Describe a Time When You Told Your Friend an Important Truth Cue Card

Collegedunia Team

Oct 11, 2022

Describe a Time When You Told Your Friend an Important Truth Cue Card model answers have been provided below. The answers are centred upon questions like; who my friend is, what the truth was, what was the friend’s reaction and explaining the reason for why it is important for me to tell the truth.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe a Time When You Told Your Friend an Important Truth IELTS Cue Card

You should say:

  • Who is your friend?
  • What was the truth?
  • What was your friend’s reaction?
  • Explain why it was important for you to tell the truth to your friend.

Model Answer 1

Who is your friend?

I think a falsehood told for someone else's gain is better than the truth. Because of this, I don't think it's wrong to lie to someone else. Today, I want to tell you a story of a difficult secret I had to keep from a close friend. One of my best friends, Mukul, and I spend a lot of time together, both laughing and crying. We were taking it last year in preparation for the UPSC exam. He had always been a superb student and put in 14 hours a day studying for this exam, which he took very seriously.

What was the truth?

All was going as planned before to the exam. Together, we worked into the early hours of the morning to complete all of the exam questions and polish our final revision materials. Just before the day of the final exam, I accidently grabbed his phone as he went outside for a breath of fresh air. An aunt had called. As a result of his father's heart attack, he was placed in a challenging circumstance. However, I managed to compose my thoughts so that I could tell his aunt about his examination. How he was going to handle it and if he would be able to take his tests after that were all I could worry about. Finally, I came to the conclusion that we should wait until after the exam to inform Mukul about this.

What was your friend’s reaction?

Upon Mukul's return, I behaved as if nothing had happened and we both went through with our tests as best we could. After returning to the hostel, I made the decision to tell him the truth. He quickly burst into tears. After we purchased his plane ticket, he departed for his hometown without delay. For the duration of our vacation, he did not communicate with me at all.

Why was it important for you to tell the truth?

After he passed the exam, he came to me and expressed his gratitude for everything I had done for him. Despite our differences, we remain close friends.

Model Answer 2

Who is your friend?

Whether or not it is preferable to be honest with friends is a question I have often considered. Some truths are just too uncomfortable to acknowledge. Furthermore, it's possible that sharing such information will cause friendships to suffer or possibly end. I think it's important to tell the truths, no matter how unpleasant they are. Let me share with you an embarrassing situation I recently had when I had to tell my friend Mohit something. He is one of my favourite people to spend time with. The problem is that he frequently treats his parents badly. We didn't start spending so much time outside until the Covid era. I hardly ever visited him.

What was the truth?

However, because of the lockdown, we have spent a lot of time in his house over the last year. For the first time, I was struck by his disrespectful demeanour toward his parents, particularly his mother. To begin with, I kept quiet since I didn't want to appear rude. But after noticing it on a frequent basis, I came to the conclusion that I needed to bring it up to him.

What was your friend’s reaction?

That's why one day, I advised him to be more respectful when he spoke with his parents. At first, he was apprehensive and accused me of behaving in an abusive manner towards him. He then proceeded to point out all of my flaws, such as the fact that I am terrible at sports. In a nutshell, he wasn't pleased.

Why was it important for you to tell the truth?

After that day, he didn't speak to me for a week. However, after a week, he came to me and thanked me for telling him to be a better person. When I finally got the chance to speak with him again, he apologized. I believe that true friends are not hesitant to tell each other the things they don't like about themselves. Our friends' actions are also partly our own fault. Since I told Mohit the truth, I believe we have a stronger relationship now. As a result of my honesty, he believes I can help him in the future.

Model Answer 3

Who is your friend?

The importance of honesty and the call to reveal the truth are echoed in many religious teachings. Truthfully speaking, though, can occasionally result in the breakdown of a relationship and is not always comfortable. Today I want to talk about a time when I was open with a friend about how he was acting around his parents and how it worked out for him. He goes by the name Keyur, and I'm his best buddy. We also just so happen to live in the same colony. We prefer to spend our time outdoors rather than in each other's homes, and he is an expert puzzle solver, which makes him a fantastic partner.

What was your truth?

I used to go to his house during the lockdown due to covid last year; prior to that, I only went there for a specific purpose and for a limited period of time. It was the first time I had noticed his poor relationship with his mother, and I believed there was no way to understand it because this was not my home. However, I was wrong.

What was your friend’s reaction?

However, I have seen it on a frequent basis, and every time I see it, I am upset. Finally, after much deliberation, I decided to tell it, regardless of the outcome. One day, I shared the truth about his behavior with his parents, and he became upset with me. He also attempted to correct my mistakes, such as telling me that I was not a good cricket player in the school team, and he left after a disagreement between us.

Why was it important for you to tell the truth?

After that, he came to me one day and expressed his gratitude for opening his eyes, despite the fact that he hadn't spoken to me for at least 5 days. I believe it is critical since I am one of his closest friends, and informing each other when they make a mistake or are at fault is an important aspect of our connection. That time, if I didn't inform him, he would have never realized what he had done wrong.

Check- IELTS Speaking Sample 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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