Describe a Time you Received a Call from Someone you Do Not Know Cue Card

Collegedunia Team

Sep 30, 2022

Describe a Time you Received a Call from Someone you Do Not Know Cue Card is a topic in IELTS Speaking Cue Card. The model answer for Describe a Time you Received a Call from Someone you Do Not Know Cue Card has been provided below. There are some key points that candidates must answer while speaking on the topic. The four key important things need to be discussed in the IELTS Cue Card including- when it was, where you were, what was the call about and explain how you felt.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Cue Card requires candidates to speak on a given topic. Candidates can take 1 minute time to prepare notes. 2-3 minutes are given to the candidates to speak on the topic. IELTS Speaking exam measures the confidence of the candidate in speaking the English language.

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Topic: Describe an experience when you received a call from a stranger at a public place

You Should Say:

  • when it was
  • where you were when you received it
  • what the call was about
  • and explain how you felt (after) when you received this call

Model Answer 1

When it was

In recent times, technology has made communication a lot easier. Mobile phones or cell phones are a big example of such technological development. This device has given humankind leverage to communicate with anyone, anytime and anywhere. This has both cons and pros. This is a very good topic to talk about in the cue card task. So, here I begin, last week I was getting frequent calls from an unknown number. I talked to my parents regarding the same. So they changed my number. So one time I clearly remember that while I was traveling from Kolkata to Siliguri on the train. I got a call from a stranger.

Where you were when you received it

In the first instance, he sounded like my father. As I was on a train, the noise was too loud and the person on the other side also couldn’t make out who he was talking to.

What the call was about

Initially, he asked me about my day, what I had and more such random things. So, I was sure that I was talking to my father. Hence, I answered all the questions very obediently and accurately. But out of the blue, he started screaming at me. Initially I could not understand what was happening and what was wrong. He was accusing me of spreading rumors about him. He said, I have a habit of gossiping and spreading wrong pieces of information. He kept talking about it, without even letting me talk. At a stretch he blabbered. Hence, I had to cut him in between. I told him that he had called the wrong number. Then he uttered “aren't you Rishi?'' I replied no. But he kept blabbering, so I disconnected the call and ended the conversation.

Explain how you felt (after) when you received this call

The people on the train were staring at me. It was awkward and I simply did not know what it was so I kept listening to music and looked outside the window all through my journey.

Model Answer 2

When it was

As the cell phone is a common thing for everyone now, getting calls from unknown numbers is not an uncommon thing. Describing an experience when you received a call from a stranger at a public place is a good topic to talk about in the cue card task. We often get calls from strangers. Most of the time it is the wrong number but sometimes it might be dangerous. So, I had a similar experience of a call, while I was out with my friends.

Where you were when you received it

I was having lunch with my friends when I received a call from an unknown number. I am a teacher by profession, so I usually get calls from unknown numbers to enquire about studies or give tuitions and more.

What the call was about

I took the call and there was a woman on the other side. She asked in a very serious tone and said “I am calling from the Post Office, Delhi. You must have received a letter from the Police informing you to help them in a cybercrime case.” Hearing this, I panicked. I was extremely shocked to hear this. Even before I could speak anything, she added “Try not to escape, because we have been tracking you.” I always had a very simple life. Hearing this on the phone, that too is a criminal case, which I know is illegal. Back in my mind, I was wondering what I should say to tell her that I am innocent and she must have mistaken me to be someone else.

Explain how you felt (after) when you received this call

I was getting breathless and unable to speak. I gathered some courage and told her, how can the post office read my letter, is it an open letter. I will personally come to the post office to collect my letter and would go to the police station if that is required and hang the call. Later on the next day, I went to the post office with my father and found that there was no such letter in my name. It was evident that either it was a prank or some kind of a scam. It was very annoying but fortunately, nothing serious happened yet anyway.

Model Answer 3

When it was

With the advancement of technology, it is now easier to communicate with each other through phones, social media and so on. This advancement of technology has both cons and pros. We often get calls from strangers. Most of the time it is the wrong number but sometimes it might be dangerous. So, I had a similar experience of a call that I would like to share. Last weekend, I received such a call.

Where you were when you received it

I went to a movie and went shopping with my friends. I got a call from an unknown person. He said his name is Krishna, and he is a LIC agent. He asked for 2 minutes to talk to me. I politely agreed.

What the call was about

Initially, he was very polite and addressed me as sir please could I take time. Though I was busy shopping, I asked him to be real quick. He started to articulate about newly launched plans of insurance policies and their benefits. He explained everything to me about the policy. He was so talkative that I did not notice that it was already 20 minutes of the call. He told me to buy a Health Insurance policy. As he was polite and a bit clear in his job of explaining, I replied that I will soon come to their office to know more about the same. I told him to send me the address and hung up the call.

Explain how you felt (after) when you received this call

I felt irritated after the call as I was polite but he disconnected the call.

Check- IELTS Sepaking Sample 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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