Conversation between Training College Students and their Liaison Officer - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

Collegedunia Team

Oct 28, 2021

IELTS Listening section contains two conversations and monologues. Candidates need to answer a total of 40 IELTS Listening questions. This topic - A conversation between training college students and their liaison officer is IELTS listening part three. Candidates need to answer the following IELTS listening question types:

  • Fill in the blanks
  • Summary completion

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Audio Transcript:

You will hear a conversation between two training college students and their liaison officer who is enrolling them in a volunteer program which provides English language support in a local secondary school. First, you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25.

Listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25.

Officer: Come in and sit down Lester, Sharon. I can see you're keen to know more. To start with, I’d just like to say that we value volunteers highly and recognize their importance and assistance in the provision of quality education.

Lester: Thank you. We're looking forward to helping out. But what exactly can we do?

Officer: Volunteers can undertake a range of tasks. In general, they enrich the English language program and complement the contributions of salaried staff members.

Sharon: Yes, but what would we do specifically?

Officer: Oh a variety of tasks. For instance, you can tutor individual students in a reading.

Lester: I thought that might be the case.

Officer: But you can also help students edit their written responses.

Lester: Great. Is that also a one-on-one activity?

Officer: Oh, yes definitely. But volunteers are also called on to assist in designated classes.

Sharon: And what exactly would we do there?

Officer: Well, it depends on the class of course, but usually you take on the role of an assistant

Lester: A teacher's assistant.

Officer: Yes, that's it.

Sharon: Sounds like fun and good preparation for our own careers.

Officer: Then, an enormous area of assistance is developing students’ organizational skills.

Lester: Yes, I can imagine that's why some of them are struggling in the first place.

Officer: There's also the special needs unit. They always need volunteers there,

Sharon: But we have no training in special needs.

Officer: That's not necessary. These students just really appreciate having any extra attention. Sometimes help with the simplest things like holding a pen correctly.

Lester: aah...Well, that's something for all able-bodied students should learn. I've noticed some of the strangest pen grips amongst my peers and I'm sure they must end up with sore hand or shoulder muscles at the end of the day.

Officer: Yes. I'm sure you're right. The other task I'd like you to help out with is encouraging and improving the students' work ethic.

Sharon: Oh, I can't imagine that'll be easy.

Officer: No, but it is important and I can give you some training in that field.

Lester: That'll be good.

Officer: I should also point out that you'll be working alongside quality teachers, at times who are not only caring role models, but excellent motivators.

Sharon: Well, we should learn a lot from them.

Officer: Yes, the teachers you'll be assigned to are innovative and very responsive to the different needs of individual students.

Lester: If that's true, they must be adept at a variety of teaching styles.

Officer: Quite right, you know part of my mission is to forge close partnerships between experienced teachers and trainees like yourselves. As far as I can see, everyone has something to gain from the exchange of information and skills. Not just the students you're helping.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 26 to 30.

Now listen and answer questions 26 to 30.

Officer: There are a number of interesting developments going on at the moment and I've chosen you two, because of your varied academic backgrounds. Now you, Sharon

Sharon: I majored in business studies before I came to teachers training College.

Officer: Yes, exactly.

Lester: Well, I've always been more interested in Science, Marine biology in particular.

Officer: Yes. I think it's quite exciting. The school you're going to assist at is augmenting the number of vocational learning experiences offered within its subjects. Educational philosophy these days seems to recognize the importance of increasing practical components in the curriculum. Areas of development being pursued include building and construction, agriculture, business education and hospitality, but the marine studies course is already well developed.

Lester: Oh.. now, I see where we fit in.

Officer: You'll find that the school has an excellent library and audio-visual collection. There are three computer laboratories and a special needs network with six stations.

Lester: aah…...They are well equipped.

Officer: Mmm. Wait till you see their Independent Learning Center.

Lester: What's so special about their ILC?

Officer: They have the most sophisticated self-learning software I've ever seen in this region of the country.

Lester: Really?uh-huh..

Officer: And there's a wide number of extracurricular activities and extensive sporting programs

Lester: Oh! sport, not my thing at all.

Officer: Well, no, maybe not but they also promote students participation in different scholastic competitions.

Lester: I'm impressed. I think we're going to enjoy this.

Questions 21-30


Answer the questions below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

  1. According to the liaison officer, what do volunteers help provide? ____________

Answer: quality education

Explanation: According to the liaison officer, the volunteers help provide quality education to the students.

Also check:

  1. What can volunteers help students check and correct? ____________

Answer: written responses

Explanation: According to the conversation, the volunteers help students check and correct the written responses.

  1. What aspect of students’ self-management can volunteers assist greatly with improving? ____________

Answer: organization skills

Explanation: An enormous area of assistance was provided in organizational skills to the students.

  1. What will volunteers try to develop in the students so that they exert themselves more? ____________

Answer: work ethic

Explanation: Volunteers tried to develop in the students work ethic so that they exert themselves more.

  1. What is it that teachers have that allows them to respond to individual student requirements? ____________

Answer: teaching style

Explanation: The teachers had that allowed them to respond to individual student requirement’s was the teachign style.


Complete the summary below using phrases from the list.
Choose your answers from the list and write the letters A-H.

  1. vocational learning experiences
  2. practical components
  3. self-learning software
  4. academic backgrounds
  5. marine studies
  6. interesting developments
  7. scholastic competitions
  8. Building and construction

Sharon and Jester have different 26 _______ Sharon studied business while Lester studied science.

They are volunteering to help out at a school which is increasing its students’ 27_______ in a number of subject areas. The 28_______ programme is well underway. It’s a well-equipped school and the liaison officer is particularly impressed by the 29_______ The school offers many things to do outside the curriculum and students are encouraged to take part in 30_______

Question 26:

Answer: D

Explanation: According to the conversation, Sharon and Jester have different academic backgrounds.

Question 27:

Answer: A

Explanation: According to the conversation, the volunteers are helping at a school that is helping to increase its vocational experiences.

Question 28:

Answer: E

Explanation: According to the conversation, the marine studies program is well developed.

Question 29:

Answer: C

Explanation: The liaison officer is impressed by the self-learning software.

Question 30:

Answer: G

Explanation: The students are encouraged to take part in extracurricular activities.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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