a history of obesity however, some of my friends do suffer from it. So when the article popped up I immediately started reading it. Obesophobia, also called pocrescophobia, is the fear of gaining weight. It is more prevalent in adolescent women but men can have it too. Obesophobia is a kind of anxiety disorder. People who suffer from Obesophobia are anxious even with the thought of weight gain. They are specifically overwhelmed with situations encircling weight gain, like being near a weighing scale. It could also lead people to develop eating disorders. The article also listed why people develop obesophobia. Some of the causes of developing obesophobia are weight stigma, anxiety disorders, perfectionism, or personal experiences. It also stated some of the symptoms of obesophobia like dizziness, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress, panic attacks and an overwhelming fear. People can develop eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, or purging disorders as well due to obesophobia. I found the article to be a revelation. I have never really given a thought to this health issue and the complications it entails. However, the article thoroughly explained the symptoms, complications, and when to seek the help of a medical professional. I learnt that if a person is suffering from any of these symptoms. Like intense anxiety when thinking about weight gain or obsession with weight loss. Frequent dieting, avoiding social activities with food, negative body image, restricting food intake, obsessively counting calories etc. Exercising too much and vomiting on purpose should immediately seek professional help.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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