Describe a Time When You Were Appreciated Cue Card

Collegedunia Team

Oct 14, 2022

Describe a Time When You Were Appreciated Cue Card is an IELTS speaking part 2 topic. The answers are centred upon questions like; when it was, what you did, who appreciated you, and explain how you felt when you were appreciated for the thing you did.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe a Time When you were Appreciated for Something you Did

You should say:

  • when it was?
  • what you did?
  • who appreciated you?
  • Explain how you felt when you were appreciated for the thing you did?

Model Answer 1

When it was?

When it comes to my work, I put in a lot of effort. I always try to make sure that I put all of my skills and dedication into whatever work I undertake. I wasn't really certain of my talents at work the previous days though, so I didn't feel very confident. Although I have never had an internship, I have always wanted to participate in something similar. I wished to put my abilities and skills to the test.

What you did?

So, this is mostly an experience from my first ever internship which I had done in my college days. When I was just in the first year of my college and interned for a content writing firm. I always wanted to experience an internship. I finally got it but I was nervous and stressed about whether I will perform well or not. Or if I will be appreciated or not.

Who appreciated you?

An appreciation from my employer on the last day of the internship had given me a boost of confidence. The employer was so polite and respectful with appreciation. Not only the employer but also my college professors also appreciated me with the hard work I indulged into the internship.

Explain how you felt when you were appreciated for the thing you did?

It keeps me going even today when I’m stuck with something at work and do not feel confident enough. The incident has also made me realize that a little appreciation from someone on anything you do helps a lot going forward. Sometimes just knowing that you did fine, if not great , helps a lot and motivates. Since that realization, I’ve also tried to motivate myself and everyone one around me in the smallest way I could.

I think this is one of those things that you learn and realize once a lifetime and I would also like to call it a life lesson. This is a rare incident that has happened to me and I actually want more people to feel appreciated at their work place when they are just freshers.

Model Answer 2

When it was?

At the time, I was in my first year of college and had just started. Now that I think about it, college is a time when everyone is pretty much living life to the fullest and trying to make the first move toward financial independence.

What you did?

I had joined a firm as a content writing intern through a friend. I knew nothing about content writing back then. I was even unaware of the basics of my work, like, the piece of writing is supposed to be grammatically correct, free from plagiarism, should be unique , etc. I started working and it was really a mess for the first few days.

I had to redo my articles at least 2-3 times before they could finally get approved. There used to be a lot of grammatical errors, plagiarism and everything else that could get an article rejected. However,as weeks passed, things started to get better and I was making fewer mistakes. But I am still not very confident about my work and wasn’t sure if I will continue as a content writer after the internship ends.

Who appreciated you?

The internship lasted for 2 months. On the day which was supposed to be the last day of the internship the employer sent me the internship certificate. It included a personal message asking if I enjoyed the period of internship. I hesitated a little to answer but he told me that I did great and actually caught up things way easier than other interns did. He appreciated my efforts and told him that I would be an asset to any organisation I work for.

Explain how you felt when you were appreciated for the thing you did?

I was overwhelmed as well as thankful to him for being this patient and kind to me and for valuing my efforts. I was finally motivated to turn further. I started believing and trusting my own capabilities and skills. One should be appreciated in life to make them keep going. It was an inspiring and proud moment for me and it always motivated me to not give up.

Model Answer 3

When it was?

I was a student in the tenth grade, and I was close to sixteen years old. My parents were at work and I was alone myself at home. At home, there were numerous tasks that needed to be completed, but I frequently neglected them. My mother always sweeps the house before leaving for work. But today she decided to go because it was becoming late.

What you did?

I was getting bored at home and I wanted to ease my mom's work. As she comes home late and then she cooks dinner for us but coming to a house full of chaos will not look good. So I started cleaning the house by taking small small areas one at a time. I started with bedrooms then a drawing room and then kitchen along with a bathroom at last. I knew how to cook and I usually cook for myself whenever I feel hungry. But this time after cleaning I started cooking food for my parents as well.

Who appreciated you?

When my parents got back home they were amazed by the shining floors and the non-messy house. They started looking around, room to room, kitchen and bathroom. My mom was so pleased and my dad felt proud of me. My mom started praising me and patting me on my back while dad was just amazed. When I told them that I also made dinner for them, they were speechless. They didn't have anything to say except feeling happy and proud.

Explain how you felt when you were appreciated for the thing you did?

I was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness as my parents were. It was not just me who was happy by the appreciation and praises but also my parents. There were no words that can describe the happiness me and my parents felt. I was really proud of myself for the work I did and for making my mom's work easy.

It was a moment when I realised that appreciation matters a lot in a person's life. Appreciation makes a person become a better person. It inspires me everytime.

Check- IELTS Speaking Sample

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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