Describe a Speech that Somebody gave and you Liked Cue Card

Bhaskar Das

Nov 1, 2022

Describe a Speech that Somebody gave and you Liked Cue Card is an IELTS speaking part 2 topic. Three model answers have been mentioned below that address the questions. The article discusses topics like – When it was, Who gave the speech and what it was about, Who were present there, and explains why it was the best gift you have ever received.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes of time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe a Speech that Somebody gave and you Liked

You Should Say:

  • When it was
  • Who gave the speech and what it was about
  • Who were present there
  • And explain why it was the best gift you have ever received

Model Answer 1

When it was?​

I have always struggled on keeping a healthy routine and consistency. There are times when I am on a healthy diet and workout consistently, but somehow I fall back into patterns of a sedentary lifestyle. Because of it, I felt lethargic, irritable, deteriorating and uncontrollable mood swings. Disappointed with myself I decided to once attend a lecture by one of the most renowned nutritionists and dieticians in Bangalore. Her name was Dr Preeti Jaiswal. About six months ago, I was working in a reputed MNC in Whitefield, Bangalore. One of my colleagues had suggested that I attend her lectures. She had previously attended one of her lectures and was completely amazed by her speeches.

Who gave the speech and what it was about?

Luckily, the speech was on a weekend and not very far away from my place. I asked this colleague to accompany me. The best part of it all was that there was no fee charged by the organizers. The lecture had been organized by cult fit and was held in one their centers in Marathahalli. We reached the centre and to our amazement the place was jam-packed. I didn't expect so many people would be attending the lecture. The lecture started at 10.30 AM sharp.

Who were present there?

Dr Sushma Jaiswal first started by introducing herself. I was appalled by her qualifications as she had almost 30 plus experience in the field and she had also worked with the WHO and the UN. She had served across 25 countries across the globe and had helped many patients suffering from Asthma, Cancer etc. She then proceeded on to tell some of the benefits of a healthy diet and how even 20 minutes of workout a day can change our body for good. She highlighted how we lose motivation when we are not able to accomplish the body that we have set for ourselves. To overcome inconsistency she taught us a wonderful technique to just start working out first thing in the morning, in whatever clothes we are wearing and repeat it for 21 days.

Explain why it was the best gift you have ever received?

It takes almost 21 days to develop a habit so she stressed, to get the workout done first thing in the morning. She also explained that if we are unable to follow a particular diet and revert to our old habits it is because our body is not well adjusting to it. Now where in her speeches she mentioned cutting off certain food groups, instead she advised everyone to eat everything but in control. Portion control is the best way to shedd off those extra kilos she highlighted. It was one the best speeches that I had received and come across. Surprisingly it changed my life for the better as I diligently followed everything she had mentioned in her speech. In no time I was back to my healthy routine, I worked out consistently and never gained weight again. I would call her speeches to be the best gift I have ever received for anyone. It might seem like a small goal but at the time it helped me gain back my self-confidence and I felt motivated again.

Model Answer 2

When it was?​

I am an extremely impulsive and short-tempered person. I have tried a couple of times to change this behavior but the efforts have been all in vain. There have been situations where I have been in deep trouble due to my anger. I had also tried therapy , but I couldn’t adjust well to it. Thus,I decided to try one of the anger management classes by Dr Dave Daniels . It was organized in one of the reputed hospitals in Germany about four months ago. The hospital occasionally organized such events, but I paid no attention as I never really saw the point of it.

Who gave the speech and what it was about?

My family however recommended that I attend these classes as I was suffering a lot due to my anger issues. It was troublesome for my family too. Thus, on their constant request I went to attend these classes. There were 2-3 batches. I enrolled in the morning batch that consisted of around 15 people. Dr Dave Daniels was a specialist in anger management and was also a fellow member of the National Anger Management Association (NAMA).

Who were present there?

The class started at 11.00 AM sharp. We introduced ourselves one by one and explained our issues. Most of the people in the batch were suffering from the same behavioral issues like impulsiveness, getting triggered for no reason and sometimes getting violent and hurting ourselves. I was somewhat relieved to see that there were many people like me, feeling and understanding what I am going through. Before beginning every class Dr Dave gave small speeches as to why people are impulsive and get triggered even on petty things. He explained that impulsiveness could be due to a variety of reasons. It could be due to people suffering from Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), personality disorder, substance abuse and antisocial personality disorder. He also highlighted that why few people are short-tempered while others are not is because short-tempered people are impatient. There could also be other underlying issues like stress, past traumas, or even buried memories. I could relate to some of the pointers as I totally lacked patience.

Explain why it was the best gift you have ever received?

He then proceeded on explaining how he used to be short-tempered but completely changed his personality. It was unbelievable as he didn;t seem like an angry person. He also shared his own experience when he got so angry that he hurt himself and also his sister. Dr Dave then shared that whenever we feel we are getting triggered, count till five and take long deep breaths. What these five seconds will do is give us time to calm down. These five seconds could also surface our trigger points. As I am passive aggressive this technique worked wonders for me. I was also inspired by the way he changed his personality and is now one of the reputed specialists in anger management. The speech that he gave somewhat connected to me and from then on I decided to give my personality a makeover. I attended his classes regularly that lasted for about four weeks. I believe it was the best gift that I could have ever received as I diminished a negative paty of my personality and I changed for the better.

Model Answer 3

When it was?​

It was about a year ago when I decided to attend one of the speeches by a renowned climatologist named N Dubash. As the world is suffering from the perils of climate change it has always been an intriguing topic for me. India being one of the countries suffering from these perils, I had always hoped to pursue a career as a climatologist so that I can make substantial changes to save the earth. The speech was organized by one of the leading universities in my country.

Who gave the speech and what it was about?

I was enthralled to be attending his lectures as I had only heard of the remarkable work that he had been doing. I reached the university an hour before and could see people from all age groups had enrolled for the lecture. The speech was to start at 12.00 PM. I had asked a friend of mine to join me as he was also fascinated by his work. The lecture was half an hour delayed due to some technical glitches. At 12.30 PM the lecture began wherein Mr Dubash started by introducing himself. He then went on sharing some of his research interests like climate change, air pollution, energy and so on. He proceeded his lecture by suggesting how we need to embrace a low carbon development path and how climate change is not a future problem but a now problem.

Who were present there?

He also suggested that the developing countries including India need to address the ravages of climate change when making any development decisions. He highlighted that the policy makers need to up their game and address the ongoing climate change impacts. Decarbonizing the electricity sector, transitioning from coal-based power, and building a renewable energy infrastructure that would also lead to the creation of more jobs were some of his suggestions to mitigate and control climate change. He stressed to account for the impact of climate change and hinted that the center must provide the financial resources for the vulnerable states.

Explain why it was the best gift you have ever received?

Apart from tweaking the policies Mr Dubash also talked about industrialization and its impact, ecological imbalance, the rising sea-levels across the globe and their impact, and other disasters that the world was currently facing. His speech was really eye opening for me as he explained how human beings are the cause of climate change. Being greedy we do not think about the consequences we are posing on mother earth and are damaging it constantly. His speech really taught me the value of preserving our earth and as I had wished to make substantial changes to save it I went on to enroll for the climatology course. I truly believe it was a life-changing speech for me.

Check – IELTS Speaking Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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