Describe a Time When You Borrowed Something Cue Card

Bhaskar Das

Nov 14, 2022

Describe a Time When You Borrowed Something Cue Card is the topic for IELTS Speaking. The three model answers on the topic have been given below. The four main points- What you borrowed, Who you borrowed it from, What you used it for, and explain why you borrowed it.

This IELTS test is 10-15 minutes long, and the candidate is evaluated on their speaking skills, vocabulary, and grammar. The test comprises a one-on-one interview of the candidate with an IELTS examiner. This IELTS speaking test asks the candidate to describe an article on health you read in a magazine or the internet. Candidates can further enhance their speaking skills by going through IELTS practice papers available on the website.

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Topic: Describe a Time When You Borrowed Something IELTS Cue Card

You should say:

  • What you borrowed?
  • Who you borrowed it from?
  • What you used it for (how it was useful to you)?
  • and explain why you borrowed it?

Model Answer 1

What you borrowed?

I have never been a borrower. I always like to do things on my own. However, in life, we face situations where we need help from others. There was one such situation where I had to borrow some money. I was in a very bad situation where I had to ask for help.

Who you Borrowed it from?

I have very few friends who are very close to me. Hence, I went to my old friend for help. She was a classmate from school but was pursuing another course in the same college.

What you used it for?

I used the money for the taxi fare. I was in a situation where I had no money for the fare. She was a classmate from school but was pursuing another course in the same college. I told her of my predicament and she readily decided to help. She traveled by scooter, so she dropped me off midway as we were headed in different directions. She also gave me some money for the taxi fare. 

Explain why you Borrowed it?

It’s a funny story now that I look back but not at all pleasant at the moment I was going through it. When I was still in college, I had to stay back after working hours as I had to consult my professor to clear some doubts. I think it was Friday, I remember all my classmates hurriedly leaving. It was the long-awaited weekend after all. I was also hoping to get things done and be on my way home. But luck wasn’t on my side, by the time I returned to the classroom to fetch my bag, it was closed. And as if to add salt to injury, the person in charge had also left. So I was stuck in a situation where I was stranded without money to go back home. As I kept my purse in the bag. While I was headed to the office to seek help. I ran into an old friend who helped me at that moment. The next day I paid the money back to her and even treated her to a small ice cream party. While it seemed like a small gesture, her actions really came as a saving grace. I was in a very pathetic and desperate situation and it was only then I learned the true value of kindness.

Model Answer 2

What you Borrowed?

I borrowed a maths textbook.

Who you Borrowed it from?

I made a really good friend in school. And to this day she remains one of my most trusted confidants. But this incident happened during the early days of our friendship. I met her through mutual friends but due to shared hobbies, we were growing closer. She was what you would call a best friend. We were in different classes at the time and now that I look back, thank god cause it was the only reason she could help me out then.

What you used it for?

I used it to complete my notebook.

Explain why you Borrowed it?

It was break time and I had math class next. It was all fun and games till I realized I had forgotten to bring the textbook. The trouble was, my teacher at the time was very strict and had specifically asked for all the students to bring the textbook. So I was facing the predicament of being kicked out of class. My friend and I were casually hanging out during the break so I asked her if it was possible for her to lend me her mathematics text for the next class. Luckily, according to her timetable, she had English. So I was able to borrow the textbook. I safely sat through that math lesson though some of my other classmates who were in a similar situation weren’t so lucky. It seemed like they only found out during the end moment that it was math class or that they did not have the textbook with them. Due to that, I got a snippet of what would have been my fate if my friend did not lend her math book to me. After class, I immediately rushed to give her the book back. It was a good thing that I didn’t wait till lunch to return the book as the teacher for her next class was absent.

Model Answer 3

What you Borrowed?

I borrowed an umbrella.

Who you Borrowed it from?

It was a young man who worked in the office next door. We were familiar with each other as we worked in close vicinity but had never talked to each other before.

What you used it for?

It was raining. I used to reach my home.

Explain why you Borrowed it?

I was on my way home from work one day and was walking down the pavement of the corporate building. It suddenly started to drizzle. I believed that weather forecasts were accurate at the time and it was a bright sunny day without a cloud in sight. Until the evening and after I stepped out of our building it stayed true. So what I am hinting at is that I did not bring an umbrella. I found shelter at the portico of a nearby building. The rain however was picking up intensity and the bus stop was a bit far. Even if I ran I would be drenched by the time I reached the bus stop. It was at that moment a familiar-looking face came up to the portico. He seemed to understand my situation and gave me his umbrella. I didn’t think he had a spare, so I politely refused. He reassured me that it was okay for me to borrow the umbrella as he had come to this building because his friend who works there was going to drop him home. So he did not necessarily have a need for the umbrella at the moment. I thanked him wholeheartedly and went my way. The next day, I returned the umbrella to him first thing in the morning. I also wrote a thank you letter and gave a small packet of sweets to show my gratitude. So this was when I had to borrow something from someone.

Check – IELTS Speaking Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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