Describe a Lecture that Left a Deep Impression in You Cue Card

Sayantani Barman

Sep 28, 2023

Describe a Lecture that Left a Deep Impression in You. Cue Card answers are given below. The answers are centered upon some questions, such as - Where is it? When did you visit it for the first time? What changes have happened? Are these changes good or bad?

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking Part 2 includes cue cards containing topics on which candidates are to speak. Candidates get 2-3 minutes of time to speak and 1 minute for note-taking. In IELTS Speaking part 2, candidates' proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is assessed along with their confidence to speak in English.

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Topic: Describe a lecture that left you a deep impression.

You should say:

  • when it was
  • who had it
  • what it is about
  • and explain why you had a deep impression

Model Answer 1

When it Was?

I'd like to talk about a commencement speech which I listened to no so long ago. Couple weeks ago, I just graduated from my college. It's a tradition. One of those professors would give us a brilliant commencement speech. I had listened to a number of lectures and speeches in my college life. But this one left a deep impression. Let me tell you about it.

The speech was held in the lecture hall, which is located across the teaching building,

about a 5 minute walk away. It's a modern building. It has advanced facilities.

Who had it?

Since it's been built many years ago, there were a number of famous professors who had their lectures there. From time to time, some famous people would be invited here to pass on their knowledge and brilliant ideas. The person who did the speech is a famous professor, who has been teaching auditing for over 3 decades. He's a nice person, who's intelligent, open-minded, and willing to reach out to make friends with students.

What it is About?

We all love him so much. When he's there giving the speech, we were so excited. That moment, he's a superstar. In the speech, he gave the best wishes for all the graduates. He also gave us the most sincere advices for the future.

Explain why you had a Deep Impression?

His Sense of humor made a deep impression. He knows how to inspire us and at the same time give us a good time. Not like most professors, who are rigid and serious all the time. He's a funny guy. In that speech, he had used some humorous internet expressions and those popular, funny words. That's why I think his speech is very interesting.

Model Answer 2

When it was?

Life teems with lessons; today, I yearn to impart a profound one that indelibly marked me. This lecture distinguishes itself in my memory: it captivated me through its innovative and intriguing methodology--providing not only knowledge but also equipping us with valuable skills.

Who had it?

My teacher, Mr. Patel, engaged the entire class with his dynamic teaching style: he initiated the lecture by delving into main themes and characters of the novel. Urging our active participation in debate was a constant refrain from him – an invitation for usc to contribute not just views but also insights. In addition, he incorporated multimedia materials. - audio samples and graphics specifically - to enhance our comprehension of the author's literary prowess.

What it is About?

Mr. Patel's development of a welcoming, inclusive learning environment actively pushed us to engage in critical thinking and articulate our ideas: this distinctive lesson stands out. Under his tutelage, each of us felt comfortable sharing our thoughts; it was indeed inspiring--my classmates' manifold concepts and interpretations broadened not only my understanding but also deepened my appreciation for the task at hand – an enriching experience that expanded the boundaries of knowledge within me. This course augmented not only my analytical and communication skills, but also kindled an intensified enthusiasm within me for literature: a potent instrument of self-expression and narrative.

Explain why you had a Deep Impression?

Unquestionably, this session marked a pivotal juncture in my academic journey; I actively engaged with an intriguing subject--an experience enriched by the diverse perspectives of my classmates. All such discourse was guided masterfully by an exceptional teacher: a memory that indelibly remains etched within me.

Model Answer 3

When it was?

During my final year of high school, I learned an amazing lesson, which I will now describe. Our familiar and comfy school classroom served as the location for this specific occasion, providing an ideal environment for learning. More specifically, it happened in April, just months before our final examinations.

Who had it?

Geography was one of my favorite subject, and we dug deep into it. For a few weeks, our concentration was on analyzing a classic novel: our teacher assigned specific chapters for us to study, with the goal of encouraging in-depth debate and critical evaluation during class time.

What it is About?

Mr. Kanishka Kayal, my teacher, captivated the entire class with his lively instruction.g style: he began the lecture by going into the novel's primary themes and characters. His continuous theme was to encourage our active engagement in discourse - an invitation for usc to give not only ideas but also insights. In addition, he used multimedia assets, notably audio samples and pictures, to help us understand the author's literary prowess.

Explain why you had a Deep Impression?

Mr. Kanishka Kayal creation of a friendly, inclusive learning environment aggressively pushed us to engage in critical thinking and voice our ideas: this standout lesson. Each of us felt comfortable sharing our thoughts under his tutelage; it was truly inspiring--my classmates' diverse concepts and interpretations broadened not only my understanding but also deepened my appreciation for the task at hand - an enriching experience that expanded the boundaries of knowledge within me. This course not only improved my analytical and communication skills, but it also reawakened my love of literature as a powerful tool for self-expression and narrative.

Without a doubt, this session was a watershed moment in my scholastic career; I actively engaged with an exciting subject--an experience complemented by the different opinions of my classmates. All of this discussion was expertly guided by an amazing teacher: a memory that will live with me indefinitely.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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