Describe a Good Law for Women Cue Card

Describe a Good Law for Women Cue Card is the topic in IELTS Speaking. The answers are centered upon questions like; when was the law introduced, what does the law include in it and the reason why I like it. 

What is a Cue Card: IELTS Speaking part 2 is the section with cue cards including different topics. Candidates need to speak 2-3 minutes on the given topic. They are provided 1 minute for taking notes. In the IELTS Speaking section, candidates’ English language proficiency is analysed considering their vocabulary and grammar along with confidence to speak on a given topic.

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Topic: Describe a Good Law for Women Cue Card

You should say:

  • When was it introduced?
  • What is there in this law?
  • Why do you like it?

Model Answer 1

When was it introduced?

In recent days, the administration of the country has passed a number of noteworthy pieces of legislation that are advantageous to our citizens. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act is a law that I'd want to discuss even if I agree with most of them (2005). The Indian federal government passed this law. Since he had witnessed this occur to his cousin, it was my neighbour who first told me about it and who also gave me the recommendation. It was at that time when his relative was tried for domestic abuse. This regulation was passed more than a decade later to protect married women. Additionally, this legislation was necessary because the majority of women in my country are subjected to physical abuse by their in-laws.

What is there in this law?

This statute gave women the ability to report the psychological, mental, or physical crimes committed by their in-laws to the authorities. Under this law, a court may impose a variety of penalties. to make sure a woman is safe and secure. Examples include compositional orders, financial relief orders, prevent orders, and custodial orders. Any type of violence or injury to the person's life or well-being in both mental and physical aspects, designed to abuse verbally, sexually, emotionally, or monetarily, is covered by the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005. It also involves harassing a person about dowry demands or illegally obtained property, causing pain and/or injury to the victim in various ways, and threatening the person who has been wronged.

Why do you like it?

Nevertheless, I consider this to be one of the greatest deeds of the 20th century for a variety of reasons. First of all, after it was put into effect, the rate of violence against women significantly fell. Women now have more power as a result. In the past, after being married, women had to deal with and almost endure issues in their in-laws' families, and they had to keep quiet while suffering since they were helpless. In addition, she is now equipped to handle these problems because of the legislation. In the end, I think this law is the best that my country has to offer and was overdue.

Model Answer 2

What is it?

One of the laws that can be considered good for women is the Indian legislation of Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal) 2013. With the growing number of cases against women in public and in private places, it became important for the government to take action that would suppress unethical and criminal practices against women. The workplace conditions become worse for a woman when she faces sexual or mental harassment. The Act accordingly ensures to the prevention of sexual harassment at workplaces in both public and private places. In doing so, the Act would contribute to fostering gender equality, liberty and equality in the workplace conditions for women. It would allow women to have a sense of security thus, enhancing their participation at work and contributing to economic growth and development.

What is included in this law?

There are several important features that the law has been able to endure including the foremost being redressal of complaints from women against sexual harassment in the workplace. It also ensures to safeguard of malicious or false charges. The “aggrieved woman” under the law covers all women irrespective of age and employment status working whether in unorganised, private, or public sector and covers customers, public workers, and even clients. Every employer in a company or organisation is required to have an Internal Complaint Committee with 10 or more employees. The complaint committees have the powers of the Civil Court in order to gather evidence in lieu of the complained harassment.

Why do you like this law?

The law has been able to ensure that women are protected from sexual harassment in the workplace. Although Indian society still faces immense harassment of women in the workplace, the fact that legislation is available and that people can file complaints against the same is what makes it a tad bit secure. Effectively, with women already fighting for equal opportunities in the workplace and employment, the presence of harassment only acts as a sense of de-motivation. Accordingly, the implementation of the law and the effective provisions that are set out for protecting women’s rights and conditions at the workplace can be considered extremely important.

Model Answer 3

When was it first released?

It's bad that women in my nation have never earned their full position, but things are improving, and the government is enacting numerous pieces of legislation to improve women's status in society. The state's constitution prohibiting female foeticide, which was passed a few generations ago, is one such regulation that ought to be praised and cherished. The law stands for Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques 1994 which banned the pre-natal screening of the foetus’ sex and female foeticide. In reality, India is a predominantly male-dominated nation, with parents preferring to have a newborn boy over a baby girl. Parents would get their child's sex determination test done whereas the kid had been in the woman's womb, which was considered misconduct in society at the time. They even had the child aborted if they found out it was a newborn girl. The condition deteriorated to the point that the gender proportion of males and females in my country was drastically skewed. My nation's leadership, seeing the gravity of the problem, passed legislation prohibiting female foeticide.

What exactly does this law entail?

This test is entirely prohibited under this legislation, and anyone who is engaged in this major lawsuit, whether parents or medical specialists, faces a serious penalty. They may even be imprisoned. The nicest thing about just this legislation is that it is carefully enforced. This could be the reason for the drastic change in the scenario. Society's perspective has shifted as well. People are happy to welcome baby girls into their homes. A advanced to the point where females now outnumber males in numerous states.

Why do you like it so much?

I applaud the government for enacting this law since it has significantly enhanced the status of women in society. Because this rule has greatly improved the standing and position of women, it is a good law for law fort and I like it the most.

Check- IELTS Speaking Sample 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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