Describe a Story Popular in Your Country Cue Card

Collegedunia Team

Oct 27, 2022

Describe a Story Popular in Your Country Cue Card three model answers have been provided below. The answers are centred upon three questions like; Which story is popular, From where did you hear about it, Moral it teaches, Why is it popular in your country.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe a Story Popular in your Country

You should say-

  • Which story is popular?
  • From where did you hear about it?
  • Moral it teaches
  • Why is it popular in your country?

Model Answer 1

Which story is popular?

The proud rose is a very popular story told by our grandmother in childhood which is about an arrogant rose blooming in a beautiful plant in the middle of the desert who was so proud of her beauty. The rose always insults the cactus growing around her for their looks. But the cactus is so kind and generous, they remained quiet even after listening to the worst words of rose.

From where did you hear about it?

I heard this story from my grandmother. All the nearby plants observed the behavior of the rose and always tried to prevent the rose from insulting the cactus but she was so swayed by her looks. When the summer came, the desert became dry and there was no water left for the rose plant. It began to wilt, her beautiful petals dried up, and started losing the bright color of her petals. She saw a little sparrow come near the cactus to drink some water from the thorny leaves. The rose also wants some water and feels ashamed for her behavior with the cactus. She decided to ask for some water from the cactus to save her life. The kind cactus agreed to help the rose in the tough summer, after that incident the rose realized her mistake and apologized for her behavior with the cactus and they became friends.

Moral it teaches

This is a very popular story I have heard from my grandmother and I have also read it in our primary books which tell us the moral that “ Never judge anyone based on their looks”. The thing that matters is the nature of the person. The quote related to the moral is “Never Judge a book by its cover”.

Why is it popular in your country?

This story is popular in our country because People judge things based on their looks, their outer covering or based on the nature they possess which is a misconception and a wrong perspective of judging someone. Sometimes good looks don't matter so much as we heard about so many great personalities of our history like- Subhas Chandra bose, Gandhi Ji, who are known based on their contribution to our country's freedom.

Model Answer 2

Which story is popular?

The most interesting popular story I have heard in my childhood is the story of ants and the grasshopper, here it is- It was the time of autumn, and a family of ants was busy working in the warm and bright sunshine. They were busy drying out the grains that they had stored up during the summer for winter days. After a minute, a starving grasshopper came there with his hungry stomach and humbly begged for some grains to eat. The ants cried “ Why are you asking for food here”? Haven’t you stored any grain for the winter? What were you doing the whole summer?

From where did you hear about it?

I read this story in my book. Grasshopper told them sadly that I didn’t have time to store any grains before winter because I was too busy making music and dancing and how the summer passed away I didn't realize. The ants listened to the words of the grasshopper seriously and said “ Go and make more music and dance well in winter as well with an empty stomach” After saying this they turned their backs on the grasshopper and returned to their work of collecting dry grains. Now, the grasshopper realized his mistakes but, the time had gone and nothing was going in favor of the grasshopper. After a few days, due to starvation and unavailability of any food in the winter, the grasshopper lost his life, and the snow-covered his dead body.

Moral it teaches

I have read a poem in my English textbook where this story was mentioned in such a dramatic way and offered a big moral to everyone who wastes their time on favorable days. This story makes us learn about the value of time, and how precious it is?

Why is it popular in your country?

Generally, parents tell this story to a child in our country to make them learn to not waste their whole time playing games. It is equally important to spend some time studying. The popular quote related to the fact is “ If you kill the time then time will kill you” It was seen in the case of the grasshopper as well.

Model Answer 3

Which story is popular?

The most popular story, every grandmother used to tell their grandsons or granddaughters to realize the power of Unity. One of my favorites as well is “Bundle of Sticks”...Once upon a time, an old man lived in a village with his four sons. All of them were hard workers but they always quarreled with each other over little things. Years passed, and the old man became sick, now he gets disturbed easily due to quarreling with his sons. He asked them to remain united but every time he failed.

From where did you hear about it?

I heard this story from my grandmother. One day the old man decided to teach them a lesson so that they come together in unity. He called his sons and provided them with a bundle of sticks and told them that everyone will separate a stick and try their best to break each one into two. One who finishes first gets a reward, the sons get ready to do that after breaking the sticks they start quarreling again. The old man said, “ My dear sons, don’t be so happy I will give you a bundle of sticks at this time you have to break them together”. After trying their best, the sons admitted their failure in front of their father. The old man said, “ My dear sons, breaking a single stick individually is so easy for all of you, but breaking the bundle of sticks was not your cup of tea. It means that if you all stay united then nobody can harm you. If all of you quarrel every time then anyone can easily defeat you and harm you individually. After learning a great lesson of the Power of Unity from their father, now, all the sons realized their mistakes and promised their father to not quarrel again.

Moral it teaches

This story told a great moral about the strength of Unity, parents used to tell this story to their children to make them realize to not fight with their siblings or friends. If you all live united then nobody will be going to defeat you in your life.

Why is it popular in your country?

It is popular in my country because the moral it provides is implemented in the citizens of our country as well. If they all live together irrespective of their castes, religion, or tradition then nobody outsiders dare to defeat us or harm us in any way.

Check- IELTS Reading Sample

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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