Cycling is More Environmentally Friendly than Other Forms of Transport IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 28, 2022

Cycling is More Environmentally Friendly than Other Forms of Transport IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the topic. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

Model Answer 1

With technological advancements and the ever growing population, today many people have developed. And developing countries can purchase private vehicles for travel and work purposes. These vehicles emit harmful gasses including greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide - which harms the environment disproportionately. In the rise of pollution and global warming. Individuals are looking at other forms of transport which are environmentally friendly. Cycling is one such form of transport. Which has zero emission and can take up minimum space on the road which reduces traffic congestion as well. But cycling is not so popular in most places and convinces more people to shift to cycling for regular chores. And work purposes so that air pollution can be controlled. Pollution negatively affects lives on earth and is degrading the environment. Therefore, we should collectively work towards increasing and spreading awareness about the benefits of cycling healthwise and environment wise.
There are several prominent reasons why cycling isn’t the desired mode of transportation for most individuals. Firstly, to cycle somewhere takes comparatively more time than other modes of transport. Considering we live in a fast world where we want everything instantly. It’s natural that this disadvantage takes precedence and makes cycling a less attractive option. Secondly, with weather unpredictability cycling to a particular destination can be really inconvenient. As it hardly has any protective shield like cars or buses, where once you’re inside you’re protected from the heat, rain, or cold breeze. But when cycling, you’re exposed to the weather directly. Which makes it less appealing as most places have certain weather aberrations regularly. And most people can’t keep a track of the weather forecast before leaving their house.
Usually, cycling is preferred for short distances as it is time consuming without any protective shields. In order to encourage more and more people to switch to cycling, the governments and the various media platforms should address these issues. And spread awareness in terms of how cycling can be a positive influence on the environment and individual health. For example, to promote health and affordability many Indian colleges today have the system of rented bicycles. Where one can rent a bicycle for a few hours and move around the campus faster, thus inculcating an environmentally friendly positive habit. Therefore, we can see that taking small initiatives like these can go a long way in affecting people’s lifestyles and choices. So, we need to focus on the right message to convince people to shift to cycling and increase its popularity.

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Model Answer 2

Today more than ever, our primary responsibility is to protect the environment at all costs. As the damage done is irrevocable and is affecting individual lives as health issues are getting widespread among humans, animals and marine life. This has compelled humans to find alternatives in every domain of their lives to reduce pollution. Air pollution is a major concern for individuals as we can see its adverse consequences on our health. Today more and more people are suffering from breathing trouble and have to wear masks which filter the air they breathe in. As the air quality is reducing drastically. One of the main reasons to see such a trend in urban areas is because of the continuous emission of harmful gasses from vehicles. Today the number of vehicles on the road has increased exponentially which pollutes the air. Thus making it difficult to breathe. Therefore, we need to start looking for environmentally friendly options out there and embrace them faster to stop further degradation. Cycling is one such form of transportation that will be our focus in this essay.
Cycling is not only environmentally friendly but cycling regularly has several health benefits as well. Therefore one should take a serious look at this affordable option which can solve one of the major problems we face today. But cycling is not popular in many places as it is not considered the ideal mode of transport. In a society, where inequality is quite high, people who cycle are usually the ones who belong to the poorer section of the society. Who cannot afford private vehicles. This class divide greatly influences the decision of owning private vehicles. And as the purchasing power of individuals increases the people who used to cycle switch cars. This issue needs to be addressed and people should be encouraged. To switch to cycling without looking at it as a class identifier. In countries like India, where the income distribution is highly unequal with more than half of the population below the poverty line. The class divide is prominent and is discriminated against. Therefore, the government needs to first address the class issue in order to get rid of these preconceived notions. Before encouraging individuals to shift to cycling.
Secondly, cycling should be promoted along the lines of health benefits. Since cycling requires every individual to burn their own energy to cover distances. This helps people to stay healthy as nowadays since everything is automated. People tend to get lethargic and sit in front of screens for long hours which causes health problems. Hospitals, doctors, trainers, health instructors should focus more on the benefits of cycling to encourage the shift towards a healthy lifestyle. This way cycling can be seen in a positive light, thus gaining the much needed popularity.

Model Answer 3

Cycling is not a new innovation but rather has been a prominent mode of transport. Since its origin and has become less popular with more sophisticated forms of transport. But these vehicles have a negative effect on the environment. As they emit harmful gasses into the atmosphere and contaminate the air we breathe in. So, it’s time to look back to a more eco-friendly solution that will cause minimum damage to the environment. Cycling is one such mode of transportation which has zero emission. And also takes up minimum space on road and for parking thus saving space. But cycling has certain disadvantages for which more private vehicles are preferred over it. And in order to change the narrative around the same, the government should first address the issues and find ways to encourage this practice.
Cycling is not only time-consuming as compared to other modes of transportation. But also can lead to more accidents as today roads are constructed in a way that is better suited for cars. And buses which makes people riding cycles more vulnerable to road accidents. Cycling is also not popular in many places as it requires too much human energy which many feel can be counterproductive when going to work. Cycling to work can lead to exhaustion and not performing one's task diligently. These reasons are dominant in most places where cycling is not popular. So the government should first find solutions to these problems by building separate cycling zones. Along the main area where only cycling is allowed which can reduce accidents. Media platforms should focus on the health benefits of cycling and show how cycling to work is a healthy habit one should pursue. Companies can incentivize employees who cycle to work which would make more people switch to cycling.
For cycling to gain popularity, humans should be aware of its benefits and should also find it a safe mode of transport with minimum risks.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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