Describe an Activity that Made You Feel Tired Cue Card

Sayantani Barman

Mar 4, 2024

Describe an Activity that Made You Feel Tired Cue Card answers are given below. The candidate has to talk about a scenario given in the question. The answers are centered upon some questions like - When and where it took place.- Why did you take part in it?- What the activity was.- And explain why it made you feel tired.

Three sample answers are given in this article. The candidate should answer cue card questions by being on the point and mentioning key details.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2–3 minutes to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence in IELTS Speaking.

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Topic: Describe an activity that made you feel tired.

- When and where it took place.
- Why you took part in it.
- What the activity was.
- And explain why it made you feel tired.

Model Answer 1

When and where it took place?

Physical exercises are great for wellbeing and make an individual dynamic for a long time. Those who are included in occupations where they need to be physically show and do things they confront physical push. The as it were arrangement to get tired is to oversee time and donate proper rest to our body. Here I am aiming to expound on an occasion when I got amazingly tired. It was the marriage work of my senior brother and we as a family were locked in different exercises there were numerous events when I got physically tired but one thing was completely genuine. It was an astounding encounter.

Why you took part in it.

It was a family work and everyone took dynamic cooperation as a family. Our

kin and cousins are continuously together when it comes to organizing a family gathering. We all know each other's quality and capacity so it is simple to do division of work. My Father is the head of the family and he guarantees everything is on time and time. Presently my work was to require care of each and every visitor who went to the wedding.

What was the activity?

My father gave me a really critical duty to get each and every guest and direct

them to the place where ceremonies were happening and my parents were shown there. I too had to create beyond any doubt that everybody who goes to this wedding faces no issues. After assembling my guardians my work was to escort them towards the super corridor where my brother took care of nourishment.

And explain why it made you feel tired.

From the entrance to the put, it was a separate of around five hundred meters

and I had to do rounds more than once and wear an enormous grin so no one was feeling terrible. I did this final more than two hundred times and at night my vitality levels were depleted. Completely but as a family we stand solid together so I did my work without appearing a sign of physical torment.

Model Answer 2

When and where did it took place?

We feel tired when we perform any physical movement by going out of our limits. The same thing happened to me when I was in 10th standard. Really, my companions made an arrangement to go to Arisar Sahib, an eminent sikh sanctuary in Handiaya. It is located 30 km away from my home.

Why did you take part in it?

There were our summer getaways, so we had sufficient time for doing such exercises. I took a portion in this action as I got a chance to pay regard as well it was a sound action. We all had our claim a la mode bikes which we washed and checked legitimately some time recently beginning our travel. I carried my water bottle, head protector, versatile phone, and a few snacks to eat on the way. We began our travel at 4:

00 within the morning to maintain a strategic distance from activity.

What was the activity?

One of my companions recorded a video of our entire cycle trip in order to transfer on YouTube as he has his own channel on it. In the starting, I was very enthusiastic but after covering 10 km I began feeling tired. I was incapable of pedaling my bike due to the gigantic torment in my legs. I kept drinking water to keep my body hydrated.

And explain why it made you feel tired.

We rested a number of times, and we ceased at a few eateries to have a few solid dinners and drinks. At last, we came there, we not as it were revered God but also made a difference in the community kitchen. It was a fulfilling involvement for all of us. At that point, we came back home at night. I felt depleted and my entire body was in extreme torment.

Model Answer 3

When and where did it took place?

Beyond any doubt, let me tell you approximately a movement that cleared me out of feeling tired. It was an energetic workout session at the exercise center.

Why did you take part in it?

This happened during the final week on a sunny evening. I went to my neighborhood exercise center, which is a brief drive from my home. The movement I'm talking about could be a high-intensity interim preparation (HIIT) workout. It included an arrangement of serious workouts like burpees, squats, and sprints, combined with brief periods of rest. The objective of the workout was to thrust my limits and boost my cardiovascular continuance and quality.

What was the activity?

The reason this movement made me feel tired is that it was physically requesting and required a parcel of vitality. The nonstop cycle of serious work taken after brief minutes of rest cleared out me feeling both depleted and elated. I may feel my muscles working difficult and my heart rate taking off. As the workout advanced, I might feel the weakness setting in, but I decided to total the session.

Whereas the workout was challenging, it was too unimaginably fulfilling. I knew that pushing through the fatigue and completing each set was making a difference in me moving forward with my wellness levels. By the conclusion of the session, I was sweat-soaked, out of breath, and certainly tired, but I too felt a sense of achievement and fulfillment.

And explain why it made you feel tired.

Doing this kind of strong workout sometimes could be an incredible way to challenge me physically, but moreover, make sure to tune in to my body and rest appropriately a while later to maintain a strategic distance from overexertion.

IELTS Cue Card Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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