Conversation with a Group of Students Filling out an Evaluation Form - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

IELTS Listening section tests a candidate’s proficiency in properly understanding conversations and monologues. This topic - A conversation with a group of students filling out an evaluation form is IELTS listening part three. The following are the IELTS listening question types:

  • Identifying information
  • Table completion

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Audio Transcript:

You will hear a group of students filling out an evaluation form for one of their classes.

First you have some time to look at questions 21 to 23.

(Pause the recording for 30 seconds)

Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 23

E = Ethan, L = Lily, J = Joshua

L: Joshua! Ethan! Wait; don't leave yet. We have to fill in an evaluation form to hand in with our final project.

E: Not another one! We've done one of these forms after each project all term! It's a bit of a waste of time, if you ask me.

L: They just want to give us a chance to have our say about the project.

E: But I haven't much of an opinion about it either way. It's just a project.

J: Yeah, but if you did?

E: Then it wouldn't be a waste of time I suppose; what's your point?

J: Just say you have no opinion; what's the problem with that?

E: You're right; I'll do that. And it'll be easier than making something up! But even if we had issues and wrote them down, do, you think anyone reads them? I rather doubt it.

L: Of course they do! Remember in the first term, when there were some problems with people in some groups not doing their fair share of the work? There were lots of comments about this on the evaluation forms, and so Dr. Smith came and talked to us about it, and decided to add the individual evaluation forms so we could each evaluate our other group members' effort. That was a really important outcome.

J: See, Ethan, without the evaluation forms, we wouldn't have the opportunity to report what a slacker you are!

E: Come on! I’ve done as much work as anyone!

L Yeah, it's easy to joke around because we're a good team. My last team wasn't so good though, and I was really grateful for those forms.

E: Ok - let's get it done so we can go.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 24 to 30.

(Pause the recording for 30 seconds)

Now listen and answer questions 24 to 30.

L: Okay, first we have to rate the project from one to five, and comment on any good or bad points.

J: We do this part together?

L Yeah. What do you think? Four?

E: Yeah, why not?

J: Urn... Why four and not five? I don't really think there was much wrong with it. It was a good project. The tasks were well thought out. Not like the last one where one of the tasks was impossible because there was no research on the subject.

L: I agree with you, Josh. There weren't technically any problems with the project. It's just that I like projects to have a sort of practical point, you know, we should see some sort of reason for doing it. Other than the grade, of course. If it had some sort of real-world application, it would have been perfect. What do you think Ethan?

E: I don't know. Why don't we give it a four point five?

L: That's a good idea. Can we do that?

J: I don't see why not. And I agree. Four point five.

L: So what about good points? Josh said it's well thought out; anything else?

E: I liked having a choice between two topics. I mean, some topics just don't interest some people.

L: Yes, you're right. Unfortunately I thought they were both boring! I'm sounding a bit negative, aren't I? I can't think of any specific good points.

E: That's alright. Let's move on to the bad points.

L You're eager to go, aren't you?

E: Yeah. I'm going camping tomorrow and I have to pack! But back to the topic. I haven't got an opinion about bad points; Lily's already said her share, what about you Joshua? Any complaints?

J: No, I think it was a good project. Um... If I had to say something I guess it would be the time scale. I think they should have given us more time to do this final project since it was a larger part of our grade. But I 'don't think that's a big deal.

L: Ok. I think we're done. We just have to do the individual evaluation forms and that's it.

Section 3

Questions 21-30


Choose your answer from the box and write the letters A – F.

Which opinion does each person express about filling out the evaluation forms?

  1. They encourage students to work hard.
  2. Important changes have been made because of the forms.
  3. We could be judged because of what we write.
  4. It is alright to say that you don’t have an opinion.
  5. Probably no one reads them anyway.
  6. They are required; if we don’t do them we will get bad marks.

Joshua 21________

Answer: D

Explanation: According to Joshua, it is fine to tell that they don’t have any opinion in the evaluation forms.

Also check:

Ethan 22________

Answer: E

Explanation: According to Ethan, most people don’t even read the evaluations forms anyway.

Lily 23________

Answer: B

Explanation: According to Lily, many important changes have been made after consulting the evaluation forms.


Complete the table below.


Opinions about the project: Lily Joshua Ethan
Initial Suggested Rating 24________ 25________ 26________
Good Points nothing specific 27________ choice between 28________
Bad Points no practical point/ choices were both 29________ should have given us 30________ no opinion

Question 24:

Answer: 4

Explanation: According to Lily, the rating that should be given to the project is 4.

Question 25:

Answer: 5

Explanation: Joshua questioned why to rate four as it is not much wrong with it. So, they could rate it 5.

Question 26:

Answer: 4.5

Explanation: Ethan asked why couldn’t they rate the evaluation forms 4.5.

Question 27:

Answer: well thought out

Explanation: According to Lily, the good point was, the evaluation form was well thought out.

Question 28:

Answer: two topics

Explanation: Ethan liked the choice of having two options.

Question 29:

Answer: boring

Explanation: Though Lily thought that both the answer choices were borin.

Question 30:

Answer: more time

Explanation: Joshua told that the form should have been given to them to solve it.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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