Describe a Polluted Place IELTS Speaking

Describe a Polluted Place IELTS Speaking is an IELTS cue card topic. The three model answers have been provided below. The answers are centred upon questions like; Where is the place, When did you visit this place, What kind of pollution did you see there, And explain how this place was affected.

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe a Polluted Place IELTS Speaking

You should say:

  • Where is the place?
  • When did you visit this place?
  • What kind of pollution did you see there?
  • And explain how this place was affected?

Model Answer 1

Where is the place?

Pollution is increasing at an exceedingly alarming rate all over the world today. India itself has many cities that are polluted, be it air pollution, water pollution, or noise pollution. Patna is the largest and the capital city of Bihar. Road dust particles, emissions from vehicles, and smoke from brick furnaces all culminate in higher levels of respiratory suspended particulate matter. Residents of Patna are suffering from many health-related issues due to the increasing pollution levels.

When did you visit this place?

I visited Patna in March. I went there to visit my Aunt. I was tempted to visit the city as the city had many popular places of interest. Revolving restaurants, Patna Museum, Patna Planetarium, etc., are some of the famous spots here. As I entered the city, the first thing I noticed was the traffic.

What kind of pollution did you see there?

Due to high traffic, the air pollution and noise pollution levels in the city are tremendous. The pollution levels are so high in the city that everyone is prone to health issues. Also, there is no waste management in the city. There were many people dumping waste on roads. Besides air pollution, there are also increased levels of water pollution in the city.

And explain how this place was affected?

There are over 50 industries in the city including both IT and manufacturing, that carelessly dump the waste into the water body nearby. It also affects people's health as polluted water is often mixed with drinking water. I had traveled to the city for an unforgettable experience, alas, I was utterly disappointed by the exceeding level of pollution.

Model Answer 2

Where is the place?

Pollution is a problem that has no immediate solution. Every other country in the world is battling with increased pollution levels. Even though every government is taking stringent actions to control pollution, the efforts seem to be in no-vain, as people pay no attention to such campaigns. Another cause for increased pollution levels is the growing population.

When did you visit this place?

In dismay, I would like to talk about Hanoi, the place where I am currently residing. Hanoi is negatively affected by water, air, and noise pollution. Coming to the root cause of the increased pollution levels, I would like to point out the modernization of the city. With growing modernization, the number of vehicles on roads is increasing, which is further leading to increased levels of air pollution.

What kind of pollution did you see there?

Vehicles are emitting exhaust gasses that are contaminating the atmosphere. With a surge in vehicles on the road, the noise pollution level is escalating. At no cost, noise pollution should be evaded, as it is the cause of several issues. Increased stress levels, irritability, hearing impairment all are caused due to noise pollution. Several factories in the vicinity of the city dump waste into rivers. This untreated waste pollutes the river, further hampering aquatic life.

And explain how this place was affected?

Besides, affecting the environment, pollution is also leading to health issues such as skin cancer, lung cancer, respiratory problems, and so on. It is mandatory that the government tightens their effort and take strict actions against people that are aiding pollution in the city. The government should also make people aware of the harmful benefits of pollution to make them cognizant of the issue.

Model Answer 3

Where is the place?

Pollution is a serious threat to the environment. There is hardly any place in this world that hasn't been affected by pollution. Today, I would like to talk about one of the most polluted regions in the world- Indonesia. I visited Indonesia about a year ago.

When did you visit this place?

I had traveled to Indonesia to meet a friend. Located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, Indonesia is considered one of the most beautiful countries. It encompasses some of the mesmerizing islands and beaches. I always wanted to scuba-dive on the pristine beaches of Indonesia so while I was there, I booked a scuba-dive trip. It was an exhilarating experience for me. The underwater view was enchanting. However, there were some atrocities to this enchanting underwater world.

What kind of pollution did you see there?

The foremost thing I noticed here was marine pollution. It was unpleasant to witness the sea bed covered in trash. Tonnes of plastic trash were dumped on the sea bed. It was dumped locally or the ocean had swept it away from distant places. Besides the polluted waters, there was also debris lying about at beaches, rice fields, on the side roads, not too far from the sea beaches.

And explain how this place was affected?

Rains and irrigation systems overflowing also had swept waste, especially domestic waste. After visiting Indonesia, I found how much this country had been affected by pollution. The pollution levels were damaging the beaches, marine life, etc. Marine life is as important, thus, we mustn't neglect the harmful effects that pollution can impinge. The Indonesian government must take serious action to evade the escalating effects of pollution.

Check- IELTS Sepaking Sample 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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