Describe a Time When you did not Tell a Friend the Whole Truth Cue Card

Bhaskar Das

Jan 25, 2023

Describe a Time When you did not Tell a Friend the Whole Truth Cue Card is an important topic of the IELTS Speaking section. This IELTS Speaking topic has three model answers that have been provided below. The model answers are framed based on four key points -when it was, who it was, why you did not tell the truth, And explain how you feel about it. In Describe a Time When you did not Tell a Friend the Whole Truth Cue Card, candidates need to answer all four questions. They should remember not to miss any of the critical points while speaking in the IELTS Speaking section. The topic Describe a Time When you did not Tell a Friend the Whole Truth Cue Card was taken from the book “Easy Cue Cards for IELTS: September to December 2022.”

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 asks candidates to speak on a given topic. Candidates get 2-3 minutes of time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS speaking part 2, the fluency and vocabulary of the candidate is checked. They need to speak with confidence. More articles like Describe a Time When you did not Tell a Friend the Whole Truth Cue Card can be obtained from IELTS Speaking Practice papers.

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Topic: Describe a time when you did not tell a friend the whole truth.
You should say:

  • when it was
  • who this friend was
  • why you did not tell this friend the whole truth
  • and explain how you felt about it.

Model Answer 1

When it was

I don't know about other people, but I have sometimes avoided telling my friends the whole or just part of the truth. I'd like to tell you a story about one such occasion today. To be honest, when I was in high school, when I was still a young child, I was unaware of the virtue of always telling the truth. It sometimes seemed preferable to tell "lies" to my friends and family so long as it didn't hurt anyone's feelings.

Who this friend was

He was a very good friend of mine. We stayed in the same neighbourhood and hence we visited each other’s house frequently. After visiting his flower garden, which he had managed to grow after working tirelessly for days and nights, I still took the liberty of not telling this friend the truth.

Why you did not tell this friend the whole truth

The reason was that I was somewhat envious of his accomplishment of cultivating such a beautiful flower garden in such a short amount of time. To cut a long story short, at the same time, both my friend and I started growing our own flower gardens. To see our gardening projects succeed, we both worked very hard and spent a lot of money. However, when the time came to compare which garden was more attractive, my garden was nowhere near as attractive as my friend's. However, rather than actually admitting it to him, I simply informed him that although his garden was beautiful, it was certainly inferior to mine.

Explain how you felt about it.

I felt a little guilty after I didn't tell my friend the whole story about his garden because I didn't really respect his efforts. In addition, I attempted to conceal the truth from him in order to give myself a "false sense of superiority" over my friends and felt ashamed of myself and my abilities. It was a very childish act but things have changed now.

Model Answer 2

When it was

I don't think I'm a very good liar, and lying hurts me personally. However, I believe that occasionally a small white lie may be required. I remember that I lied to my friend two week back before her birthday.

Who this friend was

It was my best friend's birthday. She is a very shy person. She typically keeps the date of her birthday a secret and doesn't usually celebrate it in a big way.

Why you did not tell this friend the whole truth

Last week, she came to visit me for a few days. In the taxi to and from the airport, she accidentally revealed that it was her birthday a few days earlier. One of our friends happened to be in the taxi with us, so we started secretly texting each other to figure out how we could surprise her and throw her a surprise birthday party. Since she does not like parties and celebrations on her birthday, we did not tell her the truth. We made a brief stop at a nearby supermarket on our way back to my residence. I don't exactly have a reputation for being someone who takes too long when shopping, and the majority of the time, I leave as quickly as I can. This time, however, I needed to keep the birthday girl as distracted as I could while our friend was shopping for a cake and decorations in a different aisle. I told porkies why our friend had moved to a different section of the store and pretended to be unsure of what to buy.

Due to the fact that I don't really have much of a poker face, I'm pretty sure she was aware of something wrong. But she went along with it and didn't ask a lot of questions because I could keep the lies to a minimum.

Explain how you felt about it.

After we reached home, we surprised her and she was very happy. I believe that this is one of the very few occasions in which lying is socially acceptable. People's lives can be filled with a lot of happiness thanks to these little white lies, and without them, almost any surprise would be nearly impossible.

Model Answer 3

When it was

I'd like to tell you about a time when I tried to keep a secret from a friend, which hurt our relationship. When we were attending university, the scenario occurred quite some time ago. I tried to conceal my best friend's poor grades during our results because she was enjoying her cousin's wedding at the time.

Who this friend was

According to my memory, the majority of my friends were concerned about how well they would do on the tests, but my best friend was more excited than most because her relative was getting married in two days.

Why you did not tell this friend the whole truth

She didn't let her fear get in the way of her happiness, even though she was equally concerned about the outcomes. When the results came out, I did not tell her the whole truth. I just told her that the results are out and she has passed. But the grades were really poor. I did not inform this to her. Because it might affect how happy she is about the wedding, I decided not to tell her about the outcome over the phone. Nevertheless, unlucky for her, one of our classmates informed her of the bleak news. Because those outcomes were likely to have a significant impact on our placements, it deeply affected her.

Explain how you felt about it.

At first, this situation put our friendship in jeopardy, and people tried to misunderstand each other. But after a few days, she thought about my perspective and tried to see things from my perspective. Later, we expressed our regret and pledged to never conceal the truth, no matter how bitter it might be.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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